Aus der Branche

23 Ergebnisse
Jubiläum FTB Foto Hochschule Niederrhein. Feierten das 15-jährige Bestehen des Forschungsinstituts für Textil und Bekleidung an der HSNR (von links): Markus Schmitz (Vorsitzender des Fördervereins), Felix Heinrichs (Oberbürgermeister Mönchengladbach), Dr. Thomas Grünewald (Präsident der HSNR, Dr. Christian Feiler (Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Industrie, Klimaschutz und Energie des Landes NRW), Prof. Dr. Lutz Vossebein (Dekan des Fachbereichs Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik), Detlef Braun (Textilakademie), Prof. Dr. Maike Rabe (Institutsleiterin, hier mit dem Outfit „TO APPEAR AS WE PLEASE“ der Absolventin Nadine Gottwald), Prof. Dr. Rudolf Voller (ehemaliger Dekan des Fachbereichs) und Prof. Dr. Marie-Louise Klotz (ehemalige Dekanin des Fachbereichs).

15 Jahre Textil-Institut der HSNR

Das Forschungsinstitut für Textil und Bekleidung (FTB) der Hochschule Niederrhein steht seit 2009 für Forschung: von der Kompetenzplattform mit wenigen Mitarbeitenden zum eigenständigen Institut mit rund 40 Beschäftigten.
Die Hochschule feierte das 15-jährige Jubiläum unter dem Motto „Forschung, die anzieht!“ mit rund 150 Gäste und Partner, die den Werdegang des FTB von der Gründungszeit bis heute begleitet haben.

Das Forschungsinstitut für Textil und Bekleidung (FTB) der Hochschule Niederrhein steht seit 2009 für Forschung: von der Kompetenzplattform mit wenigen Mitarbeitenden zum eigenständigen Institut mit rund 40 Beschäftigten.
Die Hochschule feierte das 15-jährige Jubiläum unter dem Motto „Forschung, die anzieht!“ mit rund 150 Gäste und Partner, die den Werdegang des FTB von der Gründungszeit bis heute begleitet haben.
Das FTB war eines der ersten gegründeten Institute an der HSNR. Hier setzen Lehrende, Studierende und Forschende ihr Wissen in die Praxis um: Mit Hilfe der modernen Ausstattung und Maschinen bietet es optimale Bedingungen für Versuchsreihen, um an Lösungen für bestimmte Fragestellungen zu arbeiten. Themen entlang der gesamten textilen Verarbeitungskette einschließlich Recycling am Produktebensende, in die alle Lehrenden des Fachbereichs eng miteinbezogen werden, können hier umgesetzt werden. Groß geschrieben wird auch die Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Instituten und Hochschulen. Davon profitieren in besonderem Maße die Studierenden der unterschiedlichen Studiengänge wie Textil- Bekleidungstechnik, Design-Ingenieur oder Textile and Clothing Management.
Studierende früh an komplexe Probleme und Forschungsaufgaben heranzuführen, war immer ein Ziel der HSNR. Einen wichtigen Meilenstein erreichte der Fachbereich Anfang der 2000er Jahre mit neuen Prüfungsordnungen für Bachelor- und Masterstudiengänge in deutscher und englischer Sprache.
Um sich von den bisherigen Diplomstudiengängen stärker abzugrenzen, sollte die Forschung mehr Gewicht bekommen. 2009 wurde schließlich aus einer Kompetenzplattform ein eigenständiges Forschungsinstitut.
Die Aufnahme des FTB in das Forschungskuratorium Textil war ein Türöffner, der die Bewerbung um Forschungsprojekte bei der Industriellen Gemeinschaftsforschung (IGF) ermöglichte. Mit den ersten IGF-Projekten kamen auch der Erfolg bei anderen Förderrichtlinien und der Ausbau der Industriekooperationen.
Seitdem hat sich das Institut zu einer festen Größe in der Textilforschung im In- und Ausland entwickelt und beschäftigt heute rund 40 Forschende sowie in jedem Semester rund 30 Studierende.


Hochschule Niederrhein

RUDOLF: Bio-based products for HYDROCOOL® technology (c) Rudolf GmbH

RUDOLF: Bio-based products for HYDROCOOL® technology

RUDOLF announces a significant leap in textile performance with the introduction of bio-based innovations for its HYDROCOOL® technology, a moisture management product line.

HYDROCOOL® technologies have long been the standard for wicking moisture away from the skin to keep athletes and active people comfortable and dry. RUDOLF has taken this performance to a higher level with the integration of bio-based raw materials and their new products, RUCO®-PUR BIO SLB and FERAN® BIO ICR. These bio-based ingredients, derived from renewable sources offering:

RUDOLF announces a significant leap in textile performance with the introduction of bio-based innovations for its HYDROCOOL® technology, a moisture management product line.

HYDROCOOL® technologies have long been the standard for wicking moisture away from the skin to keep athletes and active people comfortable and dry. RUDOLF has taken this performance to a higher level with the integration of bio-based raw materials and their new products, RUCO®-PUR BIO SLB and FERAN® BIO ICR. These bio-based ingredients, derived from renewable sources offering:

  • Reduced environmental impact: By using bio-based materials, RUDOLF reduces its reliance on traditional petroleum-based raw materials, minimizing the environmental footprint of its products.
  • High performance: The new bio-based formulations are as efficient as the traditional HYDROCOOL® products and offer maximum wash resistance.
  • RUCO®-PUR BIO SLB is a bio-based finishing agent that is ideal for synthetics, cellulosic and blends. It offers a bio-based content of 43% and is therefore an important step towards a more sustainable textile industry.
  • FERAN® BIO ICR is a bio-based soil release agent specially developed for polyester and its blends. It has a 87% bio-based content, further underlining the commitment from RUDOLF for sustainable innovation.
Weitere Informationen:
Rudolf bio-based moisture management

Rudolf GmbH

chemistry from renewable feedstock and waste (c) RUDOLF HUB1922

RUDOLF HUB1922: Evolutionary chemistry from renewable feedstock and waste

RUDOLF HUB1922 makes a move in response to the escalating demand for genuinely sustainable technologies, particularly from forward-thinking segments within the textile and apparel industry. In a showcase at Denim by Premiere Vision Milan, RUDOLF HUB1922 presents a pioneering range of textile chemistry that embodies true evolution.

This chemistry marks a milestone in addressing the pressing need for sustainable solutions. By harnessing raw materials derived from organic waste, plastic waste, and renewable feedstock, RUDOLF's latest textile innovations stand poised to transform the industry, promising a substantial reduction in its environmental footprint.

Alberto De Conti, Head of RUDOLF HUB1922, emphasizes the radical nature of evolutionary textile chemistry, stating, "RUDOLF's approach tackles the challenge of waste generation head-on by transforming waste materials into valuable resources". The diversion of waste and renewable feedstock away from landfills and incinerators to fuel textile chemical production is a game-changer, that diminishes the industry's reliance on non-renewable resources and endorses a circular economy model.

RUDOLF HUB1922 makes a move in response to the escalating demand for genuinely sustainable technologies, particularly from forward-thinking segments within the textile and apparel industry. In a showcase at Denim by Premiere Vision Milan, RUDOLF HUB1922 presents a pioneering range of textile chemistry that embodies true evolution.

This chemistry marks a milestone in addressing the pressing need for sustainable solutions. By harnessing raw materials derived from organic waste, plastic waste, and renewable feedstock, RUDOLF's latest textile innovations stand poised to transform the industry, promising a substantial reduction in its environmental footprint.

Alberto De Conti, Head of RUDOLF HUB1922, emphasizes the radical nature of evolutionary textile chemistry, stating, "RUDOLF's approach tackles the challenge of waste generation head-on by transforming waste materials into valuable resources". The diversion of waste and renewable feedstock away from landfills and incinerators to fuel textile chemical production is a game-changer, that diminishes the industry's reliance on non-renewable resources and endorses a circular economy model.

The successful integration of chemicals derived from organic and plastic waste, as well as renewable feedstocks, necessitates effective communication and education. Herein lies the significance of fostering collaborative efforts within the industry. De Conti underscores this point, stating, "Collaboration among scientists, fashion designers, and manufacturers is paramount. It propels a collective shift towards sustainable practices, making eco-friendly fashion the standard and minimizing the industry's environmental impact".



