Aus der Branche

62 Ergebnisse

ROICA™ at Interfilière Paris with three partners

As Interfilière Paris is approaching, ROICA™ introduces its three partners that will exhibit at the fair focusing on intimate wear: Iluna Group, Innova Fabrics and Lauma Elastic.

Iluna Group
Iluna Group is specialized in the production of lingerie and fine fabrics. The company is known for its commitment to sustainability, using eco-high-tech materials and adopting responsible production practices. Its product line includes a wide range of lace, embroidery, and delicate fabrics.

As Interfilière Paris is approaching, ROICA™ introduces its three partners that will exhibit at the fair focusing on intimate wear: Iluna Group, Innova Fabrics and Lauma Elastic.

Iluna Group
Iluna Group is specialized in the production of lingerie and fine fabrics. The company is known for its commitment to sustainability, using eco-high-tech materials and adopting responsible production practices. Its product line includes a wide range of lace, embroidery, and delicate fabrics.

Innova Fabrics
Innova Fabrics produces innovative and high-quality fabrics. It stands out for its ability to combine textile tradition with advanced technologies and offering a range of fabrics for various applications, as fashion, furnishings, and technical textiles.
I LOVE RF: the residual free (RF) line, aimed at reducing the impact of microplastics, is made with 84% Sensil Biocare polyamide and16% ROICA™ V550. PARIS SPECIAL V550: it weighs 180 g/m2, has a height of 160 cm and is composed of 86% TENCEL and 14% ROICA™ V550. RYON RF: part of the “residual free” (RF) line, the Ryon RF fabric is developed using Sensil Biocare polyamide and ROICA™ V550. This combination is designed to minimize the residual persistence of polyamide and elastomer in the environment.

Lauma Elastic
Lauma Elastic is a brand for quality textile and medical materials with a long heritage and constant innovation. Today Lauma is focused on innovation and committed to introducing environmentally friendly, new technologies into the textiles industry. The company presents its fabric 323309 with Tencel™ (84%) and ROICA™ V550 (16%), weight 165cm x 350g, primarily used for sports and yoga leggings for its characteristics of softness and durability.


ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei


Asahi Kasei presents fibrillation finishing technology and LCA study report

Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei presents its Velutine™ Evo brand, a finishing refinement technology developed by the Japanese laboratories of Asahi Kasei for Bemberg™. It offers a new way to generate fibrillation, featuring fabrics with a more “quiet-relaxed” appearance combined with a delicate and sensitive touch. VelutineTM Evo also brings environmental, global warming (CO2 emission) and water profiles for the benefit of BembergTM partners in the manufacture.

Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei presents its Velutine™ Evo brand, a finishing refinement technology developed by the Japanese laboratories of Asahi Kasei for Bemberg™. It offers a new way to generate fibrillation, featuring fabrics with a more “quiet-relaxed” appearance combined with a delicate and sensitive touch. VelutineTM Evo also brings environmental, global warming (CO2 emission) and water profiles for the benefit of BembergTM partners in the manufacture.

The roll out of the evolved VelutineTM Evo technology will start its journey and activation with Infinity, a BembergTM partner and textile manufacturer located in Rovereto, in the Trentino Alto Adige area of Italy. Research and experimentation with new materials and finishings are part of Infinity’s daily work and results are guaranteed through attention to traceability, the use of certifications, and quality control throughout the process. Each material is closely selected from a sustainability standpoint, while the chemical impact of treating textiles is something that they also take extremely seriously. Infinity guarantees the traceability of every product that they make. Every step of the working process can be traced, thanks to a network of trusted suppliers who share their ethos and values.

Asahi Kasei is also releasing the LCA study report - Life Cycle Assessment. The study evaluated and quantified the environmental impact indicators associated with the technological processes involved in the production of BembergTM dyed fabric through the application of the traditional technology of fibrillation. LCA report study made by Centro Tessile Serico Sostenibile confirms all the projected data savings:

  • Global Warming Potential: 30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions
  • Water consumption for ennobling process: 40% reduction

Asahi Kasei / C.L.A.S.S. Eco Hub

Bemberg™ and Anita Dongre collaborate for ‘Azure’ Collection (c) Anita Dongre

Bemberg™ and Anita Dongre collaborate for ‘Azure’ Collection

Bemberg™, a brand of cupro fibre by Asahi Kasei Corporation, Japan, announces its collaboration with luxury couture label Anita Dongre to unveil the ‘Azure’ collection.

Anita Dongre, known for her timeless elegance and commitment to sustainability, has integrated Bemberg™ yarn into the ‘Azure’ collection, symbolizing a dedication to responsible fashion practices. Bemberg™ yarn, sourced from Asahi Kasei in Japan, embodies luxury and environmental responsibility.

The ‘Azure’ collection captures the serene essence of the sea, evoking the tranquil ebb and flow of waves against a backdrop of pristine skies. With soft hues and delicate color palettes, the collection introduces a fresh, breezy aesthetic, featuring flowy dresses, kaftans, and elegant sets designed to elevate the simplicity of spring-summer fashion.

Bemberg™, a brand of cupro fibre by Asahi Kasei Corporation, Japan, announces its collaboration with luxury couture label Anita Dongre to unveil the ‘Azure’ collection.

Anita Dongre, known for her timeless elegance and commitment to sustainability, has integrated Bemberg™ yarn into the ‘Azure’ collection, symbolizing a dedication to responsible fashion practices. Bemberg™ yarn, sourced from Asahi Kasei in Japan, embodies luxury and environmental responsibility.

The ‘Azure’ collection captures the serene essence of the sea, evoking the tranquil ebb and flow of waves against a backdrop of pristine skies. With soft hues and delicate color palettes, the collection introduces a fresh, breezy aesthetic, featuring flowy dresses, kaftans, and elegant sets designed to elevate the simplicity of spring-summer fashion.

Weitere Informationen:
Bemberg™ Asahi Kasei Anita Dongre

C.L.A.S.S. Eco Hub


ROICA™ expands its innovation and partnerships

The ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei team knows that value creation is the foundation of contemporary business. Its team is ready to take ROICA™ to the next level, responding to market demand innovations, whilst sharing its latest responsible production system with a new generation of consumer.

For this reason, the ROICA™ strategy is based on two key elements:
First, a focus on responsible innovation, able to respond to new market needs and desires without harming the environment or society at large. Thanks to the certified and eco-high tech ROICA Eco-Smart™ family, Asahi Kasei is able to meet responsible business needs and contemporary consumers’ desire for a modern wardrobe that represents a new generation of values.

Second, the dawn of ROICA™ has fueled a consolidation of partnerships along the whole supply chain through conversations and collaborations with companies sharing ROICA™’s values, including: Artistic Milliners, CIFRA, Dresdner Spitzen, Iluna Group, Innova Fabrics, Maglificio Ripa, Penn Italia - Penn Textile Solutions GmbH, Sitip S.p.A. and Tessitura Colombo.

The ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei team knows that value creation is the foundation of contemporary business. Its team is ready to take ROICA™ to the next level, responding to market demand innovations, whilst sharing its latest responsible production system with a new generation of consumer.

For this reason, the ROICA™ strategy is based on two key elements:
First, a focus on responsible innovation, able to respond to new market needs and desires without harming the environment or society at large. Thanks to the certified and eco-high tech ROICA Eco-Smart™ family, Asahi Kasei is able to meet responsible business needs and contemporary consumers’ desire for a modern wardrobe that represents a new generation of values.

Second, the dawn of ROICA™ has fueled a consolidation of partnerships along the whole supply chain through conversations and collaborations with companies sharing ROICA™’s values, including: Artistic Milliners, CIFRA, Dresdner Spitzen, Iluna Group, Innova Fabrics, Maglificio Ripa, Penn Italia - Penn Textile Solutions GmbH, Sitip S.p.A. and Tessitura Colombo.

Weitere Informationen:
ROICA™ ROICA Eco-Smart™ Asahi Kasei

ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei

(c) Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding GmbH
Judith Marquant von der Modeschule Esmod in Paris während der Präsentation ihres ausgezeichneten Designs

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel: Gewinner von "Fashioning Sustainability"

Insgesamt 20 europäische Mode- und Designschulen nahmen am 2. „Fashioning Sustainability"-Wettbewerb von Freudenberg Performance Materials und den Co-Branding-Partnern Macpi und Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei aus der Textilindustrie teil.

Freudenberg hatte junge talentierte Designerinnen und -designer aufgerufen, Ideen für nachhaltige Kleidung auszugestalten und einzureichen. Der Wettbewerb sollte zeigen, dass Nachhaltigkeit ein Schlüsselfaktor in der Modeindustrie ist.

Zwei der innovativsten Outfits jeder Schule wurden für die Endrunde ausgewählt und im Mai in der Mailänder Eventlocation "Bagni Misteriosi" einer internationalen Jury präsentiert. Modedesign-Experten und -Meinungsführer sowie Journalisten waren aufgefordert, die nachhaltigsten Entwürfe in den Kategorien "Technologie" und "Design" auszuwählen.

Insgesamt 20 europäische Mode- und Designschulen nahmen am 2. „Fashioning Sustainability"-Wettbewerb von Freudenberg Performance Materials und den Co-Branding-Partnern Macpi und Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei aus der Textilindustrie teil.

Freudenberg hatte junge talentierte Designerinnen und -designer aufgerufen, Ideen für nachhaltige Kleidung auszugestalten und einzureichen. Der Wettbewerb sollte zeigen, dass Nachhaltigkeit ein Schlüsselfaktor in der Modeindustrie ist.

Zwei der innovativsten Outfits jeder Schule wurden für die Endrunde ausgewählt und im Mai in der Mailänder Eventlocation "Bagni Misteriosi" einer internationalen Jury präsentiert. Modedesign-Experten und -Meinungsführer sowie Journalisten waren aufgefordert, die nachhaltigsten Entwürfe in den Kategorien "Technologie" und "Design" auszuwählen.

Die Gewinner
In der Kategorie „Technologie“ ging der erste Preis an Judith Marquant, der zweite an Jagoda Sokolowska. Beide studieren an der Fashion School Esmod in Paris. In der Kategorie „Design“ gingen die beiden ersten Preise nach Italien: an Ilaria De Martino vom Fashion Institute Modartech und an Xiaodan Liao von Polimoda. Die Erstplatzierten erhielten jeweils ein Preisgeld in Höhe von 2.000 Euro, die Zeitplatzierten je 1.000 Euro.

Alle Teilnehmenden profitierten in Mailand von der Gelegenheit, sich mit führenden Akteuren der Bekleidungsindustrie zu vernetzen und weitere konkrete Schritte zur Verwirklichung der Nachhaltigkeit kennenzulernen: Mehr Nachhaltigkeit in der Modeindustrie bedeutet, den Materialfluss von Kleidung zu reduzieren und sowohl eine nachhaltige Produktion als auch einen nachhaltigen Konsum zu fördern.

Die Mitglieder der Jury:
Cristiano Zanetti, Sales Director Italy, Freudenberg Performance Materials
Maurizio Cazzin, Male Modeller, Maison Giorgio Armani
Riccardo Bullio, Apparel Industrial Division Director, Dolce & Gabbana
Caterina Cuoghi, Industrial Director, Area NYC
Simone Bigi, Style and Product Office Manager FAY line, Gruppo TOD’S
Roberto Cibin, Model and Pattern Development Manager, Caruso
Bruno Landi, Sales Director, Vitale Barberis Canonico
Luisella Allegretti, Pattern Designer Boss MW Business Specialist, Hugo Boss
Eugenio Balordi, Product Manager, Maison Margiela
Ettore Pellegrini, Sales and Marketing Manager, Asahi Kasei Fibers Italia


Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding GmbH

Photo Pure Denim

PureDenim & Bemberg ™: “Blue di Cupro” collection at Pitti Uomo

In occasion of the next edition of Pitti Uomo, Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei – the unique fiber with a circular economy footprint obtained from cotton linters through a closed-loop process ensuring certified sustainability credentials through its transparent and traceable approach- reveals a very special Bemberg™ fabrics smart range dedicated to premium denimwear.

In occasion of the next edition of Pitti Uomo, Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei – the unique fiber with a circular economy footprint obtained from cotton linters through a closed-loop process ensuring certified sustainability credentials through its transparent and traceable approach- reveals a very special Bemberg™ fabrics smart range dedicated to premium denimwear.

This has been made possible thanks to the partnership with PureDenim, a leading Italian company whose strategy since 10 years is based on an entire re-design of the production system, inspired by circular economy principles that combines technology and innovative materials in order to offer the highest levels of design, innovation and real responsible values derived from an holistic approach to sustainability.
The “Blue di Cupro” collection is made with seven fabrics made with Bemberg™, either 100% Bemberg™ or in blend with cotton, wool, and it applies the most advanced Pure Denim Technologies. The Blue di cupro fabrics made with Bemberg™ will also be dyed with “Smart Indigo” an indigo dye technology internally produced by PureDenim, through a chemical-free production. The only elements involved are: water, indigo pigments, and electricity. In terms of finishing, fabrics’ looks and performances are enhanced by the “Eco Sonic” ultrasounds finishing technology which brings significant reduction of water used, increased aesthetic features and controlled discoloration. And last but not least every yarn used at PureDenim is protected by NaturalReco® a 100% natural product that completely SUBSTITUTE the use of plastic films that are one of the key causes of microplastic emission for denim application.

