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Lectra appoints Nathalie Brunel as Vice-President Sales, Fashion & Apparel ©Lectra
Nathalie Brunel

Lectra appoints Nathalie Brunel as Vice-President Sales, Fashion & Apparel

  • Nathalie Brunel’s role is to support Lectra’s global teams in the roll-out of its new strategy to customers

Paris – Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather, technical textiles and composite materials, is pleased to announce the appointment of Nathalie Brunel to the role of Vice-President Sales, Fashion & Apparel. Based at Lectra’s headquarter’s in Paris, Nathalie reports to Edouard Macquin, Chief Sales Officer, Lectra and a member of the executive committee.

Nathalie Brunel’s role is to support Lectra’s subsidiaries as they conduct the Group’s strategic roadmap through the deployment of an offer—integrating the PLM and the cutting room of the future—which is rooted in customer experience. Nathalie will notably work with six countries: United States, China, Germany, United Kingdom, France and Italy.

  • Nathalie Brunel’s role is to support Lectra’s global teams in the roll-out of its new strategy to customers

Paris – Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather, technical textiles and composite materials, is pleased to announce the appointment of Nathalie Brunel to the role of Vice-President Sales, Fashion & Apparel. Based at Lectra’s headquarter’s in Paris, Nathalie reports to Edouard Macquin, Chief Sales Officer, Lectra and a member of the executive committee.

Nathalie Brunel’s role is to support Lectra’s subsidiaries as they conduct the Group’s strategic roadmap through the deployment of an offer—integrating the PLM and the cutting room of the future—which is rooted in customer experience. Nathalie will notably work with six countries: United States, China, Germany, United Kingdom, France and Italy.

“The fashion and apparel industry, a historic market for Lectra, is the pillar of our international presence. Our customers expect a high level of expertise and advice to meet the challenges they face due to the digitalization of their professions. Nathalie Brunel’s experience in transforming organizations and developing business for complex solutions within large groups is a valuable asset for both Lectra and our customers,” states Edouard Macquin.

“The fashion and apparel ecosystem is clearly entering the digital era. I aim to bring Lectra’s value proposition to our customers, facilitating their adoption of Industry 4.0 principles. I am proud to contribute to the integration of new technologies in their processes, from design to the finished product. It is crucial to meet the needs of companies facing a complex and fragmented market that is generating both local, and global, pressures,” underlines Nathalie Brunel.

Nathalie Brunel has over 20 years of experience in managing large accounts and management responsibility. In 1996, she joined the Altran group where she successively held the roles of Development Director, Director of a business unit, Associate Director, and Executive Director of large accounts. In 2011, Orange Business Services recruited Nathalie Brunel as Vice-President, Business Operations and Support, then Vice-President Large Accounts, Manufacturing and IT. Prior to joining Lectra, Nathalie Brunel held the position of CEO and shareholder of Okavango Energy, a consulting and industrial energy performance company.

Nathalie has a diploma from the Institut supérieur de commerce de Paris.



Devan launches new antimicrobial brand line ©Devan Chemicals NV

Devan launches new antimicrobial brand line

RONSE - Devan Chemicals, a Belgian-headquartered provider of finishing technologies, recently launched a new multifunctional antimicrobial brand line. The brand line consists of their well-known, but recently rebranded quat-silane antimicrobial solution, combined with extra features. This enables textile manufacturers to apply multiple functionalities via one single treatment.

BI-OME®, Devan’s recently rebranded antimicrobial solution, has been launched with interesting extra features. The speciality chemical provider has combined its antimicrobial technology with other functional finishes in its product range and now offers a variety of combinations:

RONSE - Devan Chemicals, a Belgian-headquartered provider of finishing technologies, recently launched a new multifunctional antimicrobial brand line. The brand line consists of their well-known, but recently rebranded quat-silane antimicrobial solution, combined with extra features. This enables textile manufacturers to apply multiple functionalities via one single treatment.

BI-OME®, Devan’s recently rebranded antimicrobial solution, has been launched with interesting extra features. The speciality chemical provider has combined its antimicrobial technology with other functional finishes in its product range and now offers a variety of combinations:

  • BI-OME® Quick dry combines the antimicrobial properties (for odour control) with advanced moisture management properties to promote efficient and faster evaporation to aid cooling and comfort.
  • BI-OME® Stretch combines the antimicrobial solution with stretch recovery properties for better fit.
  • A more revolutionary variation is BI-OME® AV, which has an antiviral activity in addition to its antimicrobial properties.
  • Of course, BI-OME®, the antimicrobial solution without any extra features, remains available.

Devan’s experience with antimicrobial technology goes back a long time. More than 25 years of research led to the creation of the BI-OME® product range. Thanks to the combination of a cross-border support package (mill training, quality control, etc.) and unique product excellence (non-migrating, no use of silver), Devan’s antimicrobial technology is widely chosen across the globe.

BI-OME® is fully BPR and EPA compliant, Oekotex and Bluesign registered, can be delivered worldwide and is applicable for apparel, home textiles, bedding, transport & mobility, etc.

© Hohenstein Group

Von der Standardgrößentabelle zum funktionellen Größensystem

Bei Berufsbekleidung, aber auch bei Persönlicher Schutzausrüstung (PSA), gewinnen Passform, Komfort und modische Optik zunehmend an Bedeutung. Zwar sind Schutz und Funktion immer noch die wichtigsten Eigenschaften, gefordert wird aber auch modische, passformsichere Berufs- und Schutzbekleidung, die optimale Bewegungsfreiheit bietet. Dieser Balanceakt stellt die Hersteller bei Entwicklung und Vertrieb vor neue komplexe Herausforderungen.

BÖNNIGHEIM (blb) Bei Berufsbekleidung, aber auch bei Persönlicher Schutzausrüstung (PSA) gewinnen Passform, Komfort und modische Optik zunehmend an Bedeutung. Zwar sind Schutz und Funktion immer noch die wichtigsten Eigenschaften, gefordert wird aber auch modische, passformsichere Berufs- und Schutzbekleidung, die optimale Bewegungsfreiheit bietet. Dieser Balanceakt stellt die Hersteller bei Entwicklung und Vertrieb vor neue, komplexe Herausforderungen.

Zur Gestaltung von Bekleidung, PSA, Arbeitsplätzen und Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstellen werden anthropometrische Daten genutzt. Hierbei kommen grundsätzlich zwei unterschiedliche Maßsysteme zum Einsatz: Größentabellen und Ergonomie-Normen.

Bei Berufsbekleidung, aber auch bei Persönlicher Schutzausrüstung (PSA), gewinnen Passform, Komfort und modische Optik zunehmend an Bedeutung. Zwar sind Schutz und Funktion immer noch die wichtigsten Eigenschaften, gefordert wird aber auch modische, passformsichere Berufs- und Schutzbekleidung, die optimale Bewegungsfreiheit bietet. Dieser Balanceakt stellt die Hersteller bei Entwicklung und Vertrieb vor neue komplexe Herausforderungen.

BÖNNIGHEIM (blb) Bei Berufsbekleidung, aber auch bei Persönlicher Schutzausrüstung (PSA) gewinnen Passform, Komfort und modische Optik zunehmend an Bedeutung. Zwar sind Schutz und Funktion immer noch die wichtigsten Eigenschaften, gefordert wird aber auch modische, passformsichere Berufs- und Schutzbekleidung, die optimale Bewegungsfreiheit bietet. Dieser Balanceakt stellt die Hersteller bei Entwicklung und Vertrieb vor neue, komplexe Herausforderungen.

Zur Gestaltung von Bekleidung, PSA, Arbeitsplätzen und Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstellen werden anthropometrische Daten genutzt. Hierbei kommen grundsätzlich zwei unterschiedliche Maßsysteme zum Einsatz: Größentabellen und Ergonomie-Normen.