Mittelstandspreis beim Responsible Care Bundeswettbewerb 2023 Foto Rudolf GmbH

RUDOLF gewinnt Responsible-Care-Bundeswettbewerb 2023

RUDOLF wurde für seine Leistungen im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltschutz mit dem Mittelstandspreis beim Responsible Care Bundeswettbewerb 2023 ausgezeichnet, der unter dem Motto „Unser nachhaltiger und sparsamer Umgang mit Energie“ stand. RUDOLF investiert an ihrem Hauptsitz in eine neue Kälteanlage zur Bereitstellung von Kühlwasser.

Die Preisverleihung fand im Rahmen eines Wettbewerbs des Verbandes der Chemischen Industrie (VCI) statt. Responsible Care ist eine freiwillige Initiative der chemischen Industrie, die von Chemieunternehmen und Verbände in über 50 Ländern unterstützt wird. Das Ziel sind kontinuierliche Verbesserungen in den Bereichen Umweltschutz, Gesundheit und Sicherheit. Das prämierte Projekt von RUDOLF überzeugte die Jury durch seine zukunftsweisende Technologie, die mit 99,9 % Energieeinsparung eine nahezu emmissionsfreie Kühlung ermöglicht. „Das Projekt macht oberflächennahe Geothermie für die industrielle Kälteversorgung nutzbar – nach dem Motto „Efficiency First“ wurde der effizienteste Weg eingeschlagen,“ so das Jurystatement

RUDOLF wurde für seine Leistungen im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltschutz mit dem Mittelstandspreis beim Responsible Care Bundeswettbewerb 2023 ausgezeichnet, der unter dem Motto „Unser nachhaltiger und sparsamer Umgang mit Energie“ stand. RUDOLF investiert an ihrem Hauptsitz in eine neue Kälteanlage zur Bereitstellung von Kühlwasser.

Die Preisverleihung fand im Rahmen eines Wettbewerbs des Verbandes der Chemischen Industrie (VCI) statt. Responsible Care ist eine freiwillige Initiative der chemischen Industrie, die von Chemieunternehmen und Verbände in über 50 Ländern unterstützt wird. Das Ziel sind kontinuierliche Verbesserungen in den Bereichen Umweltschutz, Gesundheit und Sicherheit. Das prämierte Projekt von RUDOLF überzeugte die Jury durch seine zukunftsweisende Technologie, die mit 99,9 % Energieeinsparung eine nahezu emmissionsfreie Kühlung ermöglicht. „Das Projekt macht oberflächennahe Geothermie für die industrielle Kälteversorgung nutzbar – nach dem Motto „Efficiency First“ wurde der effizienteste Weg eingeschlagen,“ so das Jurystatement

Das System des Herstellers TerraCool nutzt die oberflächennahe Geothermie als die ursprünglichste Form der Kühlung. Dabei wird die konstante Temperatur von etwa 10°C in einer Tiefe von circa 10 Metern unter der Erde genutzt. Ein speziell entwickeltes Wärmetauschersystem nutzt diesen natürlichen Kühleffekt. Damit werden künftig chemische Produktionsprozesse bei RUDOLF gekühlt. Der entscheidende Vorteil liegt in ihrer CO2-neutralen Funktionsweise. Durch die Nutzung natürlicher Ressourcen reduziert das System den CO2-Ausstoß im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Kühlsystemen um bis zu 99,9 %. Mit lediglich 1 kW elektrischer Energie erzeugt das System bis zu 600 kW Kühlleistung, dank des Einsatzes eines hochenergieeffizienten Umwälzpumpensystems. Das System ist in sich doppelt geschlossen und berührt das Grundwasser nicht. Umweltschädliche Kältemittel oder Frostschutzmittel werden nicht benötigt.


Rudolf GmbH


Rudolf commissions Baldwin’s TexCoat™ G4 lab-scale precision spray unit

Rudolf GmbH, a provider of chemicals to the textile industry, can now offer side-by-side performance tests of the age-old “dip and squeeze” pad versus precision spray finishing with the delivery of Baldwin Technology Inc.’s TexCoat ™ G4 lab-scale unit.

Rudolf GmbH, a provider of chemicals to the textile industry, can now offer side-by-side performance tests of the age-old “dip and squeeze” pad versus precision spray finishing with the delivery of Baldwin Technology Inc.’s TexCoat ™ G4 lab-scale unit.

The new TexCoat lab-scale unit at Rudolf’s Geretsried, Germany-based Customer Solution Center, tests the sprayability of chemicals on fabrics as an additional tool to help the market transition to precision spray with confidence in the performance and sustainability of the end result.
With Baldwin’s innovative system, the chemistry is precisely distributed across the textile surface and is applied only where it is required, on one or both sides of the fabric. The non-contact technology eliminates chemistry dilution in wet-on-wet processes, allowing full control of maintaining consistent chemistry coverage rates.
Plus, pad bath contamination is eliminated, and changeovers are only required when there is a change of finish chemistry. On wet-on-dry processes, the finish is applied with 50% of the amount of water required for pad finishing. Dryer fabric entering the stenter means less water to evaporate resulting in less energy and higher production speeds.
More specifically, with Baldwin’s TexCoat G4, textile finishers can track and control the finishing process. Changeovers are quickly performed thanks to recipe management, including automated chemistry and coverage selection. Furthermore, the system takes speed information from the drying process to insure exact coverage regardless of any change in speed. TexCoat G4 measures every drop of chemical usage ensuring that the amount of chemical add-on is precise.
In addition, the TexCoat G4 system can process a wide range of low-viscosity water-based chemicals, such as durable water-repellants including PFAS-free, softeners, anti-microbials, easy care resins, flame retardants and more. Baldwin’s technology utilizes the same chemicals used in the traditional pad bath, with no special auxiliaries required.


Baldwin Technology Company Inc.


26th IFATCC Congress 2023 in Augsburg

Der VDTF e.V. organisiert den diesjährigen Kongress des internationalen Dachverbandes IFATCC (International Federation of Associations of Textile Chemists and Colourists), welcher am 13. und 14. Oktober 2023 in Augsburg stattfindet.

Das Leitthema des Kongresses lautet: „A paradigm shift in the global textile industry: Economy meets Ecology”. Es wird mit 30 Präsentationen aus 11 verschiedenen Nationen ein umfassendes Vortragsprogramm aus Industrie, Hochschulen und Forschung geben, welchem nicht nur vor Ort im Augsburger ‚Kongress am Park‘ beigewohnt werden kann, sondern auch per Online-Stream.

Zu den vortragenden Organisationen gehören Alchemie Technology, Archroma Textile Effects, Brückner, Budapest Metropolitan University, CHT Germany, DTNW, Hochschule Niederrhein, Hohenstein Laboratories, Imogo, InoTex, Institute of Advanced Chemistry of Catalunya, Laboratoire de Physique et Mécanique Textiles, Lefatex Chemie, Lenzing, P.A.C., Pulcra Chemicals, Rudolf, Sandler, Society of the Polish Chemists, Tanatex Chemicals, Thoray Industries, TITV, Tomcsanyi, Universität Insbruck, University of Bergamo, University of Fukui, Weber Ultrasonics, WEKO.

Der VDTF e.V. organisiert den diesjährigen Kongress des internationalen Dachverbandes IFATCC (International Federation of Associations of Textile Chemists and Colourists), welcher am 13. und 14. Oktober 2023 in Augsburg stattfindet.

Das Leitthema des Kongresses lautet: „A paradigm shift in the global textile industry: Economy meets Ecology”. Es wird mit 30 Präsentationen aus 11 verschiedenen Nationen ein umfassendes Vortragsprogramm aus Industrie, Hochschulen und Forschung geben, welchem nicht nur vor Ort im Augsburger ‚Kongress am Park‘ beigewohnt werden kann, sondern auch per Online-Stream.

