From the Sector

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Professor Dr.-Ing. Markus Milwich Photo: DITF
Professor Dr.-Ing. Markus Milwich.

Markus Milwich represents "Lightweight Design Agency for Baden-Württemberg"

Lightweight design is a key enabler for addressing the energy transition and sustainable economy. Following the liquidation of the state agency Leichtbau BW GmbH, a consortium consisting of the Allianz Faserbasierter Werkstoffe Baden-Württtemberg (AFBW), the Leichtbauzentrum Baden-Württemberg (LBZ e.V. -BW) and Composites United Baden-Württemberg (CU BW) now represents the interests of the lightweight construction community in the State.

The Lightweight Design Agency for Baden-Württemberg is set up for this purpose on behalf of and with the support of the State. The Lightweight Construction Alliance BW is the central point of contact for all players in the field of lightweight construction in the State and acts in their interests at national and international level. Professor Markus Milwich from the German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf (DITF) represents the agency.

Lightweight design is a key enabler for addressing the energy transition and sustainable economy. Following the liquidation of the state agency Leichtbau BW GmbH, a consortium consisting of the Allianz Faserbasierter Werkstoffe Baden-Württtemberg (AFBW), the Leichtbauzentrum Baden-Württemberg (LBZ e.V. -BW) and Composites United Baden-Württemberg (CU BW) now represents the interests of the lightweight construction community in the State.

The Lightweight Design Agency for Baden-Württemberg is set up for this purpose on behalf of and with the support of the State. The Lightweight Construction Alliance BW is the central point of contact for all players in the field of lightweight construction in the State and acts in their interests at national and international level. Professor Markus Milwich from the German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf (DITF) represents the agency.

The use of lightweight materials in combination with new production technologies will significantly reduce energy consumption in transportation, the manufacturing industry and the construction sector. Resources can be saved through the use of new materials. As a cross-functional technology, lightweight construction covers entire value chain from production and use to recycling and reuse.

The aim of the state government is to establish Baden-Württemberg as a leading provider of innovative lightweight construction technologies in order to strengthen the local economy and secure high-quality jobs.

Among others, the "Lightweight Construction Alliance Baden-Württemberg" will continue the nationally renowned "Lightweight Construction Day", which acts as an important source of inspiration for a wide range of lightweight construction topics among business and scientific community.

Professor Milwich, an expert with many years of experience and an excellent network beyond the State's borders, has been recruited for this task. In his role, Milwich also represents the state of Baden-Württemberg on the Strategy Advisory Board of the Lightweight Construction Initiative of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, which supports the cross functional-technology and efficient transfer of knowledge between the various nationwide players in lightweight construction and serves as a central point of contact for entrepreneurs nationwide for all relevant questions.

From 2005 to 2020, Professor Milwich headed the Composite Technology research at the DITF, which was integrated into the Competence Center Polymers and Fiber Composites in 2020. He is also an honorary professor at Reutlingen University, where he teaches hybrid materials and composites. "Lightweight design is an essential aspect for sustainability, environmental and resource conservation. I always showcase this in research and teaching and now also as a representative of the lightweight construction community in Baden-Württemberg," emphasizes Professor Milwich.


Deutsche Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung

DITF: Modernized spinning plant for sustainable and functional fibres Photo: DITF
Bi-component BCF spinning plant from Oerlikon Neumag

DITF: Modernized spinning plant for sustainable and functional fibres

The German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf (DITF) have modernized and expanded their melt spinning pilot plant with support from the State of Baden-Württemberg. The new facility enables research into new spinning processes, fiber functionalization and sustainable fibers made from biodegradable and bio-based polymers.

In the field of melt spinning, the DITF are working on several pioneering research areas, for example the development of various fibers for medical implants or fibers made from polylactide, a sustainable bio-based polyester. Other focal points include the development of flame-retardant polyamides and their processing into fibers for carpet and automotive applications as well as the development of carbon fibers from melt-spun precursors. The development of a bio-based alternative to petroleum-based polyethylene terephthalate (PET) fibers into polyethylene furanoate (PEF) fibers is also new. Bicomponent spinning technology, in which the fibers can be produced from two different components, plays a particularly important role, too.

The German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf (DITF) have modernized and expanded their melt spinning pilot plant with support from the State of Baden-Württemberg. The new facility enables research into new spinning processes, fiber functionalization and sustainable fibers made from biodegradable and bio-based polymers.

In the field of melt spinning, the DITF are working on several pioneering research areas, for example the development of various fibers for medical implants or fibers made from polylactide, a sustainable bio-based polyester. Other focal points include the development of flame-retardant polyamides and their processing into fibers for carpet and automotive applications as well as the development of carbon fibers from melt-spun precursors. The development of a bio-based alternative to petroleum-based polyethylene terephthalate (PET) fibers into polyethylene furanoate (PEF) fibers is also new. Bicomponent spinning technology, in which the fibers can be produced from two different components, plays a particularly important role, too.