In der Konfektion beschreiben die Größentabellen die bekannten Konfektionsgrößen und dienen als Grundlage für die Schnittentwicklung und Passformsicherung. Allerdings können diese Größentabellen die Funktionsanforderungen an Berufs- und Schutzbekleidung nur unzureichend abdecken. Körpermaße verändern sich durch die Bewegung des Körpers, was in den Standardgrößentabellen für Konfektionsgrößen nicht berücksichtigt wird. Die bewegungsbedingte Bandbreite von Körpermaßen werden in den sogenannten Ergonomie-Normen abgebildet, in denen z.B. verschiedene Armreichweiten beschrieben sind. Allerdings werden in den Normen Perzentile und keine Größen dargestellt. Perzentile sind aber nur Prozentangaben, um die Verteilung eines Maßes innerhalb einer Personenstichprobe zu beschreiben. Sie haben keinen Bezug zur Konfektionsgröße. Was daher fehlt, ist die Verbindung zwischen beiden Systemen. Bislang aber ist ein Maßstandard, der sowohl den Größenbezug, als auch die Bewegung des Körpers bei der Arbeit berücksichtigt, nicht verfügbar.

Gebückt muss es genauso gut passen wie gestreckt

Im Forschungsprojekt „Funktionsmaße“ der Hohenstein Group wird die Variabilität von Körpermaßen erforscht, um die bewegungsbedingten Körperveränderungen in ein neues Größensystem für Funktionsmaße umzusetzen. Dabei steht die 3D-Analyse der Körpermaße von Frauen und Männern in verschiedenen Körperhaltungen im Fokus der Arbeiten.

Dieses Forschungsprojekt spricht gezielt Hersteller für Persönliche Schutzausrüstung, Berufsbekleidung sowie Sport- und Outdoor-Bekleidung an. Die Ergebnisse des Forschungsvorhabens können zukünftig sowohl in bewegungsorientierte Schnitte für funktionelle und ergonomisch optimierte Bekleidung umgesetzt, als auch für die Passform-Sicherung genutzt werden.

Das Forschungsprojekt wird im Sommer 2018 abgeschlossen. Anschließend stehen die Ergebnisse allen interessierten Unternehmen zur Verfügung.


Defining Textile Sustainability

What Keeps Consumers Up at Night?

Climate change appears to be a bigger concern for consumers than recent media reports may have indicated. In the ground-breaking, global, quantitative consumer survey, “The Key to Confidence: Consumers and Textile Sustainability—Attitudes, Changing Behaviors, and Outlooks”, commissioned by the OEKO-TEX® Association in commemoration of its 25th Anniversary, climate change ranked third on a list of sixteen modern day worries on the minds of today’s consumers.

“The Key to Confidence” online study was conducted earlier this year with a worldwide sample of more than 11,000 clothing and home textile consumers. Designed and administered by global brand and sustainability research expert, Ellen Karp of Anerca International, the extensive study explored a broad assortment of consumer attitudes about textile sustainability including harmful substances, the industry’s environmental impact, and the social welfare of textile workers.

What Keeps Consumers Up at Night?

Climate change appears to be a bigger concern for consumers than recent media reports may have indicated. In the ground-breaking, global, quantitative consumer survey, “The Key to Confidence: Consumers and Textile Sustainability—Attitudes, Changing Behaviors, and Outlooks”, commissioned by the OEKO-TEX® Association in commemoration of its 25th Anniversary, climate change ranked third on a list of sixteen modern day worries on the minds of today’s consumers.

“The Key to Confidence” online study was conducted earlier this year with a worldwide sample of more than 11,000 clothing and home textile consumers. Designed and administered by global brand and sustainability research expert, Ellen Karp of Anerca International, the extensive study explored a broad assortment of consumer attitudes about textile sustainability including harmful substances, the industry’s environmental impact, and the social welfare of textile workers.

Prior to answering questions about clothing and home textiles in particular, consumers responded to several queries to gauge their attitudes about sustainability in general. To understand the relative importance of climate change, consumers were asked to pick the top five issues that worry them most from a list of sixteen political, economic, personal, and global problems. “Terrorism” ranked first with 49% of consumers listing it in their top 5, “illness and disease” was second with 42%, and “climate change” rated third with 41%. “My personal finances” came in fourth at 37%. “Opportunities for my children in the future” and “the political leadership in my country” tied for fifth with 31% each.

“Climate change has become a significant issue for consumers,” Karp concludes. “Erratic weather patterns, mounting scientific data, escalating political debate, and first-hand experience with environmental degradation combine to make climate change more of an immediate threat than people considered it to be just a decade ago.”

“For twenty-five years, OEKO-TEX® has helped reduce the use of harmful chemicals and increase sustainable manufacturing practices in the global textile supply chain,” says Anna Czerwinska, Head of Marketing and Communication at OEKO-TEX®. “Our certified clients are industry leaders in the production of compliant, high quality textiles that are tested for harmful substances and responsibly made with respect for the environment and employees. They will be well positioned to capitalize on the growing consumer demands for sustainable textile products.”

A webinar with Ellen Karp presenting the research findings can be viewed at To learn more about “The Key to Confidence: Consumers and Textile Sustainability—Attitudes, Changing Behaviors, and Outlooks”, please contact Trish Martin at or Anna Czerwinska at Read more about the OEKO-TEX® portfolio of testing, certification, and label products at:


More information:
OEKO TEX Sustainability

OEKO-TEX® Service GmbH

Famab Award: Golden Apple for Trevira fair stand © Trevira GmbH

Famab Award: Golden Apple for Trevira fair stand

At the Famab award ceremony in Ludwigsburg on 23 November, the Trevira City fair stand – shown at Orgatec 2016 in Cologne last year – won the Golden Apple in the architecture category – Best Stand M. The Famab Award is a hugely prestigious accolade for integrated brand experiences. It honours major international projects in the fields of architecture (temporary or permanent) and interpersonal communication.

Trevira´s CEO, Klaus Holz, said, “We are delighted that our Trevira City has been awarded the Golden Apple. We would like to thank interior designers raumkontor for coming up with such a fantastic idea for our stand, and we´d also like to say a big thank you to the organisers for making the award ceremony at the Forum am Schlosspark in Ludwigsburg such an enjoyable experience.”

At the Famab award ceremony in Ludwigsburg on 23 November, the Trevira City fair stand – shown at Orgatec 2016 in Cologne last year – won the Golden Apple in the architecture category – Best Stand M. The Famab Award is a hugely prestigious accolade for integrated brand experiences. It honours major international projects in the fields of architecture (temporary or permanent) and interpersonal communication.

Trevira´s CEO, Klaus Holz, said, “We are delighted that our Trevira City has been awarded the Golden Apple. We would like to thank interior designers raumkontor for coming up with such a fantastic idea for our stand, and we´d also like to say a big thank you to the organisers for making the award ceremony at the Forum am Schlosspark in Ludwigsburg such an enjoyable experience.”

The Trevira City, which was developed by the interior designers at raumkontor and realised by Buchhold and Glindemann GmbH, took up the fair’s theme: “New Visions of Work”. Trevira City, which comprised eight houses made of fabric, showed textile solutions for modern work environments. It offered a new perspective on modern work environments where the borders between working and living become blurred, thereby demanding new approaches to design. In between the houses, an open space was created that stands for the central themes of efficient work processes: communication, creativity, inspiration, networking, and motion.

The fibre manufacturer, who was a first time exhibitor at Orgatec, presented its stand in collaboration with six fabric partners who showcased their products in one of each of the houses: Baumann Dekor, Casalegno Tendaggi, Fidivi, Hohmann, Müller Zell, Pugi. The various facets of the exhibition display the huge range of possibilities created by the participating manufacturers with their Trevira CS products.

Other fabric suppliers also contributed to the textile furnishings of the fair stand. Création Baumann, JAB Anstoetz, Mattes & Ammann, and Silent Gliss were the sponsors for the textile decorations in the two Trevira houses.


More information:
Trevira GmbH Famab Award

© Trevira GmbH


AZL is building on the success of the study on Composites in Buildings & Infrastructure

The AZL will continue its collaboration on composites in buildings and infrastructure after completing an initial market and technology study which identified new potentials for composite technologies in buildings and infrastructure markets. The aim of the new AZL Workgroup which will meet for the first time on January 25th, 2018 is to jointly develop new applications and to support the business development for composites in these two growing markets. The meeting is open to interested companies from the composite industry as well as the building and infrastructure markets.

The aim of the initial workgroup meeting will be to turn insights from the study into a long-term workgroup collaboration and to define topics and initiatives for the joint cooperation in the field of process and manufacturing technologies, fire safety regulations, materials as well as standards and norms. Industrial keynote presentations will introduce these action fields and will provide an insight into building and infrastructure applications for composites. The meeting will furthermore provide a platform to network with companies along the entire composite value chain.