Zu den vortragenden Organisationen gehören Alchemie Technology, Archroma Textile Effects, Brückner, Budapest Metropolitan University, CHT Germany, DTNW, Hochschule Niederrhein, Hohenstein Laboratories, Imogo, InoTex, Institute of Advanced Chemistry of Catalunya, Laboratoire de Physique et Mécanique Textiles, Lefatex Chemie, Lenzing, P.A.C., Pulcra Chemicals, Rudolf, Sandler, Society of the Polish Chemists, Tanatex Chemicals, Thoray Industries, TITV, Tomcsanyi, Universität Insbruck, University of Bergamo, University of Fukui, Weber Ultrasonics, WEKO.

Neben der Weiterbildung durch aktuelle Themen ist das Networking ein wichtiger Bestandteil bei Veranstaltungen des VDTF e.V und des IFATCC. Hierzu gibt es ausreichend Gelegenheit bei einem ansprechenden Rahmenprogramm mit Get-Together, Stadtführungen durch Augsburg, Museumsbesuch und Festabend im Augsburger Textilmuseum TIM.

Weitere Informationen zur Veranstaltung, das komplette Programm und Anmeldemöglichkeit finden Sie auf der Homepage des VDTF unter der Rubrik „IFATCC CONFERENCE 2023“.


Verband Deutscher Textilfachleute VDTF e.V.


RUDOLF turns 100 presenting a modernization of its brand

RUDOLF, a global provider of specialty chemicals, sustainable solutions and services for the global textile industry celebrates the beginning of a whole new chapter with a new corporate brand identity.

RUDOLF’s products have always been rooted in science and experience, whereas RUDOLF’s brand has always been a celebration of trust, reliability and inclusiveness. The new brand identity is directly extracted from the historical and cherished company’s heritage mark and it is a very modern interpretation of the same. A very contemporary brand identity for a very contemporary organization that proudly steps into its second centenary of operations – with a global mindset.

Since 1922 RUDOLF has been fueling the textile, construction and other industries with very same innovative energy so necessary to ensure continuous progress and to solve some of our civilization's current and future issues. An agent of positive change for a more sustainable living.

RUDOLF, a global provider of specialty chemicals, sustainable solutions and services for the global textile industry celebrates the beginning of a whole new chapter with a new corporate brand identity.

RUDOLF’s products have always been rooted in science and experience, whereas RUDOLF’s brand has always been a celebration of trust, reliability and inclusiveness. The new brand identity is directly extracted from the historical and cherished company’s heritage mark and it is a very modern interpretation of the same. A very contemporary brand identity for a very contemporary organization that proudly steps into its second centenary of operations – with a global mindset.

Since 1922 RUDOLF has been fueling the textile, construction and other industries with very same innovative energy so necessary to ensure continuous progress and to solve some of our civilization's current and future issues. An agent of positive change for a more sustainable living.

“Turning 100 years old is a very important milestone” says Dr. Wolfgang Anton Schumann, current MD at RUDOLF “However, it isn’t a finish line at all but, rather, the beginning of a whole new chapter. As we change pace, we send out a very important signal and transform what is most precious, intimate and meaningful to us. We change the essence of who we are: our corporate branding. We took inspiration from our heritage mark with the idea of using it as launch pad to the future. Because the future isn’t going to be what it used to be”.

Weitere Informationen:
Rudolf specialty chemicals Rudolf Group

Rudolf Group


AVK trauert um Dr. Rudolf Kleinholz

Die AVK - Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e. V. trauert um Dr.-Ing. Rudolf Kleinholz, der im Alter von 82 Jahren am 4. Juli 2022 nach längerer Krankheit verstorben ist.
Seine Beziehung zu den „Verstärkten Kunststoffen“ begann 1968 beim Institut für Kunststoffverarbeitung (IKV) in Aachen, wo er als Abteilungsleiter „Verstärken“ arbeitete. Dort promovierte er 1971 über Verstärkte Kunststoffe unter Prof. Georg Menges und wechselte dann in die Industrie. Anfang der 1990er Jahre bis zu seinem Ruhestand arbeitete er bei Fibrit, Grefrath, später Johnson Controls und war dort als Director Materials and Process Engineering Europe europaweit für Innenraumteile zuständig.

Die AVK - Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e. V. trauert um Dr.-Ing. Rudolf Kleinholz, der im Alter von 82 Jahren am 4. Juli 2022 nach längerer Krankheit verstorben ist.
Seine Beziehung zu den „Verstärkten Kunststoffen“ begann 1968 beim Institut für Kunststoffverarbeitung (IKV) in Aachen, wo er als Abteilungsleiter „Verstärken“ arbeitete. Dort promovierte er 1971 über Verstärkte Kunststoffe unter Prof. Georg Menges und wechselte dann in die Industrie. Anfang der 1990er Jahre bis zu seinem Ruhestand arbeitete er bei Fibrit, Grefrath, später Johnson Controls und war dort als Director Materials and Process Engineering Europe europaweit für Innenraumteile zuständig.

Der AVK war er bereits von Beginn seines Berufslebens an, seit 1968, eng verbunden in verschiedenen Positionen und Gremien bei AVK-Arbeitskreisen und -Ausschüssen. Er war über viele Jahre organisatorisch für die AVK-Tagung mitverantwortlich und hat mit seinem außerordentlichen Know-how auch den AVK-Vorstand für viele Jahre bereichert und geprägt. Er gehörte auch nach dem Eintritt der Verrentung immer wieder kooptiert dem Vorstand an, trug für Jahrzehnte die Verantwortung für den AVK-Innovationspreis und war Vorsitzender der Jury.

Großer Beliebtheit erfreute sich das regelmäßig von der AVK durchgeführte „Einführungsseminar“, bei dem Dr. Kleinholz mit seinem tiefen Fachwissen, Neu- und Wiedereinsteigern eine immer auch humorvolle Einführung in die komplexe Welt der Verstärkten Kunststoffe gab. Bereits 2008 wurde Dr. Kleinholz der AVK-Ehrenpreis „Lesender Knabe“ für seine langjährigen Verdienste um die Verstärkten Kunststoffe / Composites verliehen.


AVK - Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e. V.


RUDOLF celebrates its 100th birthday at TECHTEXTIL

  • New product initiatives and a system solution.

In the year of its 100th birthday RUDOLF will be at TECHTEXTIL to present its latest innovations and process solutions. Since 1922, RUDOLF offers a wide portfolio of specialty chemicals aiming to increase innovation and sustainability along the entire value chain, from fiber to finish.

At TECHTEXTIL, RUDOLF will present four new product initiatives and one system solution. The Company will hold “Conscious Performance” short seminars at its booth to present them.

New product initiatives
BIO-LOGIC® - Performance products with bio-carbon at core. Textile functionality is ensured through natural, renewable raw materials that are neither chemically nor genetically modified and that are not competing as food, feed or fuel.

CYCLE-LOGIC® - A new path: the upcycling of post-consumer, disposable and non-returnable plastics into valuable textile chemistry. Recycled PET bottles are now raw material for the manufacturing of some of our textile auxiliaries without attacking new, virgin resources.

  • New product initiatives and a system solution.

In the year of its 100th birthday RUDOLF will be at TECHTEXTIL to present its latest innovations and process solutions. Since 1922, RUDOLF offers a wide portfolio of specialty chemicals aiming to increase innovation and sustainability along the entire value chain, from fiber to finish.

At TECHTEXTIL, RUDOLF will present four new product initiatives and one system solution. The Company will hold “Conscious Performance” short seminars at its booth to present them.

New product initiatives
BIO-LOGIC® - Performance products with bio-carbon at core. Textile functionality is ensured through natural, renewable raw materials that are neither chemically nor genetically modified and that are not competing as food, feed or fuel.

CYCLE-LOGIC® - A new path: the upcycling of post-consumer, disposable and non-returnable plastics into valuable textile chemistry. Recycled PET bottles are now raw material for the manufacturing of some of our textile auxiliaries without attacking new, virgin resources.

PRISTINE® - Hygiene and freshness from continuous R&D advances. RUDOLF’s new ingredient brand that groups all high-performing technologies for textile hygiene, protection and freshness.

BIONIC FINISH® ECO - An idea borrowed from Mother Nature. Based on proprietary dendrimer technology, RUDOLF presents an extended family of unique fluorine-free DWR formulations suited for different materials and designed for different applications and needs.