“Blue” seems to be the new colour of Bemberg™, in fact, the company in early November 2022 announced, at the Blue Friday initiative by UNESCO's Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), the achievement of the OK biodegradable MARINE certification, which guarantees the biodegradability of its products even in the marine environment, as certified by TÜV AUSTRIA, meaning a lot in the context of microplastics in water issue solutions. This Bemberg™ certification’s achievement comes on top of other key ones such as the INNOVHUB report that confirms Bemberg™ biodegradability in soil without releasing hazardous substances, the RCS by Textile Exchange, and the Oeko-Tex Standard 100 and ISO 14001 corporate certifications.



(c) ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei

Asahi Kasei Group celebrates 100 years at ISPO Munich 2022

The Japanese textile brand ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei Advance continues its eco-high tech path and joins ISPO, the influential fashion and textile fair dedicated to sportwear and athleisure-wear, as part of an Asahi Kasei space within the ISPO Brandnew area, presenting its AW 2024/2025 & SS2024 collections, made of high-tech fabrics implementing new-generation values, with the aim of keeping nature, body and mind in harmony.

2022 is a special time for Asahi Kasei as it celebrates its 100th anniversary. This year at ISPO Munich (28-30th November), Asahi Kasei Group present its innovation world featuring three of its brands: ECOSENSOR™, ROICA™ and RespiGard™.
ECOSENSOR™ presents 47 new references that meet the needs of the contemporary consumer, such as durability, wellbeing and performance. Being capable of combining active climate control, exquisite touch, lightness and comfort with sustainable values, ECOSENSOR™ stands out as a unique eco-high-tech performance proposition in its market. The collection covers the different market applications with 3 items for INNERWEAR, 1 for OUTERWEAR, 13 for SPORT KNIT and 30 for SPORT WOVENS.

The Japanese textile brand ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei Advance continues its eco-high tech path and joins ISPO, the influential fashion and textile fair dedicated to sportwear and athleisure-wear, as part of an Asahi Kasei space within the ISPO Brandnew area, presenting its AW 2024/2025 & SS2024 collections, made of high-tech fabrics implementing new-generation values, with the aim of keeping nature, body and mind in harmony.

2022 is a special time for Asahi Kasei as it celebrates its 100th anniversary. This year at ISPO Munich (28-30th November), Asahi Kasei Group present its innovation world featuring three of its brands: ECOSENSOR™, ROICA™ and RespiGard™.
ECOSENSOR™ presents 47 new references that meet the needs of the contemporary consumer, such as durability, wellbeing and performance. Being capable of combining active climate control, exquisite touch, lightness and comfort with sustainable values, ECOSENSOR™ stands out as a unique eco-high-tech performance proposition in its market. The collection covers the different market applications with 3 items for INNERWEAR, 1 for OUTERWEAR, 13 for SPORT KNIT and 30 for SPORT WOVENS.

New this season is the application of the RespiGard™ by Polypore unique membrane designed for outdoor apparel. Its innovative pore structure is too small for water droplets to penetrate but features high porosity that allows for airflow and moisture evaporation.

In order to show at best the performances and possible applications of the fabrics made with RespiGard™, ECOSENSOR™ will feature at its ISPO space an ad hoc created outfit by the outerwear brand.

Furthermore, the majority of ECOSENSOR™ fabrics are made with sustainable ingredients which are certified by international certifications such as GRS and RCS through a traceable and transparent production process and supply chain.  100% of the stretch articles (representing 35% of the collection) are made with ROICA™ EF by Asahi Kasei, the recycled stretch yarn made from pre-consumer materials. Even the dyeing and finishing phases - key moments for performancewear - have been certified by international labels such as bluesign® or OEKO-TEX® Standard 100.


ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei / C.L.A.S.S..

Photo: C.L.A.S.S.

Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei taking part at White Sustainable Milano

  • New fibre with a circular economy footprint obtained from cotton linters through a closed-loop process
  • September 22-25, 2022, WSM-White Sustainable Milano, Visconti pavilion

For the second time in a row Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei takes part to White Sustainable Milano, the first fashion trade show entirely dedicated to the research and focus on new materials and technologies able to lead to a real ecological transition, developed in collaboration with Giusy Bettoni, CEO and founder C.L.A.S.S., and Marco Poli, Founder of The Style Lift.

After becoming a leader in formalwear lining, in the latest decade this fiber by Asahi Kasei has been able to evolve towards new consumer needs and desires, moving itself towards many different applications such as intimate, fashion, formalwear and activewear. Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei arrives at WSM with a new step into its journey and evolution in contemporary style with a new Staple-fibre that unlocks creative paths towards mew aesthetics, touch and sustainability.

  • New fibre with a circular economy footprint obtained from cotton linters through a closed-loop process
  • September 22-25, 2022, WSM-White Sustainable Milano, Visconti pavilion

For the second time in a row Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei takes part to White Sustainable Milano, the first fashion trade show entirely dedicated to the research and focus on new materials and technologies able to lead to a real ecological transition, developed in collaboration with Giusy Bettoni, CEO and founder C.L.A.S.S., and Marco Poli, Founder of The Style Lift.

After becoming a leader in formalwear lining, in the latest decade this fiber by Asahi Kasei has been able to evolve towards new consumer needs and desires, moving itself towards many different applications such as intimate, fashion, formalwear and activewear. Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei arrives at WSM with a new step into its journey and evolution in contemporary style with a new Staple-fibre that unlocks creative paths towards mew aesthetics, touch and sustainability.

A new yarn range that expands the company’s realm of applications for the fashion and luxury industry, including also knitwear, jersey and casualwear. Indeed, the fibre comes with a circular economy footprint obtained from cotton linters through a closed-loop process. Bemberg™ also ensures certified sustainability credentials through its transparent and traceable approach.

At WSM fair, the company proves it by unveiling a collection of t-shirts developed in collaboration with the MagnoLab smart network of Italian companies. Circular economy and environmental responsibility meet aesthetic research with a collaborative imprint.

The new t-shirt collection created in synergy with MagnoLab, a network of Biella-based companies bringing forward initiative and collabs related to sustainability and circular economy. Staple-fibre is the top ingredient of the collection. The cut t-shirts are presented both in sheer and blends with other certified fibers, including GOTS cottons and RWS wools, capable of enhancing both the hand of the final garment and the performance of the brand-new yarn.



(c) AZL. Vergleich Batteriegehäuse in Modul-Bauweise und „Cell-to-Pack“-Bauweise.
Vergleich Batteriegehäuse in Modul-Bauweise und „Cell-to-Pack“-Bauweise

AZL: Kunststoffbasierte Multimateriallösungen für Cell-to-Pack-Batteriegehäuse

Die Zukunft der E-Mobilität wird insbesondere von sicheren Batteriegehäusen mitbestimmt. Wenn Batterien für Elektrofahrzeuge immer leistungsfähiger werden, spielt die höhere volumetrische Energiedichte eine entscheidende Rolle. Soll in weniger Bauraum mehr Energie gespeichert werden, sind neue Material- und Designlösungen gefragt. Und die Entwicklung passender Gehäuse aus hochsicheren und hochstabilen Leichtbaumaterialien. Am Aachener Zentrum für integrativen Leichtbau (AZL) startet im Oktober 2022 ein Projekt zu Cell-to-Pack-Batteriegehäusen für batterieelektrische Fahrzeuge.