The AZL will continue its collaboration on composites in buildings and infrastructure after completing an initial market and technology study which identified new potentials for composite technologies in buildings and infrastructure markets. The aim of the new AZL Workgroup which will meet for the first time on January 25th, 2018 is to jointly develop new applications and to support the business development for composites in these two growing markets. The meeting is open to interested companies from the composite industry as well as the building and infrastructure markets.

The aim of the initial workgroup meeting will be to turn insights from the study into a long-term workgroup collaboration and to define topics and initiatives for the joint cooperation in the field of process and manufacturing technologies, fire safety regulations, materials as well as standards and norms. Industrial keynote presentations will introduce these action fields and will provide an insight into building and infrastructure applications for composites. The meeting will furthermore provide a platform to network with companies along the entire composite value chain.

Dr. Amer Affan, CEO and founder of AFFAN Innovative Structures based in Dubai is in charge of various composite projects for buildings such as the Museum of the Future in Dubai: “We have been utilizing structural composites in construction since 2010. Composites is a truly high-tech material compared with the traditional building materials (steel, concrete, timber and aluminum) but it is still to be recognized as such in the conservative and price-sensitive building industry. AZL, particularly its location at the RWTH Aachen University and its partner companies, offers a good platform to progress the use of composites in construction.”

AZL together with more than 25 companies just completed the Joint Market and Technology Study on “New Potentials for Composite Technologies in Buildings and Infrastructure” establishing a broad knowledge on business opportunities for composite technologies in these two growing markets. In a structured approach, the study determined the key segments as well as the technologies/applications with the highest market and technological potential. Analyses of 20 market segments, investigation of 438 applications, technology analyses of 25 highlight components and 11 detailed business cases were elaborated throughout the study. Additional to requirement analyses for materials and production technologies, new concepts for efficient profitable production technologies and cost engineering analysis were developed. With the workgroup, the AZL will take this initiative a step further with the aim to build a long-term cooperation platform for composites in buildings and infrastructure markets.

Justin Jin, CEO of the Korean company AXIA Materials participated in the study and is part of the AZL Partner Network: “As producer of large thermoplastic composite sheets and composite SIP (Structural Insulated Panel), we are eager to drive composites in B&I applications with the best efficient way. The AZL study on Buildings and Infrastructure provided us a great networking with key players in this business field and opportunities to strengthen our products with the key elements from partners. The study also gave us a proper market understanding including market size/volume in numbers to prove the value of this technology to building industry. We are looking forward to following up on these first insights and to realize applications with the AZL and its partners.”

Besides the networking options, the meeting will offer the opportunity to get an insight into the activities of the AZL Network consisting of nine research institutes at the RWTH Aachen Campus and more than 80 companies from 21 countries. During an optional guided tour, participants will visit selected institutes at the RWTH Aachen Campus. The meeting is open to all interested companies and free of charge.

More Information on Meeting and the Study
Information on AZL activities in the field of buildings and infrastructure:
Details and registration to first Workgroup Meeting on January 25th, 2018:


Customer data heralds new opportunities for fashion industry © Lectra
Lectra ESCP Europe Round Table

Customer data heralds new opportunities for fashion industry

  • Amazon, EasySize, Evo Pricing and Lectra explored diverse uses for customer data during a round table event organized by the ESCP Europe - Lectra ‘Fashion & Technology’ Chair Paris

Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather, technical textiles and composite materials, the French business school ESCP Europe and their joint ‘Fashion & Technology’ Chair examined the multiple ways the fashion industry’s ecosystem can use customer data, during a recent round table event at the start of the fifth Fashion Tech Week in Paris.

Elise Beuriot, senior category leader, EU Luggage, Amazon, Olivier Dancot, VP of data, Lectra, Fabrizio Fantini, founder and CEO, Evo Pricing, and Gulnaz Khusainova, founder and CEO, Easysize, agreed straight away on one key point: the analysis of customer data lends itself to limitless applications along the entire fashion value chain. Its impact is immense, whether in terms of customer satisfaction, competitiveness, revenues or waste limitation.

  • Amazon, EasySize, Evo Pricing and Lectra explored diverse uses for customer data during a round table event organized by the ESCP Europe - Lectra ‘Fashion & Technology’ Chair Paris

Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather, technical textiles and composite materials, the French business school ESCP Europe and their joint ‘Fashion & Technology’ Chair examined the multiple ways the fashion industry’s ecosystem can use customer data, during a recent round table event at the start of the fifth Fashion Tech Week in Paris.

Elise Beuriot, senior category leader, EU Luggage, Amazon, Olivier Dancot, VP of data, Lectra, Fabrizio Fantini, founder and CEO, Evo Pricing, and Gulnaz Khusainova, founder and CEO, Easysize, agreed straight away on one key point: the analysis of customer data lends itself to limitless applications along the entire fashion value chain. Its impact is immense, whether in terms of customer satisfaction, competitiveness, revenues or waste limitation.

As early as the design phase, a wealth of data offers many sources of inspiration for stylists. For teams in charge of collections, “complex models allow the analysis of data like online traffic and purchase history in order to design and offer the products that consumers expect, which is a priority for a company obsessed by the customer, like Amazon,” stated Elise Beuriot. For sales, “decisions based on data trigger millions of orders. The impact on the inventory is enormous,” she added.

“Fashion is an industry where unsold items generate a lot of waste. Algorithms and big data analysis can reduce left-overs by anticipating demand several weeks ahead in order to optimize the price and replenishment,” observed Fabrizio Fantini. “Fashion companies who exploit data to inform their decisions become more efficient. They are better armed to protect their margins, but can also sell for less, and potentially reach a larger number of consumers.”

Other IT models aggregate customer data in real time ‘to determine, among hundreds of factors, those which have the biggest influence on buying decisions. Value doesn’t necessarily lie in the volume of data but in the depth of the analyses,’ claimed Gulnaz Khusainova. Easysize is careful that collected data is anonymous, she underlined, because ‘consumers need to keep control of their data, and know how it is used’.
For editors of software dedicated to fashion businesses, and suppliers of cutting machines designed for the clothing industry, “analyzing usage data from our solutions enables the offer to evolve, making each step in the value chain more efficient and perfectly adapted to the needs of the brands, retailers and manufacturers. What is at stake is better quality products, placed on the market as quickly as possible and at a reduced cost,” explained Olivier Dancot.

“It is easy to collect data, but difficult to extract actionable information. Everything hinges on data analysis,” concluded Céline Abecassis-Moedas, professor and co-scientific director of the ‘Fashion & Technology’ Chair and moderator of the round table. “Due to its emotional dimension—from the stylist’s inspiration to the consumer’s desire to buy—fashion is not an industry like others. However, all the components that make up its ecosystem can truly benefit from the judicious exploitation of customer data. Examples discussed this evening illustrate the diversity of what is possible.

More information:


Lenzing Group with substantial earnings increase in the first nine months of 2017 ©The Lenzing Group
Lenzing Group Vorstand

Lenzing Group with substantial earnings increase in the first nine months of 2017

  • Revenue up 9.4 percent to EUR 1,726.6 mn
  • EBITDA improvement of 23.9 percent to EUR 397.1 mn
  • Retail bond of EUR 120 mn redeemed – Lenzing with net liquidity as at end of September
  • State-of-the-art application innovation center opened in Hong Kong

Lenzing – The Lenzing Group generated a substantial increase in revenue and earnings in the first nine months of the 2017 financial year compared to the prior-year period. The company is continuing the implementation of its Group strategy sCore TEN in order to further expand the offering of specialty fibers and be even closer to its customers and business partners.

  • Revenue up 9.4 percent to EUR 1,726.6 mn
  • EBITDA improvement of 23.9 percent to EUR 397.1 mn
  • Retail bond of EUR 120 mn redeemed – Lenzing with net liquidity as at end of September
  • State-of-the-art application innovation center opened in Hong Kong

Lenzing – The Lenzing Group generated a substantial increase in revenue and earnings in the first nine months of the 2017 financial year compared to the prior-year period. The company is continuing the implementation of its Group strategy sCore TEN in order to further expand the offering of specialty fibers and be even closer to its customers and business partners.