New system solution
ECO-LOGIC® - Two-steps process designed and managed by RUDOLF’s specialists in textile process chemistry. It simulates, analyses and measures the environmental impact of a given industrial textile process to then provide insights into the optimization of resources, costs and CO2 emissions..



BIONIC-FINISH®ECO Fluorine-Free, Water Repellent Finishes for Ultimate Performance (c) RUDOLF GmbH
BIONIC-FINISH®ECO Fluorine-Free, Water Repellent Finishes for Ultimate Performance


  • BIONIC-FINISH®ECO Fluorine-Free, Water Repellent Finishes for Ultimate Performance

In recent years, many scientists have shifted from favoring a “primordial soup” in pools of water to hydrothermal vents deep in the ocean as the original source of life on Earth. Regardless what the real beginning really was, water was certainly involved in the process some 3,5bln years ago. And since then, Mother Nature designed many ways to benefit of water and to be sheltered from it. Many engineering challenges humans face can be solved by turning to those 3,5bln years of experience and by using natural design as springboard. That’s biologically inspired engineering or, in short, bionics. BIONIC-FINISH®ECO of RUDOLF GROUP is Mother Nature’s work reproduced on textiles and apparel to protect us from water. To perform.

  • BIONIC-FINISH®ECO Fluorine-Free, Water Repellent Finishes for Ultimate Performance

In recent years, many scientists have shifted from favoring a “primordial soup” in pools of water to hydrothermal vents deep in the ocean as the original source of life on Earth. Regardless what the real beginning really was, water was certainly involved in the process some 3,5bln years ago. And since then, Mother Nature designed many ways to benefit of water and to be sheltered from it. Many engineering challenges humans face can be solved by turning to those 3,5bln years of experience and by using natural design as springboard. That’s biologically inspired engineering or, in short, bionics. BIONIC-FINISH®ECO of RUDOLF GROUP is Mother Nature’s work reproduced on textiles and apparel to protect us from water. To perform.

Back in 2003, RUDOLF GROUP borrowed from Mother Nature the idea of dendrimers (from dendron, Greek word for ‘tree’), molecules made of multi-functional branches that interact among themselves, co-crystallize, and self-organize into highly ordered, multicomponent systems. These hyper-branched polymers attach to the textile and embed fluorine-free, durable water-repellent performance.
In 2021 BIONIC-FINISH®ECO comes as a reviewed and extended family of unique nonhalogenated, APEO-free, fluorine-free formulations suited for different materials and designed for different applications and needs. Still very much based on patented dendrimer technology, the new and strengthened BIONIC-FINISH®ECO’s product portfolio:

• Provides non-fluorinated and highly durable water repellent textile finishes for high-performance, professional applications (e.g. when brushing resistance is required);
• Delivers highly efficient and durable performance with low application amounts thus not affecting fabric feel and appearance (e.g. when remarkable softness is important);
• Fulfills a range of challenging technical requirements (e.g. minimal impact on flame retardant properties of technical fibers);
• Is suitable for both sportswear and outdoor applications, as well as for casual apparel and fashion clothing;
• Is bluesign® approved, ZDHC chemical gateway certified and compliant with most RSLs;

BIONIC-FINISH®ECO new portfolio includes universal and versatile solutions targeting the most standard requirements, as well as customized solutions that meet more demanding and specific expectations such as improved resistance to dry-cleaning. “None of us can entirely predict where our voyage will lead” says Dr. Gunther Duschek, RUDOLF GROUP Managing Director. “However, BIONIC-FINISH®ECO of RUDOLF GROUP will always be the fluorine-free, durable water repellent for ultimate  performance. As it is today”.


Tonello/RUDOLF HUB1922: Collaboration with new laser effects

Tonello and RUDOLF HUB1922 join forces and unveil laser effects. The results: A much simplified, flexible and efficient process - based on latest technological advancements and highly conscious chemistry - that is finally able to replace questionable practices such as potassium permanganate spray.

THE Laser, the absolute Laser
The range that is the new benchmark for the entire sector. New software and a totally reinvented process that return higher precision, speed, flexibility and repeatability. Four models for a specific crafting and avant-garde functions like 360° marking technology, BOP for automatic drawing positioning and the new software CREA make THE Laser suitable and unique for advanced applications.

Tonello and RUDOLF HUB1922 join forces and unveil laser effects. The results: A much simplified, flexible and efficient process - based on latest technological advancements and highly conscious chemistry - that is finally able to replace questionable practices such as potassium permanganate spray.

THE Laser, the absolute Laser
The range that is the new benchmark for the entire sector. New software and a totally reinvented process that return higher precision, speed, flexibility and repeatability. Four models for a specific crafting and avant-garde functions like 360° marking technology, BOP for automatic drawing positioning and the new software CREA make THE Laser suitable and unique for advanced applications.

Laser Smoother (RUCO-SPECIAL LSM)
All-in-one formulation - very easy to pre-apply to garments before laser burning - that translates into a very natural image that is similar to what is created by hand. RUCO SPECIAL LSM amplifies the laser action, completely removes the grey/brow patina produced by the burning of cotton and last but not least, creates a micro-unevenness that simulates manual scraping and celebrates the fabric construction.

The combination of THE Laser and RUCO-SPECIAL LSM (ideally applied through CORE system) is a process that nothing adds to the usual way of working. It is a radical paradigm shift that takes the product directly to a dimension of real, highly sustainable craftsmanship:

  • Remarkable enhancement of the fabric’s characteristics;
  • Overall effect much more natural and similar to manual scraping;
  • A better and more efficient way of working.


RUDOLF GROUP: Bio-Based DWR Performance from Natural Sources (c)RUDOLF GROUP
It makes sense and it’s logic. It’s BIO-LOGIC

RUDOLF GROUP: Bio-Based DWR Performance from Natural Sources

The RUDOLF GROUP is an uncontested agent of positive change especially when it comes to pioneering technologies that help transforming the textile and fashion industries. A shining example of conscious leadership played by the RUDOLF GROUP over the past decades is the invention and introduction of fluorine-free Durable Water Repellency (DWR) for textile and apparel. Since 2003, the RUCO-DRY product line has gradually convinced the industry that water-resistance can be achieved through the study and replica of natural models. “Biomimicry and the study of lotus leaves and bird’s feathers were instrumental in developing the very first fluorine-free DWR’s” says Dr. Gunther Duschek, Managing Director at RUDOLF GROUP.

Fifteen years later, RUDOLF GROUP does it again and takes a significant leapfrog. It pushes the boundaries of R&D well beyond fluorine-free, embraces nature and introduces water repellent performance entirely based on natural components. “We are launching two brand new, distinctive product propositions entirely manufactured from natural sources that do not compete with human and/or animal nutrition” continues Dr. Duschek.

The RUDOLF GROUP is an uncontested agent of positive change especially when it comes to pioneering technologies that help transforming the textile and fashion industries. A shining example of conscious leadership played by the RUDOLF GROUP over the past decades is the invention and introduction of fluorine-free Durable Water Repellency (DWR) for textile and apparel. Since 2003, the RUCO-DRY product line has gradually convinced the industry that water-resistance can be achieved through the study and replica of natural models. “Biomimicry and the study of lotus leaves and bird’s feathers were instrumental in developing the very first fluorine-free DWR’s” says Dr. Gunther Duschek, Managing Director at RUDOLF GROUP.

Fifteen years later, RUDOLF GROUP does it again and takes a significant leapfrog. It pushes the boundaries of R&D well beyond fluorine-free, embraces nature and introduces water repellent performance entirely based on natural components. “We are launching two brand new, distinctive product propositions entirely manufactured from natural sources that do not compete with human and/or animal nutrition” continues Dr. Duschek.

RUCO®-DRY BIO CGR is an absolute breakthrough and the first Durable Water Repellent (DWR) agent based on plant-derived processing wastes. In fact, RUCO®-DRY BIO CGR is made of natural waste that accumulates as by-product during the processing of cereal grains in the food industry. The leftover material that would otherwise be disposed of is refined to create a powerful water and stain repellent textile finish.