Die Zukunft der E-Mobilität wird insbesondere von sicheren Batteriegehäusen mitbestimmt. Wenn Batterien für Elektrofahrzeuge immer leistungsfähiger werden, spielt die höhere volumetrische Energiedichte eine entscheidende Rolle. Soll in weniger Bauraum mehr Energie gespeichert werden, sind neue Material- und Designlösungen gefragt. Und die Entwicklung passender Gehäuse aus hochsicheren und hochstabilen Leichtbaumaterialien. Am Aachener Zentrum für integrativen Leichtbau (AZL) startet im Oktober 2022 ein Projekt zu Cell-to-Pack-Batteriegehäusen für batterieelektrische Fahrzeuge.

Der Aufbau von Batteriegehäusen ist entscheidend für die Sicherheit, Kapazität, Leistung und Wirtschaftlichkeit. Im Cell-to-Pack-Projekt wird die Entwicklung von Konzepten für Bauteile und deren Produktion auf Basis verschiedener Materialien und Konstruktionstechniken vorangetrieben. Die Konzepte werden in Bezug auf Leistung, Gewicht und Produktionskosten verglichen, so dass für OEM, Produzenten und deren Zulieferer in der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette von Batteriefahrzeugen neues Know-how entsteht. Unternehmen sind eingeladen, sich an diesem neuen, branchenübergreifenden Projekt zu beteiligen, um Batteriegehäusekonzepte für die vielversprechende und zukunftssichere Cell-to-Pack-Technologie zu entwickeln.

Basis für das Projekt ist die Leichtbau-Kompetenz der AZL-Experten, die sie bereits in früheren Projekten für Multimateriallösungen bei modul-basierten Batteriegehäusen gezeigt haben. Gemeinsam mit 46 Industriepartnern, darunter unter anderem Audi, Asahi Kasei, Covestro, DSM, EconCore, Faurecia, Hutchinson, Johns Manville, Magna, Marelli and Teijin, wurden 20 verschiedene Multimaterialkonzepte hinsichtlich Gewicht und Kosten optimiert und mit einem Referenzbauteil aus Aluminium verglichen. Alle Produktionsschritte wurden im Detail modelliert, um zuverlässige Kostenschätzungen für jede Variante zu erhalten. Es konnten je nach Konzept 20 % Gewichts- bzw. 36 % Kosteneinsparpotenzial durch den Einsatz von Multimaterial-Verbundwerkstoffen im Vergleich zur etablierten Aluminiumreferenz identifiziert werden.

Es wird erwartet, dass sich das Aufbaukonzept der Batteriegehäuse in Richtung eines effizienteren Layouts entwickeln wird. Hierbei werden die Zellen nicht mehr in zusätzlichen Arbeitsschritten in Modulen zusammengefasst, sondern direkt in das Batteriegehäuse integriert. Durch die Einsparung von Batteriemodulen und verbesserter, gewichtssparender Raumausnutzung wird eine höhere Packungsdichte ermöglicht, eine geringere Bauhöhe erzielt und Kosten eingespart. Zusätzlich werden verschiedene Ausbaustufen der konstruktiven Integration des Batteriegehäuses in die Karosseriestruktur erwartet. Diese neuen Designs bringen spezifische Herausforderungen, unter anderem zur Gewährleistung des Schutzes der Batteriezellen vor Beschädigung durch äußere Einflüsse sowie des Brandschutzes mit sich. Darüber hinaus können unterschiedliche Optionen für Recycling und Reparatur die künftigen Konstruktionen erheblich beeinflussen.

Wie die verschiedenen Material- und Strukturoptionen für zukünftige Generationen von Batteriegehäuse für die Cell-to-Pack Technologie aussehen könnten und wie sie in Bezug auf Kosten und Umweltauswirkungen zu vergleichen sind, wird in dem neuen AZL-Projekt untersucht. Neben den Material- und Produktionskonzepten aus der Konzeptstudie für modulbasierte Batteriegehäuse werden auch Ergebnisse eines aktuell laufenden Benchmarkings von verschiedenen Materialien für die Impact-Schutzplatte sowie eine neue Methode zur Ermittlung von mechanischen Eigenschaften während eines Brandtest eingebracht.

Das Projekt startet am 27. Oktober 2022 mit einem Kick-Off Treffen des Konsortiums, interessierte Firmen können sich bis dahin noch für die Teilnahme bewerben.

Weitere Informationen:
AZL AZL Aachen GmbH Batteriepacks


Geno and Aquafil

Geno and Aquafil: Pre-commercial production for plant-based nylon-6

Genomatica (Geno) alongside longtime collaborator Aquafil [ECNL:IM] successfully completed the first demonstration scale production runs for plant-based nylon-6. The material is intended to reshape the $22B nylon industry, enabling brands to meet demand from consumers for sustainable everyday materials from apparel to automotive parts to carpets. Geno and Aquafil have produced the first several tons of plant-based nylon-6 building block caprolactam, have converted it to nylon-6 polymer, and are now in the process of transforming it for evaluation in nylon applications such as yarns for textile and carpet and engineering plastics as part of pre-commercial quantities from demonstration production taking place in Europe.

The companies have been collaborating to first produce pilot-scale quantities of plant-based nylon-6 and have now advanced to produce pre-commercial quantities at demonstration scale which will help determine the final design of future commercial plants. The material will go to leading global brands and their value chain partners who are eager to explore and develop renewable products, create showcase goods and test feedback with customers.

Genomatica (Geno) alongside longtime collaborator Aquafil [ECNL:IM] successfully completed the first demonstration scale production runs for plant-based nylon-6. The material is intended to reshape the $22B nylon industry, enabling brands to meet demand from consumers for sustainable everyday materials from apparel to automotive parts to carpets. Geno and Aquafil have produced the first several tons of plant-based nylon-6 building block caprolactam, have converted it to nylon-6 polymer, and are now in the process of transforming it for evaluation in nylon applications such as yarns for textile and carpet and engineering plastics as part of pre-commercial quantities from demonstration production taking place in Europe.

The companies have been collaborating to first produce pilot-scale quantities of plant-based nylon-6 and have now advanced to produce pre-commercial quantities at demonstration scale which will help determine the final design of future commercial plants. The material will go to leading global brands and their value chain partners who are eager to explore and develop renewable products, create showcase goods and test feedback with customers.