Consolidated revenue climbed 9.4 percent year-on-year to EUR 1,726.6 mn. This increase is mainly attributable to higher prices for all three fiber generations. Consolidated earnings before tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) rose 23.9 percent to EUR 397.1 mn, corresponding to an EBITDA margin of 23 percent, up from 20.3 percent in the prior-year period. Earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) increased by 34.6 percent to EUR 298.4 mn, resulting in a higher EBIT margin of 17.3 percent (Q1-3 2016: 14 percent). The profit for the period improved by 35.3 percent to EUR 219.3 mn, and earnings per share rose 36 percent to EUR 8.12 per share. In September Lenzing redeemed the retail bond of EUR 120 mn. At the end of the reporting period the Group had net liquidity of EUR 16.9 mn.

“In the first three quarters of 2017, we successfully captured value in a very positive market environment and we continue to implement the sCore TEN strategy with great discipline. The opening of our new application innovation center in Hong Kong is an important step to boost our regional innovation capabilities. We were particularly proud to launch TENCELTM Luxe as a sign of Lenzing’s ongoing commitment to innovation and sustainability”, states Stefan Doboczky, Chief Executive Officer of the Lenzing Group. “After three excellent quarters we are confident to deliver substantially better operating results in 2017 compared to 2016, but at the same time we do expect more headwinds in 2018.”

Focus on customer intimacy

In September 2017, the Lenzing Group opened a new application innovation center (AIC) in Hong Kong, thus setting a further milestone in strengthening its innovation offering to all partners along the value chain. New applications for Lenzing fibers will be developed and tested at the new facility, among them applications for recent innovations such as the TENCELTM Luxe branded lyocell filament, the RefibraTM branded lyocell fiber and the EcoVeroTM branded viscose fiber.

Furthermore, new sales and marketing offices were opened in Turkey and South Korea in the first half of 2017. The direct contact to customers and well-equipped showrooms featuring products made of LenzingTM fibers serve as the basis for providing even better customer support.

Investment program in progress

The Lenzing Group aims to increase the share of specialty fibers as a percentage of revenue to 50 percent by 2020. Following the capacity expansion initiatives in Heiligenkreuz (Austria) and Mobile, Alabama (USA) which are both underway, Lenzing announced its intention to construct the next plant to produce TENCEL® fibers in Thailand.

A new era of sustainable production

In October 2017, the Lenzing Group presented a new product, TENCELTM Luxe, at an exclusive event held in Paris. The TENCELTM Luxe branded filament yarn represents Lenzing’s entry in the filament market. This fiber will support the Lenzing Group’s path towards becoming a true specialty player in the market for botanic materials derived from the sustainable raw material wood.

The launch volumes of TENCELTM Luxe are being produced at the Lenzing site. The basic engineering for a commercial scale plant was commenced.

Demand development on the global fiber market remains positive within the context of a generally friendly macroeconomic environment. Lenzing expects wood-based cellulose fibers to grow at an even higher rate than the overall fiber market. After three excellent quarters, the Lenzing Group will achieve an operating result in 2017 that is significantly better than 2016.

For 2018, Lenzing sees a number of somewhat opposing factors that limit visibility regarding fiber price developments. Overall market demand is expected to remain high. However, the Group expects a substantial increase on the supply side, especially for viscose but also for cotton. Price trends for selected key raw materials, especially caustic soda, are difficult to predict. Against this background the Lenzing Group expects a much more challenging market environment for standard viscose during the upcoming quarters.

The above-mentioned development reassures the Lenzing Group in its chosen corporate strategy sCore TEN. The Group initiated its transformation from a volume-oriented viscose player to a value-oriented specialty fiber player at the end of 2015, and will continue the disciplined implementation of its business strategy.

Key Group indicators (IFRS) in EUR mn











34rd International Cotton Conference Bremen 2018 Die Bremer Baumwollbörse
Logo Bremer Baumwollbörse

34rd International Cotton Conference Bremen 2018

  • 'Cotton Insights' Looks to the Future
  • Register now!
  • Save the Date! The countdown has started for the renowned International Cotton Conference, which will take place from 21st to 23rd March 2018 in Bremen.

As its theme 'Cotton Insights' illustrates, the Cotton Conference will provide a deep insight into the world of cotton, determine future challenges and offer solutions. Solutions that are not only important for the specialised cotton world, but also for the entire cotton supply chain from processing to textile retailing, because they focus on the needs of the end consumer.

The conference traditionally takes place in the historic Town Hall of the Hanseatic City of Bremen, in the immediate vicinity of the Cotton Exchange. Once again, more than 450 participants from around the world are expected. The Bremen Cotton Exchange and the Fibre Institute Bremen are the joint hosts of the Conference.

  • 'Cotton Insights' Looks to the Future
  • Register now!
  • Save the Date! The countdown has started for the renowned International Cotton Conference, which will take place from 21st to 23rd March 2018 in Bremen.

As its theme 'Cotton Insights' illustrates, the Cotton Conference will provide a deep insight into the world of cotton, determine future challenges and offer solutions. Solutions that are not only important for the specialised cotton world, but also for the entire cotton supply chain from processing to textile retailing, because they focus on the needs of the end consumer.

The conference traditionally takes place in the historic Town Hall of the Hanseatic City of Bremen, in the immediate vicinity of the Cotton Exchange. Once again, more than 450 participants from around the world are expected. The Bremen Cotton Exchange and the Fibre Institute Bremen are the joint hosts of the Conference.

"We used the time after the end of our Cotton Conference in March 2016 to carefully analyse market developments and determine current topics and areas of activity that are of intense concern to the industry. They are of great benefit to the participants, so it's worth the visit", emphasise Elke Hortmeyer, Director of Communications and International Relations at the Cotton Exchange and Axel Drieling, Senior Manager Cotton at the Fibre Institute Bremen.

The subjects range from traceability and authenticity testing of cotton, to new requirements for cotton quality, process optimisation through digitalisation, future trends and production and, last but not least, the status of the sustainability debate. In all segments, the Conference offers informative lectures and panel discussions which appeal to a wide audience and are of overriding interest. Separate forums are offered for experts in the fields of science and research.

On Tuesday, March 20th, prior to the International Cotton Conference, the publisher and editors of the leading national daily newspaper “Weser Kurier” invite participants to their economic summit 'Sustain', in cooperation with the Bremen Cotton Exchange. Here, an expert forum will discuss development prospects on the African continent. As is well-known, almost 55 million people in Africa live from cotton cultivation which will be one of the focal points.

As of now, potential interested parties will receive up to date and detailed information about the Conference content and its subjects on the Conference homepage, as well as in regular newsletters and, moreover, by active press work. It is already possible to register for the Conference online and to make hotel bookings via the Bremen Tourist Office. Please, find further information here:

More information:
Bremer Baumwollbörse

Die Bremer Baumwollbörse

Schoeller’s heated e-soft–shell wins Design Preis Schweiz © Schoeller Textil AG
Design Preis Schweiz for Schoeller

Schoeller’s heated e-soft–shell wins Design Preis Schweiz

A shining example of how technology and design work interact: On 3 November, 2017, Schoeller Textil AG wins the Design Preis Schweiz 2017/18 in the textile category. E-soft-shell is a heated fabric which can be cut to size without affecting the embedded technology and is primarily suited to clothing for outdoor activities and motorcycling.

The innovative company Schoeller Textil AG from the Rhine valley is the proud winner of the Design Preis Schweiz 2017/18, picking up the award for Excellent Swiss Design in the textile category on 3 November, 2017 in Langenthal.

Together with the whole Schoeller team, the Schoeller delegation – consisting of Roland Lottenbach (Head of Research and Development, left), Dagmar Signer (Marketing, centre) and Ruedi Kühne (CFO, right) - takes enormous delight in this recognition for the many years of intensive work. The company received the award for the heated fabric, E-soft-shell. Among others, the evaluation criteria were: technologies, material combinations, zeitgeist and innovation.

E-soft-shell by the meter

A shining example of how technology and design work interact: On 3 November, 2017, Schoeller Textil AG wins the Design Preis Schweiz 2017/18 in the textile category. E-soft-shell is a heated fabric which can be cut to size without affecting the embedded technology and is primarily suited to clothing for outdoor activities and motorcycling.

The innovative company Schoeller Textil AG from the Rhine valley is the proud winner of the Design Preis Schweiz 2017/18, picking up the award for Excellent Swiss Design in the textile category on 3 November, 2017 in Langenthal.