Since polyamide (PA) and many other polymers were developed more than 85 years ago, various melt-spun fibers have revolutionized the textile world. In the field of technical textiles, they can have on a variety of functions: depending on their exact composition, they can for example be electrically conductive or luminescent. They can also show antimicrobial properties and be flame-retardant. They are suitable for lightweight construction, for medical applications or for insulating buildings.

In order to protect the environment and resources, the use of bio-based fibers will be increased in the future with a special focus on easy-to-recycle fibers. To this end, the DITF are conducting research into sustainable polyamides, polyesters and polyolefins as well as many other polymers. Many 'classic', that is, petroleum-based polymers cannot or only insufficiently be broken down into their components or recycled directly after use. An important goal of new research work is therefore to further establish systematic recycling methods to produce fibers of the highest possible quality.

For these forward-looking tasks, a bicomponent spinning plant from Oerlikon Neumag was set up and commissioned on an industrial scale at the DITF in January. The BCF process (bulk continuous filaments) allows special bundling, bulking and processing of the (multifilament) fibers. This process enables the large-scale synthesis of carpet yarns as well as staple fiber production, a unique feature in a public research institute. The system is supplemented by a so-called spinline rheometer. This allows a range of measurement-specific chemical and physical data to be recorded online and inline, which will contribute to a better understanding of fiber formation. In addition, a new compounder will be used for the development of functionalized polymers and for the energy-saving thermomechanical recycling of textile waste.


Hohenstein releases 2023 sustainability report

The report details sustainability efforts at its Boennigheim headquarters and targets for 2024. Hohenstein has replaced previous environmental guidelines with strategic development in accordance with Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) and adopted a sustainability roadmap for the future.

Hohenstein has been implementing environmental and social measures for decades. As the first neutral assessment of these measures in 2019, Hohenstein participated in the ECOfit programme in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. A regular external assessment is to be introduced in 2024.

The report details sustainability efforts at its Boennigheim headquarters and targets for 2024. Hohenstein has replaced previous environmental guidelines with strategic development in accordance with Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) and adopted a sustainability roadmap for the future.

Hohenstein has been implementing environmental and social measures for decades. As the first neutral assessment of these measures in 2019, Hohenstein participated in the ECOfit programme in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. A regular external assessment is to be introduced in 2024.

  • Environmental: Overall, energy consumption was actively reduced, and renewable energy use promoted. Hohenstein also collected rail and air travel data to be used in CO2 accounting in 2024.
  • Social: Hohenstein actively involved its employees in sustainability activities based on a survey and internal education. In future, Hohenstein will improve the ratio of female managers and implement a training campaign on the company values for employees.
  • Governance: Hohenstein management has prioritized good communication through regular colloquia for employees and access to human resources consultation. They intend to intensify the dialogue with employees through further events.


AFBW: Zukunftsprojekt „CycleTex BW“ für die Wertschöpfung in der faserbasierten Lieferkette (c) AFBW e.V.
CycleTex BW - AFBW initiiert neues Projekt für den grünen Innovationsvorsprung in der textilen Lieferkette

AFBW: Zukunftsprojekt „CycleTex BW“ für die Wertschöpfung in der faserbasierten Lieferkette

Die Allianz Faserbasierte Werkstoffe e.V. (AFBW) hat mit Unterstützung des Wirtschaftsministeriums von Baden-Württemberg das Projekt „CycleTex BW“ auf den Weg gebracht. Mit diesem Projekt sollen die Recycling-Prozesse entlang der gesamten textilen Wertschöpfungskette optimiert werden. Zahlreiche Unternehmen aus der Textilindustrie machen mit. Ziel des Projektes ist, textile Produktionsabfälle bspw. durch neue Technologien der (eigenen) Produktion zurückzuführen. Neue hochwertige Sekundärrohstoffe und ggf. andere Materialien sollen durch neue Verfahren entwickelt und schlecht recyclebare Wertstoffe sollen ersetzt werden.

Die Allianz Faserbasierte Werkstoffe e.V. (AFBW) hat mit Unterstützung des Wirtschaftsministeriums von Baden-Württemberg das Projekt „CycleTex BW“ auf den Weg gebracht. Mit diesem Projekt sollen die Recycling-Prozesse entlang der gesamten textilen Wertschöpfungskette optimiert werden. Zahlreiche Unternehmen aus der Textilindustrie machen mit. Ziel des Projektes ist, textile Produktionsabfälle bspw. durch neue Technologien der (eigenen) Produktion zurückzuführen. Neue hochwertige Sekundärrohstoffe und ggf. andere Materialien sollen durch neue Verfahren entwickelt und schlecht recyclebare Wertstoffe sollen ersetzt werden.

