From the Sector

3 results

AkzoNobel: Nominations for Supervisory Board

AkzoNobel has announced that Mrs. Jaska de Bakker, Mrs. Ute Wolf and Mr. Wouter Kolk will be nominated for appointment to the company’s Supervisory Board, while Mr. Byron Grote – currently Deputy Chair and Chair of the Audit Committee – will be nominated for a fourth term of one year.

Mrs. De Bakker is a financial leader with experience in strategy, governance and ESG. Currently a board member at various companies, she was previously CFO at Royal FrieslandCampina and at Royal HaskoningDHV.
Mrs. Wolf is a seasoned finance professional with more than 25 years of experience in financial management and corporate planning. She served as CFO of Evonik Industries AG for ten years and, prior to that, she held several senior positions within various industries and companies.
Mr. Kolk is the current CEO of Ahold Delhaize Europe and Indonesia. With more than 32 years of experience in commercial, operational, supply chain, strategic and general management roles, he brings a wealth of knowledge in different geographies and businesses.

AkzoNobel has announced that Mrs. Jaska de Bakker, Mrs. Ute Wolf and Mr. Wouter Kolk will be nominated for appointment to the company’s Supervisory Board, while Mr. Byron Grote – currently Deputy Chair and Chair of the Audit Committee – will be nominated for a fourth term of one year.

Mrs. De Bakker is a financial leader with experience in strategy, governance and ESG. Currently a board member at various companies, she was previously CFO at Royal FrieslandCampina and at Royal HaskoningDHV.
Mrs. Wolf is a seasoned finance professional with more than 25 years of experience in financial management and corporate planning. She served as CFO of Evonik Industries AG for ten years and, prior to that, she held several senior positions within various industries and companies.
Mr. Kolk is the current CEO of Ahold Delhaize Europe and Indonesia. With more than 32 years of experience in commercial, operational, supply chain, strategic and general management roles, he brings a wealth of knowledge in different geographies and businesses.

Subject to the approval of his re-appointment, Mr. Grote will lead the supervision of the external auditor selection process, whereby the external audit firm of AkzoNobel will be replaced, starting with the audit of the 2026 financial statements. His re-appointment also ensures continuity during the change of the PWC lead partner in charge of the AkzoNobel account, as of the audit of the 2024 financial statements.  

The appointments and re-appointment will be put to shareholders for approval at the Annual General Meeting being held on April 25. Mrs. Pam Kirby, who is completing her second four-year term, will step down as member of the Supervisory Board as per the same date.




Rieter: Annual General Meeting 2023

Shareholders Adopt All Motions Proposed by the Board of Directors

  • Distribution of a dividend of CHF 1.50 per share approved
  • Remuneration Report 2022 and future remuneration of Board of Directors and Group Executive Committee formally accepted
  • All members of the Board of Directors who stood for re-election were elected
  • Thomas Oetterli newly appointed to the Board of Directors
  • KPMG newly elected as statutory auditors
  • Amendments to the Articles of Association approved

On April 20, 2023, 325 shareholders, who represent 66.2% of the share capital, attended the 132nd Annual General Meeting of Rieter Holding Ltd.

The shareholders approved the proposal of the Board of Directors to distribute a dividend of CHF 1.50 per share. The dividend for the 2022 financial year will be paid on April 24, 2023.

Shareholders Adopt All Motions Proposed by the Board of Directors

  • Distribution of a dividend of CHF 1.50 per share approved
  • Remuneration Report 2022 and future remuneration of Board of Directors and Group Executive Committee formally accepted
  • All members of the Board of Directors who stood for re-election were elected
  • Thomas Oetterli newly appointed to the Board of Directors
  • KPMG newly elected as statutory auditors
  • Amendments to the Articles of Association approved

On April 20, 2023, 325 shareholders, who represent 66.2% of the share capital, attended the 132nd Annual General Meeting of Rieter Holding Ltd.

The shareholders approved the proposal of the Board of Directors to distribute a dividend of CHF 1.50 per share. The dividend for the 2022 financial year will be paid on April 24, 2023.

Annual Report, Financial Statements, Consolidated Financial Statements and Remuneration Report
The shareholders also adopted all other motions proposed by the Board of Directors, namely approval of the annual report, financial and consolidated financial statements for 2022. Moreover, they formally approved the actions of the members of the Board of Directors and those of the Group Executive Committee in the year under review.

By way of a consultative vote, the shareholders also approved the Remuneration Report 2022.