Together with the whole Schoeller team, the Schoeller delegation – consisting of Roland Lottenbach (Head of Research and Development, left), Dagmar Signer (Marketing, centre) and Ruedi Kühne (CFO, right) - takes enormous delight in this recognition for the many years of intensive work. The company received the award for the heated fabric, E-soft-shell. Among others, the evaluation criteria were: technologies, material combinations, zeitgeist and innovation.

E-soft-shell by the meter

The Design Preis jury commented as follows on the Schoeller development: Electrically heated clothing which makes it possible for us to stay pleasantly warm in winter has long been a dream of the textiles industry. Projects in this field have hardly made it beyond the development and trial phase hitherto. But now Schoeller Textil has created E-soft-shell, a material that makes this utopia a reality. E-soft-shell is a laminate consisting of bi-elastic tissue, machined lining and a functional corkshell coating. The heating technology is integrated with the fabric in a diamond-shaped geometrical pattern. It is based on metallic yarns, making it possible for the material to be evenly heated at standard voltages. The fabric is designed to be sold off the roll, and can be cut up without affecting the embedded technology. It is suitable above all as clothing for outdoor activities or motor cycling – but applications in the fashion or wellness worlds could also come into consideration.

Record Breaking Figures for the 10th JEC ASIA © JEC Group
One of the 3 levels of JEC Asia 2017

Record Breaking Figures for the 10th JEC ASIA

  • International composites event, for the first time in Seoul
  • The first ever French industrial event to take place in South Korea closed its doors last November 3, 2017 after 3 days of intense business

JEC Asia strategic move from Singapore to Seoul really paid off. More than 230 exhibiting companies from Asia, Europe and America were represented on the event that was organized over 3 floors of the COEX Exhibition Center of Seoul. The event registered a record number of 6,271 professional visits from 42 countries, the top visiting countries being South Korea, China, Japan, Taiwan and France.

  • International composites event, for the first time in Seoul
  • The first ever French industrial event to take place in South Korea closed its doors last November 3, 2017 after 3 days of intense business

JEC Asia strategic move from Singapore to Seoul really paid off. More than 230 exhibiting companies from Asia, Europe and America were represented on the event that was organized over 3 floors of the COEX Exhibition Center of Seoul. The event registered a record number of 6,271 professional visits from 42 countries, the top visiting countries being South Korea, China, Japan, Taiwan and France.

“The 10th anniversary of JEC Asia marked a real turning point for the composites industry in Asia Pacific. Not only have we gathered the whole composites value chain in one place for 3 days, but we also succeeded to apply our new strategy towards end-users as we have welcomed professionals from composites using industries such as Aerospace, Automotive, Electronic & Electric Equipment, Construction, Sports & Leisure and many more.” comments Ms. Frédérique MUTEL, JEC Group President and CEO. “Based on the outcomes of this session, we have already decided to double the surface of the event on one unique floor to be able to accommodate more exhibitors and innovative parts in 2018”, she adds.

“We very much appreciated the support of local authorities such as the City of Seoul who did it utmost to welcome international attendees and top buyers as well as the Korean Composites Industry in general for its massive participation. Also, we were very proud to host the 12th International Carbon Festival and we believe that our synergies contributed to such a successful event”, says Christian STRASSBURGER, JEC Asia Director.

JEC Asia, International Composites Event, will return in Seoul next November 14-15-16, 2018.

Kathmandu selects Archroma´s Earthcolors for Capsule Collection of its Signature Hoodies © Archroma
Archroma Earthcolors

Kathmandu selects Archroma´s Earthcolors for Capsule Collection of its Signature Hoodies

Reinach, Switzerland, 30 October 2017 - Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals, today announced its first-ever collaboration with Kathmandu, the well-known New-Zealand born and based outdoor brand. Kathmandu selected Archroma and its EarthColors range of plant-based dyes to create a new capsule collection of the brand’s signature hoodie.

Archroma’s EarthColors range recently came to public attention for being the Gold Winner of the OutDoor Industry Award 2017, Sustainable Innovations category, where Kathmandu also presented their first hoodies just off of the production line. Archroma’s EarthColors is a line of patented plant-based dyes, sourced from up to 100 percent renewable resources. Archroma developed EarthColors using non-edible waste products, from agriculture and herbal industries, to replace petroleum derived raw materials; which are the conventional raw materials used to synthesize dyes currently. This gives brands an alternative when looking for more natural ways of dyeing garments.

Archroma and Kathmandu teamed up to create an exclusive “vintage casual” look.

Reinach, Switzerland, 30 October 2017 - Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals, today announced its first-ever collaboration with Kathmandu, the well-known New-Zealand born and based outdoor brand. Kathmandu selected Archroma and its EarthColors range of plant-based dyes to create a new capsule collection of the brand’s signature hoodie.

Archroma’s EarthColors range recently came to public attention for being the Gold Winner of the OutDoor Industry Award 2017, Sustainable Innovations category, where Kathmandu also presented their first hoodies just off of the production line. Archroma’s EarthColors is a line of patented plant-based dyes, sourced from up to 100 percent renewable resources. Archroma developed EarthColors using non-edible waste products, from agriculture and herbal industries, to replace petroleum derived raw materials; which are the conventional raw materials used to synthesize dyes currently. This gives brands an alternative when looking for more natural ways of dyeing garments.

Archroma and Kathmandu teamed up to create an exclusive “vintage casual” look.

The colors available in the capsule collection: slate blue, burnt olive and burlwood rose, are made from the non-edible parts of nutshells, almond shells, rosemary, saw palmetto, bitter orange and beetroot, left over from agriculture industry or herbal extraction. The collection is available online at

“We are very proud and grateful that Kathmandu selected Archroma’s EarthColors for their first incursion into the world of nature-based colors,” comments Paul Cowell, Head of Brand Marketing in Archroma’s Brand & Performance Textile Specialties business. “Kathmandu will surely inspire other brands and retailers to explore and adopt eco - advanced innovations. With the help of Kathmandu, Archroma is again showing the apparel industry the way to go, one collection at a time. Because it’s our nature!” “We have been using recycled materials for over 20 years and we are constantly looking for new technologies to develop more sustainable outdoor gear, adds Manu Rastogi, Textile R&D and Responsible Materials Manager for Kathmandu. “Dyeing techniques using plants have been around for centuries, but they require adding huge amounts of mordants* and fixatives**, which could lead to water pollution.

They also tend to have poor light and wash fastness which is undesirable for the consumer and does not promote article longevity. So when we heard about Archroma’s EarthColors, we were immediately excited by what is probably the first technology allowing colors to be synthesized from plants rather than petroleum while keeping similar performance.” Kathmandu selected Archroma and its EarthColors range of plant-based dyes to create a new capsule collection of the brand’s signature hoodie. (Photographs: Kathmandu) Archroma’s EarthColors is a line of patent-pending plant-based dyes, sourced from up to 100 percent renewable resources. (Photo: Archroma)

Kathmandu® Registered trademark
*alum, iron, copper, tin, chrome
** salt, tannings, vinegar

CHOMARAT receives a JEC Innovation Award in Seoul with C-PLY™ ©CHOMARAT

CHOMARAT receives a JEC Innovation Award in Seoul with C-PLY™

At JEC Asia 2017 (1-3 November), the international textile group CHOMARAT will receive a JEC Innovation Award in the Sports & Leisure category for its C-PLY™ Hexagonal with visual & structural stitching. “CHOMARAT provided NEILPRYDE and COBRA with its C-PLY™ Non-Crimp Fabric (NCF) technology to help them manufacture an innovative windfoil board, and we are very proud to be rewarded with our partners”, says Pascal JOUBERT DES OUCHES, Sports Equipment Market Director at CHOMARAT.


At JEC Asia 2017 (1-3 November), the international textile group CHOMARAT will receive a JEC Innovation Award in the Sports & Leisure category for its C-PLY™ Hexagonal with visual & structural stitching. “CHOMARAT provided NEILPRYDE and COBRA with its C-PLY™ Non-Crimp Fabric (NCF) technology to help them manufacture an innovative windfoil board, and we are very proud to be rewarded with our partners”, says Pascal JOUBERT DES OUCHES, Sports Equipment Market Director at CHOMARAT.