“By turning natural waste into DWR we have optimized the biologic character of RUCO®-DRY BIO CGR where the active component is made of more than 90% bio carbon” states Dr. Dirk Sielemann, R&D Director at RUDOLF GROUP. He continues: “Although most of the product is composed by recycled biomass, RUCO®-DRY BIO CGR meets the performance and durability of conventional water repellent textile finishes”.

RUCO®-DRY BIO NPE is an equally outstanding product innovation where DWR is entirely based on a carefully selected mix of natural plant extracts. The well-balanced mix of plant-based ingredients combines excellent water and stain repellent effects with breathability and a natural handfeel. 

Unlike other 100% renewable raw materials, those used in the making of RUCO®-DRY BIO NPE are chemically and genetically non-modified and are not used as food, feed or fuel. Furthermore, all of the plant extracts that compose RUCO®-DRY BIO NPE are subject to a strict conservation and sustainability framework. “That’s why the supply of RUCO®-DRY BIO NPE is likely to remain limited to the creation and marketing of performance outdoor and sports apparel programs embedding state-of-the-art sustainable technology” concludes Dr. Duschek.

Both RUCO®-DRY BIO CGR and RUCO®-DRY BIO NPE are marketed through the BIO-LOGIC trademark, registered by RUDOLF GROUP.

RUDOLF HUB1922 : Innovation rooted into Aspirational Chemistry (c) RUDOLF Group

RUDOLF HUB1922 : Innovation rooted into Aspirational Chemistry

The textile industry, one of the major industrial sectors worldwide, is going through a significant revolution, with changes taking place in various sections of textile processing. Biotechnology and biomimicry, for example, are continuously playing an important role in redefining the influence of the textile industry on society, and so is progress made in auxiliary chemistry, with advances investigated and then applied in almost every section of textile processing.  The outcome is amazingly promising.

Modern, real science is inextricably intertwined with environmental consciousness and they are definitely not mutually exclusive.

The textile industry, one of the major industrial sectors worldwide, is going through a significant revolution, with changes taking place in various sections of textile processing. Biotechnology and biomimicry, for example, are continuously playing an important role in redefining the influence of the textile industry on society, and so is progress made in auxiliary chemistry, with advances investigated and then applied in almost every section of textile processing.  The outcome is amazingly promising.

Modern, real science is inextricably intertwined with environmental consciousness and they are definitely not mutually exclusive.

At RUDOLF GROUP modern, real science means pushing R&D so to constantly explore new technology and innovations that help transform the textile and fashion industries. We work to reduce the overall dependency on traditional and virgin resources.  Getting textile manufacturers as well as brand and retailers on board is key to achieve real change. By 2030 we aim for a significant fraction of our products to be either sourced through paths alternative to the traditional petrochemicals, or by upcycling waste and/or byproducts from other industries.

“This is the kind of genuine, tangible, environmental consciousness that truly defines us and that entails that RUDOLF GROUP has a responsibility for the needs of society as a whole.” Said Alberto De Conti, Head of Rudolf Fashion Division “We have a maniacal attention to the environmental impact of our operations and products. We have truly embedded in ourselves the notion that “sustainability” is a key issue and critical to the long-term survival of our company and of society at large. “

The combination of modern, real science and environmental consciousness leads to what RUDOLF GROUP call aspirational chemistry something unique and something that positions us as shining example and guiding light throughout the industry. That is, in fact, BETTER CHEMISTRY.

Two are the innovations rooted in aspirational chemistry that RUDOLF HUB1922 presents. The first one is our WASHLESS technology and the second one is a brand new launch: LASER SMOOTHER, which supports laser technology and helps creating much better denim looks.


HUB1922 WASHLESS, which can be applied to both denim and non-denim, is the simultaneous application of
-    proprietary fluorine-free DWR (Durable Water Resistance) based on biomimicry to repel dirt
-    anti-microbial, anti-bacteria and anti-viral, non-migrating chemistry to stop body odour.
The combination of the 2 translates into garments that don’t require to be washed as much.

Life cycle assessment studies on clothes, detergents and washing machines show that home laundering is always the most energy‐demanding period during these products' life cycle, even higher than production or transportation phases.

“WASHLESS aims at changing consumer habits in clothing maintenance to a more environmentally friendly direction and represents a change that is the most feasible and efficient. Making washing machines obsolete is impossible, but even though the technologies in clothes cleaning have improved greatly, the washing frequency has not been reduced. We own more and more clothing and wash it more frequently. This increased amount of washing counteracts the technological improvements in home laundry. “ said De Conti.

It is only by understanding the climate change impact associated with home laundering that product innovations and consumer education can be explored. Studies consistently show that a carbon dioxide reduction of 105 MT and electricity savings of 142 thousand GWh can be obtained by reducing home laundering, on average, by 1/3. This is roughly equivalent to removing 12% of the 140 M passenger cars in the US, or taking 23 coal power plants off the grid. In addition, more than 60% of water consumed while laundering (2,000 billion liters) can be reduced through these strategies.


Laser denim is the current dominant technology available to the denim industry to create locally abraded areas, vintage effects, whiskers, patterns, patches, and even intentional holes and tears in a garment. Laser technology uses less water, harmful chemicals (such as potassium permanganate) and energy to create a wide variety of denim looks.

However, laser is not always able to produce the desired look, on the desired fabric, in the desired time. Therefore, chemical companies have been developing laser boosters that can be pre-applied to the garments in order to intensify the effect of the laser to mimic heavier bleaching applications. Unfortunately, laser boosters can create blurred images where the definition is lower and the overall image less natural.

The brand new RUDOLF HUB1922 LASER SMOOTHER is an all-in-one formulation, very easy to pre-apply to garments before laser burning and that return a very natural image which is very similar to the highly desirable hand scraping. Laser smoother can be applied by traditional exhaust or through nebulization and it dries at normal temperature in normal tumble driers.  Advantages of LASER PRIMER are:

•    Remarkable enhancement of the fabric’s characteristics (heightening of material)
•    Overall effect much more natural and similar to manual scraping (craftsmanship dimension)
•    Reduced required laser power to achieve the wanted effect (conspicuous energy saving)
•    A faster laser burning process (significant time saving, depending on the final effect)
•    Any other chemical spray is not required (environmental friendliness)
•    Reduced cost compared to other solution (financial viability)

Weitere Informationen:
Rudolf Group HUB1922 Denim


Finally: the fast-acting, all-in-one, highly durable antibacterial and antiviral solution for textiles: RUCO®-BAC AGP. (c) RUDOLF GmbH

Finally: the fast-acting, all-in-one, highly durable antibacterial and antiviral solution for textiles: RUCO®-BAC AGP.

  • RUDOLF GROUP is thrilled to unveil the perfected antiviral features embedded in RUCO®-BAC AGP, the Company’s flagship antimicrobial product for textile applications.

As a consequence of COVID-19 global pandemic the demand for chemical auxiliaries with antimicrobial effect has boomed. RUDOLF GROUP invested important resources in the meticulous assessment of a new antiviral feature which is now added to one of their leading technologies .

Such an effort returned the surprisingly fast and most comprehensive antibacterial and antiviral textile finishing on the market: RUCO®-BAC AGP.

History has led to great vision and innovation

The powerful antimicrobial effectiveness of RUCO®-BAC AGP is rooted in the extraordinary properties of silver, whose antimicrobial magic is lost in the mists of time. Already known by the ancient Romans, Greeks and Egyptians, water and milk were preserved by using silver coins through the early modern age.

  • RUDOLF GROUP is thrilled to unveil the perfected antiviral features embedded in RUCO®-BAC AGP, the Company’s flagship antimicrobial product for textile applications.

As a consequence of COVID-19 global pandemic the demand for chemical auxiliaries with antimicrobial effect has boomed. RUDOLF GROUP invested important resources in the meticulous assessment of a new antiviral feature which is now added to one of their leading technologies .

Such an effort returned the surprisingly fast and most comprehensive antibacterial and antiviral textile finishing on the market: RUCO®-BAC AGP.

History has led to great vision and innovation

The powerful antimicrobial effectiveness of RUCO®-BAC AGP is rooted in the extraordinary properties of silver, whose antimicrobial magic is lost in the mists of time. Already known by the ancient Romans, Greeks and Egyptians, water and milk were preserved by using silver coins through the early modern age.