Remuneration of the Members of the Board of Directors and the Group Executive Committee
In two separate binding votes, the proposed maximum total remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors and the Group Executive Committee for the 2024 financial year was approved.

Re-Election of the Members of the Board of Directors
The Chairman of the Board, Bernhard Jucker, and the Directors, Hans-Peter Schwald, Peter Spuhler, Roger Baillod, Carl Illi, Sarah Kreienbühl and Daniel Grieder were confirmed for a further one-year term of office. In addition, Thomas Oetterli was newly elected to the Board of Directors for a term of office.

The members of the Remuneration Committee who were standing for election –
Hans-Peter Schwald, Bernhard Jucker and Sarah Kreienbühl – were likewise re-elected for a one-year term of office.

Election of KPMG as Statutory Auditors
The shareholders also adopted the proposal of the Board of Directors to elect KPMG AG, Zurich, as new statutory auditors for the financial year beginning January 1, 2023.

Amendments to the Articles of Association
The shareholders further approved the proposals of the Board of Directors to amend the Articles of Association of Rieter Holding Ltd., in order to implement the requirements of the reform of the Swiss company law, which came into force on January 1, 2023.


Rieter Holding Ltd.


Resolutions adopted by the virtual Annual General Meeting of Lenzing AG

At the 77th Annual General Meeting of Lenzing AG, which was once again held virtually on April 14, 2021 via livestream due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the members of the Managing Board and Supervisory Board were formally discharged from liability for the business year 2020. KPMG Austria GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungs- u. Steuerberatungsgesellschaft was appointed to serve as the auditor of the annual financial statements and consolidated annual financial statements for the business year 2021.

Furthermore, the Annual General Meeting adopted the resolution on the compensation to be paid to Supervisory Board members as well as the principles underlying the remuneration of the members of the Managing Board. In addition to financial performance criteria, the remuneration policy of Lenzing AG regulating the multi-year, performance-oriented remuneration paid to the Managing Board members will also be linked in the future to non-financial sustainability criteria (ESG) designed to further promote the sustainable business strategy of Lenzing AG.

At the 77th Annual General Meeting of Lenzing AG, which was once again held virtually on April 14, 2021 via livestream due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the members of the Managing Board and Supervisory Board were formally discharged from liability for the business year 2020. KPMG Austria GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungs- u. Steuerberatungsgesellschaft was appointed to serve as the auditor of the annual financial statements and consolidated annual financial statements for the business year 2021.

Furthermore, the Annual General Meeting adopted the resolution on the compensation to be paid to Supervisory Board members as well as the principles underlying the remuneration of the members of the Managing Board. In addition to financial performance criteria, the remuneration policy of Lenzing AG regulating the multi-year, performance-oriented remuneration paid to the Managing Board members will also be linked in the future to non-financial sustainability criteria (ESG) designed to further promote the sustainable business strategy of Lenzing AG.

Fully on track strategically
The Managing Board of Lenzing AG presented the business development of the year 2020, a strategic outlook and sustainability strategy including the relevant roadmap to achieve climate targets to the participating shareholders. In 2019, Lenzing made a strategic commitment to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions per ton of product by 50 percent by the year 2030. The goal is to operate in a climate-neutral manner by 2050.

The substantial investments made in Thailand and Brazil not only support Lenzing in its transformation to a supplier of environmentally compatible specialty fibers but also comprise an important milestone on this journey which sustainably increases the company’s enterprise value.

The implementation of these two key projects is proceeding ahead as planned in spite of the direct impacts of the coronavirus crisis. The pulp plant in Brazil is scheduled to be put into operation in the first half of 2022 and will significantly increase Lenzing’s own in-house supply of dissolving pulp. Production in Thailand is expected to commence towards the end of 2021, further raising the share of eco-friendly specialty fibers in the Lenzing product portfolio.

New appointments to the Supervisory Board
Dr. Veit Sorger retired from the Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG on his request effective at the end of the Annual General Meeting. Veit Sorger had been a Member of the Supervisory Board since 2004 (also serving as Deputy Chairman since 2011) and served on various Supervisory Board committees.

The Annual General Meeting elected Dr. Markus Fürst, Managing Director of B&C Industrieholding GmbH, and Thomas Cord Prinzhorn, MBA, CEO of Prinzhorn Holding GmbH, to serve on the Supervisory Board until the end of the Annual General Meeting resolving upon the discharge of the Supervisory Board members for the business year 2024.


Lenzing AG