The unusual stitching of this carbon multiaxial NCF reinforcement combines visual appeal and mechanical performance. C-PLY™ Hexagonal is an innovative carbon NCF with a unique stitching yarn designed to be visible within the resin and to capture resin colour pigments. The stitching yarn also improves fracture toughness compared to standard NCF.
“We researched the right stitching yarn among multiple options before coming up with a tailor-made yarn solution. C-PLY™ Hexagonal provides a unique honeycomb carbon design that appeals to end users”, adds Philippe SANIAL, R&T Director at CHOMARAT.


Originally dedicated to the design of aerospace and automotive parts, the concept is now successfully applied to the sports & leisure sector. In this innovative windfoil board construction, tows are spread to create thin plies, which are then stitched with precise ±45° angles. The C-PLY™ NCF structure respects the fibre alignment and is optimized in terms of fibre angles and ply weights, thanks to unique spreading technology. The result is a leading-edge carbon NCF reinforcement allowing structural design benefits, premium surface quality and overall parts cost savings. “Bringing a new carbon visual signature for our high-performance C-PLY™ range of NCF is a key to boost retail sales in the whole sports & consumers product industry”, concludes Pascal JOUBERT DES OUCHES.

More information:


Viyellatex Group Extends Collaboration Agreement with Huntsman for Another Two Years © Huntsman
Huntsman Viyellatex Signing Ceremony

Viyellatex Group Extends Collaboration Agreement with Huntsman for Another Two Years

  • Huntsman continues to inject its leading edge innovation in bangladesh to support textile industry with sustainable practices

Singapore - In a signing ceremony, Huntsman Textile Effects announced that it has extended the partnership and collaboration agreement with Viyellatex Group for another two years. The agreement will see the Viyellatex Group continuing to use Huntsman as its preferred and sole supplier for industry leading dyes, chemicals and dying auxiliaries. This partnership, now in its 17th year reinforces the recognition of Huntsman as a trusted and preferred supplier for the Viyellatex Group. Under this agreement, Huntsman will support Viyellatex’s Group of mills to streamline operations and optimize processes, train technical staff, and make recommendations to help improve yield and productivity. This strategic cooperation will enable Viyellatex Group to continue to achieve operational excellence.

  • Huntsman continues to inject its leading edge innovation in bangladesh to support textile industry with sustainable practices

Singapore - In a signing ceremony, Huntsman Textile Effects announced that it has extended the partnership and collaboration agreement with Viyellatex Group for another two years. The agreement will see the Viyellatex Group continuing to use Huntsman as its preferred and sole supplier for industry leading dyes, chemicals and dying auxiliaries. This partnership, now in its 17th year reinforces the recognition of Huntsman as a trusted and preferred supplier for the Viyellatex Group. Under this agreement, Huntsman will support Viyellatex’s Group of mills to streamline operations and optimize processes, train technical staff, and make recommendations to help improve yield and productivity. This strategic cooperation will enable Viyellatex Group to continue to achieve operational excellence.

“We are extremely pleased and proud of this continuing partnership with the Viyellatex Group. As a global leader in the transition to a more sustainable textiles sector, we are pleased to join hands with one of the country’s leading exporter of ready-made garments (RMG) and a supplier to leading international brands, commented Chuck Hirsch, Vice President, Sales and Technical Resources, Huntsman Textile Effects. “This cooperation agreement will also help Viyellatex Group to maintain its leading edge in the textile industry by leveraging on Huntsman’s R&D capabilities, innovation and focus on sustainability, while continuing to comply with the stringent requirements of its export customers around the world,” continued Mr Hirsh.

Speaking on the occasion Mr. David Hasanat, Chairman of Viyellatex Group said, “Viyellatex Group is the leading company in the area of sustainable apparel in Bangladesh. This continuing support and technical expertise from Huntsman will help us be more competitive in this increasingly challenging market. It will help us to comply with the stringent product demands from our global customers and better equip us to face challenges from the operational and environmental aspects.” He continues, “Viyellatex Group places strong emphasis on sustainability by minimizing energy usage, adopting waste and water recycling, and using only organic materials and environmentally compliant chemicals and dyes and Huntsman is the perfect partner in this regard as they share this vision.” “We are pleased to be conferred Preferred Supplier Status from Viyellatex Group, partnering with one of the leading apparel groups in Bangladesh” , said Mr. Dheeraj Talreja, Commercial Director - South Asia, Middle East & Africa of Huntsman Textile Effects. “This partnership is a great testament of our customers’ trust and confidence in Huntsman’s quality, proven expertise, products and service delivery,” he continued.

In conjunction with this signing ceremony and as an active supporter of Bangladesh’s textile industry, today Mr Hirsch also hosted a customer seminar for more than 500 customers and prospects in the country’s capital, to provide them with leading edge technologies to help them be more sustainable with competitive value-add to customers.

Huntsman Textile Effects holds regular seminars and workshops and also collaborates with textile mills and apparel manufacturers to adopt new technologies and processes that conserve resources, reduce waste and improve productivity.

Bangladesh’s textile industry is the nation’s largest export sector. The ready-made garment (RMG) sector is worth US$28.14* billion in 2016-2017, with more than 4,300 garment factories employing about 4 million people and accounting for 80.7% of the country’s total exports. To remain internationally competitive, local textile mills and RMG factories increasingly have to demonstrate that they operate in a socially and environmentally sustainable way.

More information:
Huntsman Viyellatex Grouo


Nordlichter - Die Norwegerpullover von bleed © bleed
bleed Fjord Jumper HW1718

Nordlichter - Die Norwegerpullover von bleed

Ein Klassiker und doch immer wieder ein Hingucker: der gute alte Norwegerpulli – zu finden in der aktuellen Herbst-/Winterkollektion von bleed, selbstverständlich aus hochwertiger Biobaumwolle. Der modische Fjord Jumper für Ladies und Guys sorgt für den perfekten Wohlfühleffekt an kalten Tagen. Wer es noch kuscheliger mag, für den hat das nachhaltige Streetwearlabel die Kapuzenpullover Norway Half-Zip Hoody für Ihn und den Norway Hoody Ladies für Sie im Sortiment. Jetzt kann der nordische Winter kommen!

Ein Klassiker und doch immer wieder ein Hingucker: der gute alte Norwegerpulli – zu finden in der aktuellen Herbst-/Winterkollektion von bleed, selbstverständlich aus hochwertiger Biobaumwolle. Der modische Fjord Jumper für Ladies und Guys sorgt für den perfekten Wohlfühleffekt an kalten Tagen. Wer es noch kuscheliger mag, für den hat das nachhaltige Streetwearlabel die Kapuzenpullover Norway Half-Zip Hoody für Ihn und den Norway Hoody Ladies für Sie im Sortiment. Jetzt kann der nordische Winter kommen!

Die Tage werden kürzer, die Nächte länger. Mit einer heißen Tasse Tee und einem warmen Pullover lässt sich das nasskalte Herbstwetter viel besser ertragen. Die neuen Pullover von bleed aus der Herbst-/Winterkollektion 2017/18 kommen im skandinavischen Look. Egal, ob in der Freizeit oder im Berufsalltag, mit dem Fjord Jumper setzen Frauen und Männer ein modisches Statement. Kurz geschnittener Kragen, Raglanärmel und grafische Muster zieren den Norweger-Style. Wer das Design in Form eines Kapuzensweaters bevorzugt, sollte zum Norway Half-Zip Hoody oder dem leicht taillierten Norway Hoody Ladies greifen. Das Fleece auf der Innenseite des Pullovers hält im Winter schön warm. Frauen, die zudem noch kalte Hände haben, können sie bequem in der aufgesetzten Kängurutasche vergraben. Persönliche Wertgegenstände wie Handy oder Schlüssel finden in der frontalen Zip-Tasche direkt am Körper ihren Platz. Den Männern stehen stattdessen zwei Seitentaschen zur Verfügung.

Die Norwegerpullover bestehen aus 100% Biobaumwolle, für deren Anbau komplett auf genetisch veränderte Samen verzichtet wird. Der Wasserverbrauch wird so gering wie möglich gehalten und spart im Vergleich zum herkömmlichen Anbau ca. 50% der kostbaren Ressource. Die Baumwollerträge werden noch per Hand gepflückt, wobei auf gute Arbeitsbedingungen und faire Löhne der Baumwoll-Farmer geachtet wird. Zudem ist das Naturprodukt atmungsaktiv, feuchtigkeitsaufnehmend und liegt mit seinem weichen Griff angenehm auf der Haut.