R&D at RUDOLF GROUP has mounted silver on highly sophisticated, functional and registered microstructures that strengthen and amplify the qualities of this noble metal.

RUDOLF’s proprietary microstructures are the responsible hidden secret and key technical breakthrough behind both efficacy and durability of RUCO®-BAC AGP. This innovation is now the preferred solution to help reducing proliferation and cross-contamination of bacteria and enveloped-virus on textiles.

One gram of microstructures has the astonishing superficial area of about 60 m². The advantage of a much higher surface is that the consumption of resources and dosages can be minimized by the factor 100 and that makes RUCO®-BAC AGP a highly conscious choice.

“Due to the microstructures, a virtually infinite protective shield is created in the textile from which highly effective positive silver ions are set free in small, exactly dosed quantities” says Dr. Dirk Sielemann, R&D Director at Rudolf Group.

Taking performance to the next level

RUCO-BAC AGP effectively protects any textile against bacteria (harmful and odour-causing) and its superior antiviral performance on textiles has been independently demonstrated by applying the most modern testing methods. Assessments were carried out on enveloped Coronaviridae families known to cause a broad spectrum of animal and human diseases.

The microstructures in RUCO®-BAC AGP trigger their powerful antibacterial and antiviral effects based on 3 distinctive inhibiting mechanisms:
1.    Blocking of oxygen-transporting enzymes therefore leading to impaired growth;
2.    Crushing of disulfide bonds and therefore structure of sulphur-containing proteins.
3.    Possible interference with Bacteria and virus surface protein in the membrane.

RUCO®-BAC AGP is intended for the protection of the treated textiles and the microstructures of RUCO®-BAC AGP were studied thinking of performance and safety. It is suitable for next-to-skin applications and cytotoxicity tests show that RUCO®-BAC AGP has no influence on the natural microflora of the skin. Furthermore, because of the adhesion mechanism of its microstructures, RUCO®-BAC AGP is only active in/on the textile and it is non-migrating. 

“This year 202o is being highly emotional and it’s leading to the widespread introduction of antimicrobials on textile and to a myriad of vague, misleading or unsubstantiated marketing claims”, states Dr. Gunther Duschek, Managing Director at RUDOLF GROUP. He concludes “As a highly responsible company, we move cautiously and stand for technologies and practices that are effective, truthful and limit the exposure of apparel manufacturers, retailers and buyers to any risk”.



(c) Hochschule Niederrhein. Zahlreiche Gäste kamen zur Feierstunde anlässlich Prof. Dr. Rolf Klinkes (2. v.l.) 90. Geburtstag. v.l.n.r.: Prof. Dr. Rudolf Voller, Prof. Dr. Marie-Lousie Klotz, Hochschulpräsident Prof. Dr. Hans-Hennig von Grünberg, Prof. Dr. Lutz Vossebein.

Hochschule Niederrhein: Prof. Rolf Klinke zum 90. Geburtstag geehrt

  • Feierstunde für den Gründungsdekan

Professor Dr. Rolf Klinke war der erste Dekan des Fachbereichs Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik der 1971 gegründeten Fachhochschule Niederrhein. Er übte dieses Amt bis 1994 aus. Zu seinem 90. Geburtstag gab der Fachbereich ihm zu Ehren eine Feierstunde.

„Zusammen mit Wilhelm Thelen, dem ersten Kanzler der Fachhochschule Niederrhein, ist Rolf Klinke einer der Urväter der heutigen Hochschule Niederrhein“, sagte Hochschulpräsident Prof. Dr. Hans-Hennig von Grünberg in seinem Grußwort. 1969 wurde vom Landtag das Fachhochschulgesetz verabschiedet. Sowohl Krefeld als auch Mönchengladbach wollten Hochschulstandorte werden. Prof. Klinke leitete den 1971 vom damaligen Wissenschaftsminister Johannes Rau einberufenen Planungsausschuss.

  • Feierstunde für den Gründungsdekan

Professor Dr. Rolf Klinke war der erste Dekan des Fachbereichs Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik der 1971 gegründeten Fachhochschule Niederrhein. Er übte dieses Amt bis 1994 aus. Zu seinem 90. Geburtstag gab der Fachbereich ihm zu Ehren eine Feierstunde.

„Zusammen mit Wilhelm Thelen, dem ersten Kanzler der Fachhochschule Niederrhein, ist Rolf Klinke einer der Urväter der heutigen Hochschule Niederrhein“, sagte Hochschulpräsident Prof. Dr. Hans-Hennig von Grünberg in seinem Grußwort. 1969 wurde vom Landtag das Fachhochschulgesetz verabschiedet. Sowohl Krefeld als auch Mönchengladbach wollten Hochschulstandorte werden. Prof. Klinke leitete den 1971 vom damaligen Wissenschaftsminister Johannes Rau einberufenen Planungsausschuss.

Auf dem Tisch lagen drei Vorschläge, die Gründung von zwei eigenständigen Hochschulen, Zusammenschlüsse mit den Standorten Düsseldorf und Duisburg oder die Gründung einer eigenen linksrheinischen Hochschule. Nachdem der Ausschuss für eine gemeinsame Fachhochschule votierte, galt es, die in Krefeld und Mönchengladbach bestehenden Ingenieurs- und Werkkunstschulen in die neue Fachhochschule einzugliedern. „Herr Klinke hat diesen Ausschuss sehr klug, strategisch und besonnen geleitet. Wir verdanken ihm unsere Existenz“, würdigte Prof. Dr. von Grünberg den Jubilar.

Als die Fachhochschule Niederrhein am 1. August 1971 gegründet wurde, wird Prof. Dr. Klinke Prorektor der Fachhochschule und Dekan des Fachbereichs Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik. Der Fachbereich bündelte textile Fachrichtungen ehemaliger staatlicher Ingenieurschulen und Höherer Fachschulen aus Mönchengladbach, Krefeld, Köln und Bielefeld. Die textiltechnischen Ausbildungen in Aachen und Wuppertal verlegte man 1978 ebenfalls nach Mönchengladbach, so dass die gesamte textil- und bekleidungstechnische Ausbildung in Nordrhein-Westfalen in Mönchengladbach konzentriert wurde.

Rolf Klinkes Wirken im Fachbereich würdigte Prof. Dr. Marie-Louise Klotz, ebenfalls ehemalige Dekanin des Fachbereichs. Dabei stellte sie sein progressives Denken in den Vordergrund. Bereits in den ersten Jahren begann Prof. Dr. Klinke internationale Kontakte zu knüpfen und Forschung und Entwicklung voranzutreiben. „Sie haben uns mit Ihren Ideen infiziert“, sagte Marie-Louise Klotz. Aber auch für seine Bereitschaft, Wissen zu teilen und als Berater zu fungieren, wird Rolf Klinke am Fachbereich weiterhin sehr geschätzt.

„Prof. Klinke ist dem Fachbereich immer noch sehr verbunden und stets herzlich willkommen. Er hat mir vom ersten Tag meines Dekane-Amtes seine Hilfe und Unterstützung angeboten, was ich gerne in Anspruch genommen habe und ich schätze seine Ratschläge immer noch“ sagt Prof. Dr. Lutz Vossebein, amtierender Dekan des Fachbereichs. Als Geschenk des Fachbereichs überreichte er dem Jubilar zwei Seidenschals. Diese wurden von Studierenden des Fachbereichs entworfen und zeigen das Portal des historischen Gebäudes, in dem sich der Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik befindet.

Weitere Informationen:
Hochschule Niederrhein

Hochschule Niederrhein


Die ZDHC Stiftung begrüßt die Gruppe der weltweit führenden Chemieanbieter (*GCIRT)

Nach intensiven und konstruktiven Gesprächen verkündeten der Global Chemical Industry Round Table (GCIRT*) und das ZDHC-Management ihre Übereinkunft über die organisatorische Verpflichtung der ZDHC sowie ihr gemeinsames Verständnis über die Rolle der Chemieanbieter innerhalb des ZDHC-Programms.