Plant-based nylon-6 is Geno’s third major product line on a path to commercialization. The company has executed high impact deals with a range of brands to accelerate the global commercialization of sustainable materials, with the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 100 million tons in upcoming years. Recent milestones advancing the sustainable materials transition include: a collaboration with lululemon (NASDAQ: LULU) to bring plant-based materials into lululemon’s products, a production milestone with partner Covestro (OTCMKTS: COVTY) for plant-based HMD used in sustainable coatings, and a partnership with Asahi Kasei (OTCMKTS: AHKSY) and a newly formed venture with Unilever (NASDAQ: UL) to commercialize and scale plant-based alternatives to feedstocks like palm oil or fossil fuels, to make key ingredients used in everyday cleaning and personal care products.


method communications


ROICA™ partners at Milano Unica with their stretch-infused fabrics

ROICA™, Asahi Kasei's premium stretch fiber manufacturer, strengthens its presence in the high fashion segment thanks to its established network of partners, who will present their latest innovations - activated by ROICA™ - at the upcoming edition of Milano Unica, taking place at Rho Fiera Milano from 12th to 14th July 2022.

Going more in depth in the offers of ROICA™ partners for this season of Milano Unica, they are:

ROICA™, Asahi Kasei's premium stretch fiber manufacturer, strengthens its presence in the high fashion segment thanks to its established network of partners, who will present their latest innovations - activated by ROICA™ - at the upcoming edition of Milano Unica, taking place at Rho Fiera Milano from 12th to 14th July 2022.

Going more in depth in the offers of ROICA™ partners for this season of Milano Unica, they are:

  • Cifra, which presents its innovative garments for men and women, combining fashion and function. Base layers, tops, leggings and jumpsuits are made with natural yarns, or recycled pre- and post-consumer yarns in combination with ROICA™ EF, the sustainable recycled stretch yarn able to complete proposals that offer design, performance and responsibility. The design of the garments, created in Cifra's design office, offers a perfect shape with body mapping technology that creates dedicated ventilation zones, for a feeling of comfort and freshness as well as an innovative aesthetic impact.
  • Iluna Group, whose journey into the new dimension of responsibility continues with developments in GRS (Global Recycled Standard) certified recycled yarns aimed at unprecedented effects in looks, performance and hands. Brand new for this edition of Première Vision is the inclusion of GOTS-certified organic cotton in GRS-certified galloons and allover lace containing ROICA™ EF, so as to meet market demands for natural comfort in the underwear sphere.
  • Maglificio Ripa, which presents the Splash collection for summer 2024, developed in two major themes, united by the same focus on sustainability that results in the use of recycled pre- and post-consumer polyamide and polyester yarns including ROICA™ EF for the sustainable recycled stretch fiber. The first theme encompasses printed, 3D jacquard fabrics, ennobled by innovative processes that move the bottoms for an organic and sometimes irreverent final look. The second theme embodies a cocoon spirit, enveloping like a caress, soft as a hug.
  • Penn Textile Solutions/Penn Italia, whose highlights of the new collection are on one side fabrics developed with the use of Neride eco yarns by Nurel with ROICA™ V550, characterized by restraining lace effect, soft touch and breathable, in combination with tulle as a sustainable basic, and on the other side charmeuses with soft hand, raw cut in combination with a band fabric from the dreamshape family with reinforced gripping edge, made again in Neride eco yarns by Nurel with ROICA™ V550
  • Piave Maitex, whose orientation is, as always, to present new products with the right  balance between technological innovation and aesthetic look, between fashion and comfort, proposals that include sustainable fabrics made in recycled polyester,  polyamide and the sustainable recycled stretch fiber ROICA™ EF, three-dimensional and optical, perforated, plush effects, made by prioritizing technical functionalities such as waterproofness, breathability, transfer and moisture management, opacity and anti-UV as well as anti-abrasion.
  • Sitip, which is one of the premium partners, together with ROICA™, for the creation of the first Scott Racing Team’s responsible biking uniform. This year, the evolution of research and development has also led to the creation of new responsible shorts, made with NATIVE-THUNDERBIKE POWER fabric by Sitip in recycled polyamide and ROICA™ EF yarn by Asahi Kasei. A fabric designed for high-performance sports, particularly suitable for making cycling pants for its maximum coverage and UV protection - thanks to ECLIPSE Sun Protection technology - breathability, comfort and fit. Also the shirt has been produced with Sitip recycled fabrics - NATIVE-BICIMANIA and NATIVE-PIRATA - made with Asahi Kasei's ROICA™ EF sustainable, stretch and certified recycled yarns.

ROICA™ partners at Première Vision

ROICA™ strengthens its presence in the apparel segment thanks to its established network of partners, who will present their latest innovations at the upcoming Première Vision.

ROICA™ partners are the “artists” and “heartists” of premium stretch in fabrics: because they have at heart all the values for which ROICA™ stands for. These partners presenting at Première Vision are:

ROICA™ strengthens its presence in the apparel segment thanks to its established network of partners, who will present their latest innovations at the upcoming Première Vision.

ROICA™ partners are the “artists” and “heartists” of premium stretch in fabrics: because they have at heart all the values for which ROICA™ stands for. These partners presenting at Première Vision are:

  • Iluna Group, whose journey into the new dimension of responsibility continues with developments in GRS (Global Recycled Standard) certified recycled yarns aimed at unprecedented effects in looks, performance and hands. Brand new for this edition of Première Vision is the inclusion of GOTS-certified organic cotton in GRS-certified galloons and allover lace containing ROICA™ EF, so as to meet market demands for natural comfort in the underwear sphere.
  • Innova Fabrics, which recently enhanced its smart offering by launching the RF (Residual Free) line, with the goal of reducing the impact of microplastics derived from the fashion industry. This is made possible by mixing two responsible ingredients, SENSIL® BioCare by Nilit and ROICA™ V550 by Asahi Kasei, which give birth to both sporty and casual fabrics.
  • Inplet, which enriched its production of smart elastic and rigid knitted fabrics with three new products: a powernet fabric in 77% polyamide RECO and 23% ROICA™ EF with good recovery; a net fabric in 55% polyamide RECO and 45% ROICA™ EF characterized by a soft hand and good elasticity; and a 79% polyamide and 21% ROICA™ V550 good power, good recovery and a soft touch.
  • Penn Textile Solutions/Penn Italia, whose highlights of the new collection are on one side fabrics developed with the use of Neride eco yarns by Nurel with ROICA™ V550, characterized by restraining lace effect, soft touch and breathable, in combination with tulle as a sustainable basic, and on the other side charmeuses with soft hand, raw cut in combination with a band fabric from the dreamshape family with reinforced gripping edge, made again in Neride eco yarns by Nurel with ROICA™ V550
  • Tessitura Colombo Antonio, which in its new A/W 23-24 collection expands its proposal of regenerated lace from the ECO-LACE line: new designs inspired by fashion trends using ROICA™ EF. Also, in its BIODEGRADABLE line it uses ROICA™ V550 for the realization of new designs. The new MICROMODAL line uses ROICA™ V550; the effect of this lace range is softness, elegance and relief effect.

ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei / C.L.A.S.S.