Sustainable in many different ways: recycling at Trevira © Trevira GmbH

Sustainable in many different ways: recycling at Trevira

Bobingen - On the 4th October 2017 a new brand was introduced at Trevira: Trevira SINFINECO®. This label may be carried by all textiles that contain sustainable Trevira products. Sustainable, innovative, high-value and responsible – these are the values the new brand stands for.

As an industrial enterprise, Trevira is conscious of its special responsibility for an intact environment and has long advocated the recycling of valuable raw materials and waste products. Trevira CEO Klaus Holz: “We at Trevira wish to preserve the environment and at the same time work to create value. These are the criteria of our sustainability concept.“

Creation of the new brand is therefore only a logical step, one that enables customers to label their sustainable Trevira products as such. Trevira is known for the high quality of its products. In every way recycled products are as good as the original materials in terms of quality and performance.

Two vital elements in Pre-Consumer Recycling and an important concept in Post-Consumer Recycling form part of the sustainability strategy of Trevira to conserve resources and maintain value. :

Bobingen - On the 4th October 2017 a new brand was introduced at Trevira: Trevira SINFINECO®. This label may be carried by all textiles that contain sustainable Trevira products. Sustainable, innovative, high-value and responsible – these are the values the new brand stands for.

As an industrial enterprise, Trevira is conscious of its special responsibility for an intact environment and has long advocated the recycling of valuable raw materials and waste products. Trevira CEO Klaus Holz: “We at Trevira wish to preserve the environment and at the same time work to create value. These are the criteria of our sustainability concept.“

Creation of the new brand is therefore only a logical step, one that enables customers to label their sustainable Trevira products as such. Trevira is known for the high quality of its products. In every way recycled products are as good as the original materials in terms of quality and performance.

Two vital elements in Pre-Consumer Recycling and an important concept in Post-Consumer Recycling form part of the sustainability strategy of Trevira to conserve resources and maintain value. :

In the area of Pre-Consumer Recycling, on the one hand, residual materials resulting from the manufacture of polyester fibres and filaments in Bobingen and Guben, dependent on the manufacturing step, are processed in the agglomeration plant and restored to become serviceable primary material. The recyclates are then fed back to our fibre and filament spinning mills, to be made into new top-quality products.

On the other hand, in fibre production there occurs in the manufacture of tow a small proportion of tow that cannot be used for converting and has to be cut out. Instead of selling this material as waste, it is cut up, pressed into balls and then carded / combed by a partner, resulting in a 1A quality product. The GRS certification (Global Recycled Standard) is requested for this. As with converter tow from new material, the recycled tow is mostly incorporated into polyester wool blends (55 % PET / 45 % wool), which are used primarily in corporate wear and uniforms.

In the area of Post-Consumer Recycling, Trevira offers filament yarns consisting of 100 % recycled PET bottles. Our parent company Indorama manufactures very high quality recycled chips from PET bottles. Since only transparent PET bottles are used in Thailand, the flakes and chips are of a particularly good and very uniform quality. The recycled chips, fibres and filaments from Indorama bear the GRS certificates (Global Recycled Standard) and RCS-NL (Recycled Claim Standard). Trevira processes the regranulate made by Indorama from bottle flakes into filament yarns consisting 100 % of recycled material. The filament yarns are available in titres 167 and 76 dtex normal polyester. Alongside technical applications, they are used in the automotive and apparel sectors. In addition, many promising developments with the recycled material are on their way.

CHOMARAT’s glass and carbon reinforcements

CHOMARAT signs a new agreement with VELOX

  • CHOMARAT signs a new distribution agreement with VELOX for its range of carbon reinforcements

The international textile group CHOMARAT announced the signing of a distribution agreement with VELOX, a European distributor in the market for composite materials. The partnership agreement covers the distribution of CHOMARAT reinforcements for high-performance (carbon) composites, in France, Italy, and the United Kingdom, as well as the distribution of CHOMARAT’s complete range of carbon and glass reinforcements in Turkey.

Stepping up the distribution of CHOMARAT´s carbion ranges in Europe

This new partnership will enable CHOMARAT to extend its network in France, Italy and the United Kingdom for its carbon fabric and multiaxial ranges, by offering its customers optimum, locally based services in line with the Group’s development strategy for high-performance composites in Europe.

CHOMARAT’s compete glass and carbon range is now distributed in Turkey

  • CHOMARAT signs a new distribution agreement with VELOX for its range of carbon reinforcements

The international textile group CHOMARAT announced the signing of a distribution agreement with VELOX, a European distributor in the market for composite materials. The partnership agreement covers the distribution of CHOMARAT reinforcements for high-performance (carbon) composites, in France, Italy, and the United Kingdom, as well as the distribution of CHOMARAT’s complete range of carbon and glass reinforcements in Turkey.

Stepping up the distribution of CHOMARAT´s carbion ranges in Europe

This new partnership will enable CHOMARAT to extend its network in France, Italy and the United Kingdom for its carbon fabric and multiaxial ranges, by offering its customers optimum, locally based services in line with the Group’s development strategy for high-performance composites in Europe.

CHOMARAT’s compete glass and carbon range is now distributed in Turkey

One component of the agreement deals with the distribution of CHOMARAT’s complete range of glass and carbon reinforcements in Turkey, where the composite market is booming, in particular in the transportation sector. Relying on VELOX’s strong foothold in the Turkish market, CHOMARAT will build up its flagship ROVICORE™ line, the first glass-fibre-reinforced sandwich reinforcement, which was designed and developed by CHOMARAT for closed-mould processes. “The idea is to step up our glass activities and still offer our customers more flexibility over the entire range of our reinforcements,” explains Vincent CHOLVY, in charge of the Turkish market at CHOMARAT.

VELOX secures its position as an “innovation distributor”

By distributing CHOMARAT’s high-performance composites, Velox will develop its offering in the transportation, sports & leisure and boating sectors. According to Serge GRADYS, Manager of the VELOX Composites Business, “in Europe, the distribution of the CHOMARAT range of carbon multiaxial range with C-WeaveTM and C-PlyTM, gives us a real competitive advantage and enables us to maintain our position as an innovation distributor. The same is true for the carbon and glass ranges distributed in Turkey!”

Archroma has registered about 200 substances under REACH © 2017 Archroma
Archroma Logo

Archroma has registered about 200 substances under REACH

  • Registration Phases 3 & 4 of REACH well on track
  • Company is a funding member of the major consortia relevant to the textile and paper industries (Dyes, OBA, Fluorotelomer), with a role of lead registrant and expected total investment of 14.5 million USD

Reinach, Switzerland - Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals, today announced solid progress on Phases 3 and 4 of REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and restriction of Chemicals) with more than 60% of our commercial products active in EU complying already with the June 2018 requirements. In total, 369 different chemical substances are within the scope of the REACH phases 3 and 4. These include 135 dossiers where Archroma has a lead registrant position in the EU.

  • Registration Phases 3 & 4 of REACH well on track
  • Company is a funding member of the major consortia relevant to the textile and paper industries (Dyes, OBA, Fluorotelomer), with a role of lead registrant and expected total investment of 14.5 million USD

Reinach, Switzerland - Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals, today announced solid progress on Phases 3 and 4 of REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and restriction of Chemicals) with more than 60% of our commercial products active in EU complying already with the June 2018 requirements. In total, 369 different chemical substances are within the scope of the REACH phases 3 and 4. These include 135 dossiers where Archroma has a lead registrant position in the EU.

In the first two phases – completed, respectively, in November 2010 and May 2013 – the company recorded a total of 60 chemical substances that are produced in or imported to the countries of the European Union with volumes greater than 100 tons per year. In the third and fourth phase of REACH that is currently under way, all the remaining chemical substances of more than 1 ton per year must be registered by June 1, 2018.

With its expert chemical management system, Archroma, unlike many EU importers of textile and paper chemicals, controls the composition of its formulations and can therefore ensure full REACH compliance of each ingredient in its products.

With its broad product portfolio, Archroma is one major registrant of substances relevant to the textile and paper industries at the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). The company expects the total investment needed to be REACH ready to amount to 14.5 million USD.