Der Global Chemical Industry Round Table (*GCIRT - Runder Tisch der globalen Chemieindustrie), bestehend aus den führenden Anbietern von chemischen Lösungen für die Textil- und Lederindustrie, schließt sich dem ZDHC-Programm an. Ziel ist, die schnellere Umgestaltung der Industrie zu unterstützen, Komplexität aus der Lieferkette zu nehmen und den Kunden zu helfen, eine geeignete, nachhaltige Lösung zu finden.

(*GCIRT) ARCHROMA MANAGEMENT LLC (Schweiz); CHT Germany GmbH (Deutschland); Colourtex Industries Private Limited (Indien); DyStar Singapore Pte Ltd (Singapur); Huntsman Textile Effects (Singapur); KISCO (Korea); Pulcra Chemicals GmbH (Deutschland); RUDOLF GmbH (Deutschland); TANATEX Chemicals B.V. (Niederlande).

Nach intensiven und konstruktiven Gesprächen verkündeten der Global Chemical Industry Round Table (GCIRT*) und das ZDHC-Management ihre Übereinkunft über die organisatorische Verpflichtung der ZDHC sowie ihr gemeinsames Verständnis über die Rolle der Chemieanbieter innerhalb des ZDHC-Programms.

Der Global Chemical Industry Round Table (*GCIRT - Runder Tisch der globalen Chemieindustrie), bestehend aus den führenden Anbietern von chemischen Lösungen für die Textil- und Lederindustrie, schließt sich dem ZDHC-Programm an. Ziel ist, die schnellere Umgestaltung der Industrie zu unterstützen, Komplexität aus der Lieferkette zu nehmen und den Kunden zu helfen, eine geeignete, nachhaltige Lösung zu finden.

(*GCIRT) ARCHROMA MANAGEMENT LLC (Schweiz); CHT Germany GmbH (Deutschland); Colourtex Industries Private Limited (Indien); DyStar Singapore Pte Ltd (Singapur); Huntsman Textile Effects (Singapur); KISCO (Korea); Pulcra Chemicals GmbH (Deutschland); RUDOLF GmbH (Deutschland); TANATEX Chemicals B.V. (Niederlande).


ZDHC Foundation


RUDOLF GROUP: Nachhaltigkeit und Performance mit ECO-VENT®

Die neue Generation ökologischer wasserdampfdurchlässiger PU-Beschichtungen

Nahezu alle „atmungsaktiven“ PU-Direktbeschichtungen werden heutzutage aus Lösemittelsystemen appliziert. Diese Produkte beinhalten z.T. gesundheitsschädliche und umweltgefährdende Lösemittel.
Um das „Lösemittel“-Problem zu lösen, hat die RUDOLF GROUP ECO-VENT® entwickelt:

Eine wasserbasierende Beschichtung, die neue Perspektiven für eine Vielzahl von beschichteten Artikeln eröffnet, die wasserdampfdurchlässig und damit „atmungsaktiv“ sind.
Die optimale PFC-freie, wasserdichte und atmungsaktive Schutzbekleidung kann mit den verschiedenen RUDOLF-Technologien ausgerüstet werden:

  • Außenschicht ausgerüstet mit BIONIC-FINISH®ECO
  • Direktbeschichtung mit ECO-VENT®
  • Innenfutter mit Moisture-Management dank der hydrophilen HYDROCOOL®-Ausrüstung

Die neue Generation ökologischer wasserdampfdurchlässiger PU-Beschichtungen

Nahezu alle „atmungsaktiven“ PU-Direktbeschichtungen werden heutzutage aus Lösemittelsystemen appliziert. Diese Produkte beinhalten z.T. gesundheitsschädliche und umweltgefährdende Lösemittel.
Um das „Lösemittel“-Problem zu lösen, hat die RUDOLF GROUP ECO-VENT® entwickelt:

Eine wasserbasierende Beschichtung, die neue Perspektiven für eine Vielzahl von beschichteten Artikeln eröffnet, die wasserdampfdurchlässig und damit „atmungsaktiv“ sind.
Die optimale PFC-freie, wasserdichte und atmungsaktive Schutzbekleidung kann mit den verschiedenen RUDOLF-Technologien ausgerüstet werden:

  • Außenschicht ausgerüstet mit BIONIC-FINISH®ECO
  • Direktbeschichtung mit ECO-VENT®
  • Innenfutter mit Moisture-Management dank der hydrophilen HYDROCOOL®-Ausrüstung
Weitere Informationen:
Rudolf Group ECO-VENT


(c) Hochschule Niederrhein

Hochschule Niederrhein: Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik lädt zum Nachhaltigkeitstag

Der Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik und das Kompetenzzentrum EthNa der Hochschule Niederrhein laden zum Nachhaltigkeitstag auf den Campus Mönchengladbach. Im Rahmen von Vorträgen und Workshops geht es am Donnerstag, 8. November, um nachhaltiges Wirtschaften, einen nachhaltigen Konsum, eine nachhaltige Hochschule und vieles mehr. Auch Oberbürgermeister Hans-Wilhelm Reiners ist vor Ort und stellt das Konzept Fair Trade Town Mönchengladbach vor.

„Es ist unser erklärtes Ziel, unsere Studierenden frühzeitig für das Thema Nachhaltigkeit zu sensibilisieren“, sagt Prof. Dr. Rudolf Voller, der den Tag organisiert. Seit vor über fünf Jahren beim Einsturz einer Textilfabrik in Bangladesch über 1100 Menschen ums Leben kamen, wird die Diskussion über das Thema Nachhaltigkeit in der Textilbranche öffentlich geführt. Beim Nachhaltigkeitstag geht es aber nicht nur um Arbeitsbedingungen in den Billiglohnländern sondern auch um Ökologie und Transparenz.

Der Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik und das Kompetenzzentrum EthNa der Hochschule Niederrhein laden zum Nachhaltigkeitstag auf den Campus Mönchengladbach. Im Rahmen von Vorträgen und Workshops geht es am Donnerstag, 8. November, um nachhaltiges Wirtschaften, einen nachhaltigen Konsum, eine nachhaltige Hochschule und vieles mehr. Auch Oberbürgermeister Hans-Wilhelm Reiners ist vor Ort und stellt das Konzept Fair Trade Town Mönchengladbach vor.

„Es ist unser erklärtes Ziel, unsere Studierenden frühzeitig für das Thema Nachhaltigkeit zu sensibilisieren“, sagt Prof. Dr. Rudolf Voller, der den Tag organisiert. Seit vor über fünf Jahren beim Einsturz einer Textilfabrik in Bangladesch über 1100 Menschen ums Leben kamen, wird die Diskussion über das Thema Nachhaltigkeit in der Textilbranche öffentlich geführt. Beim Nachhaltigkeitstag geht es aber nicht nur um Arbeitsbedingungen in den Billiglohnländern sondern auch um Ökologie und Transparenz.

Den Anfang macht Estelle Herlyn von der FOM mit einem Vortrag zur „Bedeutung einer Green and Inclusive Economy bzw. einer ökosozialen Marktwirtschaft für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung“. Henning Wilts vom Wuppertalinstitut spricht über Circular Economy, Thore Vagts über Virtuelle Akademie Bildung Nachhaltigkeit der Universität Bremen. Mit Anselm Grahl ist auch ein Vertreter der Leuphana Universität zu Gast, die mehrfach als Fair-Trade-Universität ausgezeichnet wurde.

Nach der Mittagspause folgen sechs Workshops zu unterschiedlichen Nachhaltigkeitsthemen. Es geht unter anderem um Geschlechterbasierte Gewalt am Arbeitsplatz in Textilproduktionsländern, nachhaltiges Konsumverhalten, ein Insektenhotel für die Hochschule Niederrhein und Naturkosmetik zum selber machen. Außerdem gibt es eine Ausstellung textiler Objekte und Infostände von Fairquer, Eine-Welt-Laden und anderen. Der Fachbereich Oecotrophologie bietet eine Verkostung konventioneller und fair gehandelter Lebensmittel.

Termin: Donnerstag, 8. November 2018, 9 bis 17 Uhr; Hochschule Niederrhein, Campus Mönchengladbach, Richard-Wagner-Straße 97, Raum ZE34/35


Thinking Science and Design

HUB 1922, the fashion division of the RUDOLF GROUP, takes the stage at the Kingpins Show in Amsterdam and presents new technologies that make it possible to move away from environmentally questionable industrial practices.
HUB 1922 also announces the opening of the new company building in an ancient textile factory near Milan.