Bemberg™ invests in the steel art of Daniele Basso

On the occasion of the 90th year since its birth, Bemberg™ invests in the artistic spirit of Daniele Basso to create a work of art able to convey the values that characterize its fiber from the "craftsmanship elegance" through an innovative language.

According to the creative and strategic vision of the Italian artist - known for the symbolic works in sustainable steel developed for major companies such as The Coca-Cola Company, Andrea Bocelli, Ferrari Rossocorsa and Mila Schon - sculptures can become a concrete expression of the entrepreneurial dream, of the culture and values of excellence that companies express in their own unique history and that they represent for the Community and the Territory that hosts them.

On the occasion of the 90th year since its birth, Bemberg™ invests in the artistic spirit of Daniele Basso to create a work of art able to convey the values that characterize its fiber from the "craftsmanship elegance" through an innovative language.

According to the creative and strategic vision of the Italian artist - known for the symbolic works in sustainable steel developed for major companies such as The Coca-Cola Company, Andrea Bocelli, Ferrari Rossocorsa and Mila Schon - sculptures can become a concrete expression of the entrepreneurial dream, of the culture and values of excellence that companies express in their own unique history and that they represent for the Community and the Territory that hosts them.

All of this is reflected in the work commissioned by Bemberg™, where the history of the Japanese brand takes concrete shape in a blue spiral, able to express both the company's adaptive nature to contemporary times through energy and proactivity, and its ability to build a new, harmonious visual identity. Moreover, the intertwining of the threads emphasizes the synergies and collaborations that lead Bemberg™ to constantly move towards new opportunities.

The piece will be donated to the mayor of Gallarate, where the headquarters of Asahi Kasei Fibers Italia currently reside.

Weitere Informationen:
Bemberg™ Asahi Kasei


Innova Fabrics chooses ROICA™ V550 by Asahi Kasei for its responsible RF (Residual Free) line (c) ROICA
Responsible RF (Residual Free) line from ROICA™ V550 by Asahi Kasei

Innova Fabrics chooses ROICA™

  • Responsible RF (Residual Free) line from ROICA™ V550 by Asahi Kasei

Innova Fabrics, the Italian manufacturer of knitted fabrics for apparel, underwear and sports, confirms its choice of ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei, the Japanese leader of premium stretch fiber, for its new responsible line RF (Residual Free).

Despite the deep-rooted history of the company's team in the world of textiles, Innova Fabrics is a reality that is not afraid to innovate with a focus on environmental sustainability. As a result of its push for local production and attention to third-party sustainability certifications (including OEKO-TEX Standard 100, one of the world's best-known labels for textiles tested for harmful substances), Innova Fabrics continues its promise of responsibility with an enrichment of its conscious proposals.

  • Responsible RF (Residual Free) line from ROICA™ V550 by Asahi Kasei

Innova Fabrics, the Italian manufacturer of knitted fabrics for apparel, underwear and sports, confirms its choice of ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei, the Japanese leader of premium stretch fiber, for its new responsible line RF (Residual Free).

Despite the deep-rooted history of the company's team in the world of textiles, Innova Fabrics is a reality that is not afraid to innovate with a focus on environmental sustainability. As a result of its push for local production and attention to third-party sustainability certifications (including OEKO-TEX Standard 100, one of the world's best-known labels for textiles tested for harmful substances), Innova Fabrics continues its promise of responsibility with an enrichment of its conscious proposals.

In the last season, Innova has increased its smart proposition by launching the RF (Residual Free) line, with the aim of reducing the impact of microplastics residues produced by the fashion industry. This is possible thanks to the combination of two responsible ingredients: SENSIL® Biocare by Nilit and ROICA™ V550 by Asahi Kasei.SENSIL® BioCare is the premium, sustainable nylon 6.6 fiber enriched with a special technology that helps reduce the persistence of textile waste in the ocean and landfills by acting during and after the product's life cycle. Therefore, if the microplastics in SENSIL® BioCare garments are released during washing, they will decompose much faster than conventional Nylon 6.6 fibers, reducing textile waste.

ROICA™ V550, part of the ROICA Eco-Smart™ family, is the premium, sustainable stretch yarn that degrades without releasing harmful substances into the environment, according to the Hohenstein's environmental certification. ROICA™ V550 also carries the Gold Level Material Health certificate from the Cradle-to-Cradle Product Innovation Institute, which evaluated the yarn's impact on human and environmental health.

The strong relationship established between Innova Fabrics and ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei is a long-standing one: from the very beginning, the textile company chose ROICA™ as its main reference for premium stretch, using ROICA Colour Perfect™ in most of its articles. Having experienced the innovation of the ROICA™ line dedicated to high-quality color, Innova decided to opt for the ROICA Eco-Smart™ line as part of the extension of its environmentally conscious line.

Weitere Informationen:
ROICA™ Asahi Kasei Innova Fabrics

GB Network Marketing & Communication

 Innova Fabrics chooses ROICA™ V550 by Asahi Kasei for its responsible RF (Residual Free) line (c) Innova Fabrics
Innova Fabrics Residual Free Line

Innova Fabrics chooses ROICA

  • ROICA™ V550 by Asahi Kasei for its responsible RF (Residual Free) line

Innova Fabrics, the Italian manufacturer of knitted fabrics for apparel, underwear and sports, confirms its choice of ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei, the Japanese leader of premium stretch fiber, for its new responsible line RF (Residual Free).

Despite the deep-rooted history of the company's team in the world of textiles, Innova Fabrics is a reality that is not afraid to innovate with a focus on environmental sustainability. As a result of its push for local production and attention to third-party sustainability certifications (including OEKO-TEX Standard 100, one of the world's best-known labels for textiles tested for harmful substances), Innova Fabrics continues its promise of responsibility with an enrichment of its conscious proposals. In the last season, Innova has increased its smart proposition by launching the RF (Residual Free) line, with the aim of reducing the impact of microplastics residues produced by the fashion industry. This is possible thanks to the combination of two responsible ingredients: SENSIL® Biocare by Nilit and ROICA™ V550 by Asahi Kasei.

  • ROICA™ V550 by Asahi Kasei for its responsible RF (Residual Free) line

Innova Fabrics, the Italian manufacturer of knitted fabrics for apparel, underwear and sports, confirms its choice of ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei, the Japanese leader of premium stretch fiber, for its new responsible line RF (Residual Free).

Despite the deep-rooted history of the company's team in the world of textiles, Innova Fabrics is a reality that is not afraid to innovate with a focus on environmental sustainability. As a result of its push for local production and attention to third-party sustainability certifications (including OEKO-TEX Standard 100, one of the world's best-known labels for textiles tested for harmful substances), Innova Fabrics continues its promise of responsibility with an enrichment of its conscious proposals. In the last season, Innova has increased its smart proposition by launching the RF (Residual Free) line, with the aim of reducing the impact of microplastics residues produced by the fashion industry. This is possible thanks to the combination of two responsible ingredients: SENSIL® Biocare by Nilit and ROICA™ V550 by Asahi Kasei.