“The REACH objective to improve the protection of human health and the environment from the risks that can be posed by chemicals is fully in line with our own belief that we can make our industry sustainable. Hence our early commitment to REACH without the slightest hesitation – because it’s our nature,” comments Carole Mislin, Global Head of Product Stewardship at Archroma.

“Everyone benefits from more sustainability – the people, the planet, our customers and even us here at Archroma,” Mislin adds. “Archroma will benefit because we will be able to reapply the invaluable expertise we have gained from the REACH registration process in the EU to other regulations under way or expected soon in countries such as South Korea or Turkey. And our customers and partners will gain because they can count on a reliable supply source and an expert partner to accompany them through the REACH preparation process.”



INVISTA at Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics ©Messe Frankfurt
INVISTA to showcase ‘Innovative Attitude’ at Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics

INVISTA at Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics

  • INVISTA to showcase ‘Innovative Attitude’ at Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics
  • Innovative INVISTA products, findings from a new textile industry IP protection survey, in-depth consumer insights and fashion trends will be revealed

INVISTA, one of the world’s largest integrated producers of polymers and fibres, will showcase the innovative attitudes enabling it to maintain a leading position in the textile industry at the upcoming Rendez-Vous 2017 at October’s Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – the world’s most influential apparel event. INVISTA Rendez-Vous will showcase innovative INVISTA products, offer consumer insights and reveal the results of a textile industry IP protection survey.

INVISTA Rendez-Vous 2017 will be held at Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics 11 – 13 October at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai, with INVISTA occupying two booths in hall 5.2 E49 and hall 7.2 E55. 

  • INVISTA to showcase ‘Innovative Attitude’ at Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics
  • Innovative INVISTA products, findings from a new textile industry IP protection survey, in-depth consumer insights and fashion trends will be revealed

INVISTA, one of the world’s largest integrated producers of polymers and fibres, will showcase the innovative attitudes enabling it to maintain a leading position in the textile industry at the upcoming Rendez-Vous 2017 at October’s Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – the world’s most influential apparel event. INVISTA Rendez-Vous will showcase innovative INVISTA products, offer consumer insights and reveal the results of a textile industry IP protection survey.

INVISTA Rendez-Vous 2017 will be held at Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics 11 – 13 October at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai, with INVISTA occupying two booths in hall 5.2 E49 and hall 7.2 E55. 

As a global authoritative trade show in textile industry, Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics has been a platform for INVISTA to communicate with players across the value chain for 23 years. This year’s event will be no exception. The rich and vivid content delivered at the show will focus on INVISTA’s Innovative Attitude to consumers, partners as well as the whole industry.

To build a healthy and sustainable marketing environment, INVISTA cooperated with a number of media organisations to conduct a survey on IP protection in the textile industry. The results will be revealed during a seminar entitled ‘Innovation and IP: An Avenue for Sustainable Textile Industry Development’, which will be held on 11 October, 2:45 – 3:45pm in the Textile Dialogue area in hall 5.2. Representatives from textile industry associations, legal firms and INVISTA will share the findings and offer insights during what will undoubtedly be one of the highlights of INVISTA Rendez-Vous 2017.

The main pavilion of the show will be located in the International Hall (hall 5.2), where three of INVISTA’s most innovative products will be on show. Visitors will experience the latest possibilities offered by LYCRA® MOVESTM BRA, LYCRA® MOVESTM LEGGINGS and LYCRA® MOVESTM HOSIERY.


According to consumer research conducted in 2016, bra products in China’s domestic market don’t match consumer demands in a host of critical areas, including support, comfort and aesthetic design. To address these concerns, streamline the industry and consolidate its leadership, INVISTA is launching LYCRA® lastingFIT technology for bra wings. In addition, INVISTA’s cutting-edge technology can contribute to meeting specific quality standards in bra wing fabrics, enabling Chinese consumers to experience higher levels of comfort and the appropriate support they expect from a bra in different occasions.


INVISTA’s longstanding commitment to legging fabrics will also be on display at Rendez-Vous. INVISTA’s LYCRA® MOVESTM LEGGINGS has already spawned LYCRA® SPORT Power-Comfort-Energy (PCE™) index-certified fabrics, which are now commercially available.

The revolutionary fabrics present excellent recovery performance for LYCRA® SPORT legging products. They also offer the industry an opportunity to develop a number of targeted segment markets – from compression and medium compress to light compression leggings.


LYCRA® MOVESTM HOSIERY is all about fabric technology innovation. Due to excellent properties, such as anti-laddering, fit and durability as well as comfortable waistbands, INVISTA’s LYCRA® FUSIONTM technology has already been widely adopted in China’s hosiery sector.

A Packed Pavilion

At the LYCRA® MOVESTM Denim pavilion in the Beyond Denim hall (7.2), visitors won’t just see the innovative denim products offered by INVISTA; they will also learn about three themes highlighted through consumer insights – fit, shape and embracing heat & cold. There will also be a special session outlining the latest woven bottom trends, hosted by INVISTA experts.

Introduced commercially in 2010, LYCRA® dualFX® dual core yarn technology provides denim with super stretch and super recovery that fits all day and every day. It effectively prevents seam slippage and uneven fabric surfaces, keeping denim looking good, feeling comfortable and fitting, which in turn creates new denim fabric applications and fashion trends in the China market.

Last But Not Least

An interactive program, that includes visitors uploading pictures they take at the INVISTA booth to the official INVISTA WeChat account, will give every visitor a chance to win a special INVISTA gift. Visit INVISTA at hall 5.2 E49 and hall 7.2 E55 from 11 – 13 October at Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics 2017.

Lectra and Faurecia renew their partnership agreement ©lectra
Faurecia Cadillac

Lectra and Faurecia renew their partnership agreement

  • Lectra contributes to Faurecia Seating Business Group Industry 4.0 readiness and “digital enterprise” transformation initiative

Paris, September 26, 2017 – Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather, technical textiles and composite materials, is pleased to announce the renewal of its partnership with Faurecia through the signing of a global agreement for its Seating Business Group.

The cutting process for the production of seat covers, headrests and interiors is an increasingly strategic part of Faurecia’s Seating activity. Faurecia Seating supplies vehicle complete seats, frames, mechanisms and trim covers to major carmakers worldwide, whose manufacturing processes are gradually evolving toward Industry 4.0.

Faurecia Seating aims to double the production of its existing manufacturing facilities by reinforcing operations with advanced manufacturing technologies. The company’s extended partnership with Lectra entails focusing on operational excellence initiatives across its automotive seating division.

  • Lectra contributes to Faurecia Seating Business Group Industry 4.0 readiness and “digital enterprise” transformation initiative

Paris, September 26, 2017 – Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather, technical textiles and composite materials, is pleased to announce the renewal of its partnership with Faurecia through the signing of a global agreement for its Seating Business Group.

The cutting process for the production of seat covers, headrests and interiors is an increasingly strategic part of Faurecia’s Seating activity. Faurecia Seating supplies vehicle complete seats, frames, mechanisms and trim covers to major carmakers worldwide, whose manufacturing processes are gradually evolving toward Industry 4.0.

Faurecia Seating aims to double the production of its existing manufacturing facilities by reinforcing operations with advanced manufacturing technologies. The company’s extended partnership with Lectra entails focusing on operational excellence initiatives across its automotive seating division.

Standardization of the Vector® fabric-cutting solution—endowed with preventive and predictive maintenance capabilities and the highest-performance cutting system available on the market to date—will be instrumental to the implementation of these initiatives throughout the division’s fabric cutting facilities. Faurecia currently has more than 60 Vector fabric cutting solutions in production worldwide.

“More than ever, we face major challenges in terms of flexibility, agility and productivity—producing more while reducing costs,” observes Hagen Wiesner, Executive Vice President, Faurecia Seating. “Our cutting processes have become strategic in reaching these goals. Faurecia’s ‘digital enterprise’ project aims to achieve operational excellence in virtually every aspect of our organization. Together with Lectra, we will make this a reality in the cutting room, with smart automation and predictive maintenance”.

“Given the profound transformations gripping manufacturing, helping our customers ready their operations for the Fourth Industrial Revolution has become without question our core mission,” remarks Daniel Harari, Lectra Chairman and CEO. “Faurecia is among the automotive suppliers at the forefront of this movement. Digital technologies and industry expertise are the business enablers that will allow manufacturers to connect inside and outside the value chain in the near future.”


Lectra Headquarters / Press Department