It was only six months ago that the RUDOLF GROUP, with its fashion Division named HUB 1922, began its journey through the fascinating world of garment finishing. Since then, the team has made significant progress and has moved from being a newcomer to the business to a solid and reliable reality. “HUB 1922 introduces the Rudolf Group to design thinking,” says Alberto De Conti, Head of Fashion Division at Rudolf Group. “And when you break perceived restrictions and paradigms within a strongly science-driven organization, only sky is the limit.”

For an entire semester, the organisation remained focused on one, single goal without getting distracted from it: to become the partner of choice for environmentally conscious advancements in garment processing that are rooted in real experience and science.

HUB 1922, the fashion division of the RUDOLF GROUP, takes the stage at the Kingpins Show in Amsterdam and presents new technologies that make it possible to move away from environmentally questionable industrial practices.
HUB 1922 also announces the opening of the new company building in an ancient textile factory near Milan.

It was only six months ago that the RUDOLF GROUP, with its fashion Division named HUB 1922, began its journey through the fascinating world of garment finishing. Since then, the team has made significant progress and has moved from being a newcomer to the business to a solid and reliable reality. “HUB 1922 introduces the Rudolf Group to design thinking,” says Alberto De Conti, Head of Fashion Division at Rudolf Group. “And when you break perceived restrictions and paradigms within a strongly science-driven organization, only sky is the limit.”

For an entire semester, the organisation remained focused on one, single goal without getting distracted from it: to become the partner of choice for environmentally conscious advancements in garment processing that are rooted in real experience and science.
Emphasis was put on listening attentively to the market and on engineering solutions proactively, without being prompted.

When it comes to Denim, two separate yet correlated calls for action were heard:
1. the need for a serious departure from established industrial practices that are environmentally questionable
2. the opportunity to change the current rules and stir toward enhanced product quality.

Weitere Informationen:
HUB 1922 Rudolf Fashion Division HypNO bleach


RUDOLF GROUP: Thinking Science and Design (c) RUDOLF GmbH

RUDOLF GROUP: Thinking Science and Design

  • HUB 1922, the fashion division of the RUDOLF GROUP, takes the stage at the Kingpins Show in Amsterdam and presents new technologies that make it possible to move away from environmentally questionable industrial practices.
  • HUB 1922 also announces the opening of the new company building in an ancient textile factory near Milan.

Amsterdam/Geretsried/Milan. It was only six months ago that the RUDOLF GROUP, with its fashion Division named HUB 1922, began its journey through the fascinating world of garment finishing. Since then, the team has made significant progress and has moved from being a newcomer to the business to a solid and reliable reality. “HUB 1922 introduces the Rudolf Group to design thinking,” says Alberto De Conti, Head of Fashion Division at Rudolf Group. “And when you break perceived restrictions and paradigms within a strongly science-driven organization, only sky is the limit.”

  • HUB 1922, the fashion division of the RUDOLF GROUP, takes the stage at the Kingpins Show in Amsterdam and presents new technologies that make it possible to move away from environmentally questionable industrial practices.
  • HUB 1922 also announces the opening of the new company building in an ancient textile factory near Milan.

Amsterdam/Geretsried/Milan. It was only six months ago that the RUDOLF GROUP, with its fashion Division named HUB 1922, began its journey through the fascinating world of garment finishing. Since then, the team has made significant progress and has moved from being a newcomer to the business to a solid and reliable reality. “HUB 1922 introduces the Rudolf Group to design thinking,” says Alberto De Conti, Head of Fashion Division at Rudolf Group. “And when you break perceived restrictions and paradigms within a strongly science-driven organization, only sky is the limit.”

For an entire semester, the organisation remained focused on one, single goal without getting distracted from it: to become the partner of choice for environmentally conscious advancements in garment processing that are rooted in real experience and science.

Emphasis was put on listening attentively to the market and on engineering solutions proactively, without being prompted.
When it comes to Denim, two separate yet correlated calls for action were heard:
1. the need for a serious departure from established industrial practices that are environmentally questionable
2. the opportunity to change the current rules and stir toward enhanced product quality.


Departure from the environmentally questionable

  • HypNO: The next generation of bleach

Many attempts to technical alternatives to local and total denim bleaching have been launched in the market, over the past five years, by a number of competing players. Originality and innovation are at the base of HypNO technical uniqueness that can be injected into traditional denim processing, but that can also be used to create whole new processes and aesthetics.
Birth child of relentless dedication to science, HypNO is the latest alternative to the traditional denim bleaching agents currently under the spotlight because of their alleged safety issues. HypNO is the next generation of bleach.

- HypNO is based on the application of a whole new family of RUCORIT compounds, which are halogene-free and heavy metal-free
- HypNO can replace both potassium permanganate and sodium hypochlorite with one more eco-friendly solution
- HypNO is free from unpleasant smells; it is production friendly and suitable for both spray and bath applications
- HypNO does not require neutralisation with agents such as sodium metabisulphite or peroxides, hence reducing the need for chemicals significantly
- HypNO is GOTS approved. Bluesign and ZDHC Chemical Gateway certifications are intended
- HypNO further helps in the elimination of pumice stones
- HypNO is highly efficient and has been engineered to be cost competitive compared to other existing bleaching solutions


Toward enhanced product quality

  • SoSoft, RawLong, DuraBlue

Durability over time still builds a brands’ reputation for quality. The notion of “durability” has changed over the years and has moved from sturdy workwear to the product's ability to retain its characteristics and structural properties.

“It goes against the whole denim philosophy, but, jeans are increasingly bought for what they look like at the time of purchase and are expected to evolve as little as possible. It is what it is; you can’t argue with consumers” says De Conti.

SoSoft, RawLong, DuraBlue, the three new technical concepts launched at Kingpins Amsterdam by the RUDOLF GROUP all sit under the umbrella wings of enhanced quality and specifically address long-lasting softness, preservation of original look and depth of blue.

  • SoSoft

All appreciate the softness and suppleness of used/worn denim and the comfort benefit it delivers. It is a generic denim truth, and it is even stronger when it can extend over time. SoSsoft is about softeners carefully engineered for an enduring emotion, one that lives along favourite clothes.

Tried and tested to over 15 home washes, these marvels of chemical engineering allow consumers to toss domestic fabric softeners to the benefit of environmental sustainability.

  • RawLong

Denim lovers want raw jeans to fade with time, soften and transform into what feels like an extension of their body. More often, people just want to prolong the look they chose. In both cases, home washing is a headache.

Years of testing have identified RawLong innovative, highly durable and natural solution that keep wearers fresh and at ease in their jeans allowing for long-wearing without washing. Moreover, less home washing means much less impact on the environment.

  • DuraBlue

The role of designers is to come up with the bluest of blue jeans in a spectrum of fantastic new blue finishes and supporting textures. The role of DuraBlue is to ensure a continuously updated collection of technical solutions that keep that rich, deep, dark blueness of jeans for much longer while limiting the quality issues that come with denim rubbing. In other words, light underwear, snowy shoes, and white sofas no longer live in fear.


The launch of HUB 1922

  • Busto Arsizio, Italy.

On a discreet street of Busto Arsizio, a village at the North of Milan is a red-brick building which in the 1800’s was the house of a textile mill. This 150-year-old structure is where the RUDOLF GROUP, the 100-year-old leader of textile, functional, responsible chemistry, is about to open its Fashion Division. Or, better, it’s HUB 1922.

HUB 1922 is committed to research and develop innovation within garment processing for the privately held mother company. HUB 1922, whose doors are expected to open during fourth quarter of 2018, will foster collaborative efforts with international fashion brands and retailers, will provide product innovation ideas at the crossroad of fashion and utilitarian functionality and will introduce elements of unorthodox diversity rooted in deep scientific knowledge, true environmental responsibility, technical innovation and creativity. “At a time when science plays such a powerful role in the life of society, it is incumbent on fashion to be dealing with scientific research. HUB 1922 facilitates that reunion” concludes De Conti.

Weitere Informationen:
HUB 1922 Rudolf