SENSIL® BioCare is the premium, sustainable nylon 6.6 fiber enriched with a special technology that helps reduce the persistence of textile waste in the ocean and landfills by acting during and after the product's life cycle. Therefore, if the microplastics in SENSIL® BioCare garments are released during washing, they will decompose much faster than conventional Nylon 6.6 fibers, reducing textile waste. ROICA™ V550, part of the ROICA Eco-Smart™ family, is the premium, sustainable stretch yarn that degrades without releasing harmful substances into the environment, according to the Hohenstein's environmental certification. ROICA™ V550 also carries the Gold Level Material Health certificate from the Cradle-to-Cradle Product Innovation Institute, which evaluated the yarn's impact on human and environmental health. The strong relationship established between Innova Fabrics and ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei is a long-standing one: from the very beginning, the textile company chose ROICA™ as its main reference for premium stretch, using ROICA Colour Perfect™ in most of its articles. Having experienced the innovation of the ROICA™ line dedicated to high-quality color, Innova decided to opt for the ROICA Eco-Smart™ line as part of the extension of its environmentally conscious line.

Thanks to the constant synergy with its premium partner in innovative and responsible stretch, Innova continues its path towards a textile and fashion industry that respects the planet, without forgetting profit. And this is just the beginning. Innova Fabrics pieces containing SENSIL® BioCare and ROICA™ V550

Weitere Informationen:
ROICA™ Asahi Kasei Innova Fabrics


ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei held its first business summit at Triennale Milano (c) C.L.A.S.S.

ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei held its first business summit at Triennale Milano

On the 25th of March ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei invited its strategic European partners to the Triennale Design Museum for the first ROICA™ Summit, with the aim of sharing its global strategy and to consolidate relationships that are key to the Asahi Kasei global vision of its fiber and business.

Among the speakers Senior Executive Manager Mr. Shinichiro Haga and its successor Mr. Takehiro Kamiyama, who will take on the new role after more than thirty years in the Asahi Kasei Corporation and more than three years at ROICA™. Together they opened the floor by explaining the ROICA™ business strategy, which is based on three main steps:

On the 25th of March ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei invited its strategic European partners to the Triennale Design Museum for the first ROICA™ Summit, with the aim of sharing its global strategy and to consolidate relationships that are key to the Asahi Kasei global vision of its fiber and business.

Among the speakers Senior Executive Manager Mr. Shinichiro Haga and its successor Mr. Takehiro Kamiyama, who will take on the new role after more than thirty years in the Asahi Kasei Corporation and more than three years at ROICA™. Together they opened the floor by explaining the ROICA™ business strategy, which is based on three main steps:

  1. Continue to speed up ROICA™ responsible innovation  
  2. Continue to speed up ROICA™ international partnerships with a strong focus on responsible innovation
  3. Continue to push a new generation of communication where its story making will align with an authentic and consumer driven storytelling based on values.

Then, Mr. Shinohe Hiroaki Chief Marketing Officer Europe, introduced the new production strategy at global level  together with  its program of partnerships, plus the marketing and communication programs for the next year and beyond in synergy with Giusy Bettoni at C.L.A.S.S.

“We are extremely pleased to be here with our European partners, thanking them for the continuous valuable cooperations that made ROICA™ so special, and sharing with them which will be our next steps in order to be leading responsible innovation. This is a very precious moment, during which we are able to talk face to face and install long-lasting relationships, with the aim of supporting the apparel industry by making premium stretch becoming a key player for wellbeing values, which are extremely precious for the contemporary consumer. And this will be part of sport, lingerie, hosiery , fashion and swimwear wardrobes thanks to the ROICA™ special new generation of premium stretch innovations” affirms Shinohe Hiroaki.

Weitere Informationen:
Asahi Kasei ROICA™ C.L.A.S.S.


(c) C.L.A.S.S.

Bemberg™ x Payal Pratap collaboration with colourful prints at FDCI X Lakmé Fashion Week

Through the collaboration Payal Pratap and Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei show a new way of making fashion, based on merging craft & tech, cutting-edge materials and deeply rooted optimism in troubled times.

With a strong focus on prints, the designer, Payal Pratap, has worked on hand-painted artworks which have then been digitized. The designs capture detailed elements and a three-dimensional depth and texture from the age-old crafts of Batik, plus powerful imagery and minute detailing from the ancient craft of Chintz printing. Batik was named after the Javanese words “Amba” which means to write and “Titik”, which translates to a dot or a point, while Chintz comes from the Hindi word “Cheent”, meaning spotted or speckled.  Both these techniques and crafts have been used in a contemporary context while creating the art works.

Through the collaboration Payal Pratap and Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei show a new way of making fashion, based on merging craft & tech, cutting-edge materials and deeply rooted optimism in troubled times.

With a strong focus on prints, the designer, Payal Pratap, has worked on hand-painted artworks which have then been digitized. The designs capture detailed elements and a three-dimensional depth and texture from the age-old crafts of Batik, plus powerful imagery and minute detailing from the ancient craft of Chintz printing. Batik was named after the Javanese words “Amba” which means to write and “Titik”, which translates to a dot or a point, while Chintz comes from the Hindi word “Cheent”, meaning spotted or speckled.  Both these techniques and crafts have been used in a contemporary context while creating the art works.

The prints encompass flora and fauna, bringing nature from the outside to the inside through the use of extensive flower, leaf, tree, vine and bird motifs, as an ode to sustainability. Placement prints have been engineered to make tailored jackets and structured pieces. A timeless collection comprising experimental pieces that blend the far east with India. A collection signaling holiday with a burst of colour. Bemberg™ in various avatars ranging from satins, muslins, mulmul, and silk blends have been used to create a collection with fluid drapes as well as structure.

The fabric takes printing and colour beautifully and has a slight sheen and glazed feel which resonates with chintz. The colour palette ranges from indigos, browns, rust, to burgundy brick and gold. Furthermore, Bemberg™ is an inherently sustainable ingredient, since it is made with cotton linters, pre-consumer materials derived from the cotton oil industry, and converted through a traceable and transparent closed loop process. Coming from nature and going back towards nature, the Bemberg™ fiber is also biodegradable and compostable.


Asahi Kasei / C.L.A.S.S.

(c) SCOTT Racing Team / ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei

Eco-high tech biking uniform designed for SCOTT Racing Team

For the year 2022 SCOTT Racing Team confirms its partners who kept developing and evolving its uniform in the last three years: the knitwear factory Rosti, known for its technical excellence on product and image, the premium stretch fiber ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei, internationally recognized for stretch innovation and responsibility, and Sitip, a company specializing in the production of stretch and circular fabrics that combines tradition and innovation with a choice of sustainable production. A uniform created starting from the athletes' needs to offer them the best solution in terms of style and ergonomics, high performance, easy maintenance, perfect fit and sustainability.

For the year 2022 SCOTT Racing Team confirms its partners who kept developing and evolving its uniform in the last three years: the knitwear factory Rosti, known for its technical excellence on product and image, the premium stretch fiber ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei, internationally recognized for stretch innovation and responsibility, and Sitip, a company specializing in the production of stretch and circular fabrics that combines tradition and innovation with a choice of sustainable production. A uniform created starting from the athletes' needs to offer them the best solution in terms of style and ergonomics, high performance, easy maintenance, perfect fit and sustainability.

This year, the evolution of research and development has led to the creation of new responsible shorts, made with NATIVE-THUNDERBIKE POWER fabric by Sitip in recycled polyamide and ROICA™ EF yarn by Asahi Kasei. A fabric designed for high-performance sports, particularly suitable for making cycling pants for its maximum coverage and UV protection - thanks to ECLIPSE Sun Protection technology - breathability, comfort and fit. Also the shirt has been produced with Sitip recycled fabrics - NATIVE-BICIMANIA and NATIVE-PIRATA - made with Asahi Kasei's ROICA™ EF* sustainable, stretch and certified recycled yarns. This composition, together with Sitip MICROSENSE Soft Performance technology, made the shirt breathable, offering maximum comfort on the skin.


C.L.A.S.S. Eco Hub / ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei


Sitip: Fabrics for the first 100% sustainable SCOTT Racing Team biking uniform

Sitip confirms for the third year its partnership with SCOTT Racing Team in the production of the team uniform created in collaboration with ROICA™ EF of Asahi Kasei and Rosti.

The partnership was born in 2019 and celebrated during Ispo 2020, which returns for the third consecutive year to re-propose an exclusive and special uniform, designed to be extremely performing but also, and entirely, eco-sustainable.

Starting from the performance requirements of athletes, who need highly technical fabrics extremely breathable, comfortable on the skin, resistant and with perfect shape retention able to support them in competitions, Sitip has chosen the fabrics of its Native Sustainable Textiles line - technology which applies to fabrics produced with recycled yarns and chemicals with low environmental impact, implementing the GRS (Global Recycle Standard) standard, with Asahi Kasei’s premium ROICA™ EF stretch yarn.

Sitip confirms for the third year its partnership with SCOTT Racing Team in the production of the team uniform created in collaboration with ROICA™ EF of Asahi Kasei and Rosti.

The partnership was born in 2019 and celebrated during Ispo 2020, which returns for the third consecutive year to re-propose an exclusive and special uniform, designed to be extremely performing but also, and entirely, eco-sustainable.

Starting from the performance requirements of athletes, who need highly technical fabrics extremely breathable, comfortable on the skin, resistant and with perfect shape retention able to support them in competitions, Sitip has chosen the fabrics of its Native Sustainable Textiles line - technology which applies to fabrics produced with recycled yarns and chemicals with low environmental impact, implementing the GRS (Global Recycle Standard) standard, with Asahi Kasei’s premium ROICA™ EF stretch yarn.

This line includes NATIVE-BICIMANIA and NATIVE-PIRATA, two GRS-certified recycled polyester fabrics chosen for the production of the uniform shirt, enriched by Microsense Soft Performance technology - able to guarantee the product a delicate softness and maximum comfort on the skin.

This year the absolute novelty is represented by the shorts, for a complete uniform: made with the NATIVE-THUNDERBIKE POWER fabric, designed for high performance sports, in recycled polyamide and always with the ROICA™ EF yarn by Asahi Kasei.

Weitere Informationen:
SITIP Asahi Kasei SCOTT Racing Team



Sarah Borghi's Green Collection is back with a range of sustainable tights and stockings

For its 2021 Green Collection, the Italian luxury hosiery brand Sarah Borghi presents a broadened product offer in terms of colors and categories, meeting the needs of a stylish, yet sustainable consumer. By mixing fashion, quality, innovation and research, the tights and stockings powerhouse continues its development in the journey towards a conscious future.

A decisive step has been added to the brand’s history thanks to the publication of the Integrated Report by Gizeta Calze. Sarah Borghi is one of the first Italian companies in the hosiery sector to include sustainability throughout its business model. A commitment of responsibility and transparency on a path that has been carried on for years and that, today more than ever, becomes of the utmost importance, as stated by Luca Marzocchi, CEO of Gizeta Calze. The Integrated Report provides a complete view of the business strategy, operating model and governance, which combines financial information with sustainability insights, conceived as complementary to other strategies and, indeed, essential for increasing business value.

For its 2021 Green Collection, the Italian luxury hosiery brand Sarah Borghi presents a broadened product offer in terms of colors and categories, meeting the needs of a stylish, yet sustainable consumer. By mixing fashion, quality, innovation and research, the tights and stockings powerhouse continues its development in the journey towards a conscious future.

A decisive step has been added to the brand’s history thanks to the publication of the Integrated Report by Gizeta Calze. Sarah Borghi is one of the first Italian companies in the hosiery sector to include sustainability throughout its business model. A commitment of responsibility and transparency on a path that has been carried on for years and that, today more than ever, becomes of the utmost importance, as stated by Luca Marzocchi, CEO of Gizeta Calze. The Integrated Report provides a complete view of the business strategy, operating model and governance, which combines financial information with sustainability insights, conceived as complementary to other strategies and, indeed, essential for increasing business value.

The collection presents a range of versatile, colorful products combined with extra-luxury comfort and designed for every type of woman: from seductive tights to everyday socks, together with knee- highs, up to athleisure with leggings.
The collection features two new generation materials. One is Amni Soul Eco®, a biodegradable in anaerobic conditions polyamide 6.6 yarn that degrades in around 5 years* after disposing of in landfill, developed by SOLVAY and produced and distributed by FULGAR. The other is ROICA™ V550 by leading fiber manufacturer Asahi Kasei, a premium sustainable stretch yarn boasting the Gold Level Material Health Certificate by Cradle-to-Cradle Product Innovation Institute** as it has been evaluated for impact on human and environmental health. Moreover, it smartly breaks down without releasing harmful substances in the environment according to Hohenstein Environment Compatibility Certification. Key elements that makes ROICA™ V550 a precious choice when it comes to Circular Economy material approach.

*Reference System: ASTM D5511 - Standard Test Method for the Determination of Anaerobic Biodegradation of Plastics Under High-solids Anaerobic Digestion Conditions
** The Cradle-to-Cradle Product Innovation Institute, a non -profit organization, administer the Cradle-to-Cradle Certified™ Product Standard. It was created to bring about a new industrial revolution that turns the making of things into a positive force of society, economy and the planet. The Cradle-to-Cradle Certified Product Standard™ provides designers and manufacturers with criteria and requirements for continually improving what products are made of and how they are made aiming to achieve a circular economy approach.


ROICA™ / Sarah Borghi / GB Network