Für die faserbasierte Industrie, als einer der global größten Ressourcenverbraucher der Welt, ist das Thema Nachhaltigkeit von zentraler Bedeutung. Geschäftsmodelle weltweit stehen vor großen Transformationsprozessen. Die heimische Textilindustrie sieht in dem regulatorischen, medialen und marktlichen Druck auch Chancen. Das landesweite Netzwerk AFBW will im Rahmen des dreijährigen Projekts „CycleTex BW“ Innovator, Moderator, Türöffner und Kümmerer sein. Ulrike Möller, Netzwerkmanagerin AFBW: „CycleTex BW soll dazu beitragen textile Post-Industry Produktionsabfälle so lange wie möglich in der textilen Kette zu halten und damit langfristig eine Kreislaufwirtschaft entstehen zu lassen. Wir wollen Chancen entwickeln, bestehende Modelle fortschreiben oder diversifizieren. Dadurch soll eine weitere Form der Zukunftssicherung für die faserbasierte Industrie geschaffen werden.“

„CycleTex BW“ wird vom Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Tourismus des Landes Baden-Württemberg mitfinanziert. Wirtschaftsministerin Dr. Hoffmeister-Kraut betont: „In jeder Branche und an jeder Stelle der Wertschöpfungskette müssen wir in Zukunft eine umweltfreundliche und perspektivisch klimaneutrale Form des Wirtschaftens erreichen. Mit dem Projekt CycleTex BW stellen wir jetzt die Weichen richtig, um auch in der Textilbranche in Baden-Württemberg Geschäftsmodelle weiterzuentwickeln und nachhaltige Produktportfolios aufbauen. Das ist nicht nur gut für das Klima, sondern festigt auch die international führende Stellung Baden-Württembergs vor allem bei besonders leistungsfähigen technischen Textilien.“

Bereits heute haben 67 Unternehmen aus Baden-Württemberg und darüber hinaus durch einen Letter of Intent (LOI) ihr Interesse an dem Projekt bekundet. Da Produktkreisläufe immer auch mit Materialtransport zu tun haben, macht es Sinn im regionalen Kontext zu denken. Der Großraum Süddeutschland-Österreich-Schweiz-Frankreich stellt eine spannende Region für „CycleTex BW“ dar. Für die Unternehmen bedeutet dieser regionale Ansatz eine Sicherstellung der Infrastruktur und Zugang zu Rohstoffen.

Durch neue Technologien und nachhaltige Produkte kann die Industrie außerdem einen Wettbewerbsvorteil erlangen. Eine stärkere Verwendung von Sekundärrohstoffen kann die Kosten senken. Durch die zunehmende Verwendung von Sekundärmaterialien sind Unternehmen weniger abhängig von Primärrohstoffen und damit verbundenen Problemen in der Lieferkette. Mehr noch: Die Entwicklung von Recyclingmaterial- und Prozessinnovationen kann zu internationaler Nachfrage führen.

Auch Nachwuchskräfte setzen bei der Wahl des zukünftigen Arbeitgebers auf umweltbewusste Firmen.

Die Textilindustrie ist in der Viel- und Kleinteiligkeit der Wertschöpfungsketten besonders herausgefordert. So sind Rohstoffhersteller, Endprodukthersteller, Händler und andere Inverkehrbringer sowie ggf. auch Entsorger und Verwerter zwar Teil einer Kette, aber nicht Akteure im selben „eco system“. Aus dem Wunsch nach wirklichem Re- oder sogar Up-Cycling erwächst eine zwingende, vorgeschaltete Analyse, welche Dimensionen der textile Kreislauf hat, welche Akteure mit welchen Kompetenzen bereits am Markt sind, was der Markt in Zukunft braucht bzw. was wissenschaftlich und technisch denkbar wäre (z.B. mechanisches Recycling vs. chemisches Recycling). Diese Analyse soll im Rahmen von CycleTex BW erfolgen.

Bislang reduziert sich Textilrecycling oftmals auf Downcycling, indem z.B. Textilfasern im „second life“ als Dämmmaterial verwendet werden. Zudem werden Textilien auch thermisch verwertet oder landen auf der Deponie. Recycling von technischen Textilien ist nicht zuletzt durch die Vielzahl an unterschiedlichen Materialien, Mischungen und Beschichtungen herausfordernd. Umso notwendiger ist eine Zusammenarbeit auf allen Stufen der Kette, um den Kreislauf von Materialien zu optimieren und damit den Lebenszyklus der Rohstoffe zu verlängern. Das Zusammenführen der Akteure soll durch CycleTex BW gelingen.

Des Weiteren wird beim Textilrecycling bisher eher an Hemd und Hose gedacht und die Abfälle in der Produktion werden wenig berücksichtig. Gerade hier kann aber echte Wertschöpfung und vor allem Nachhaltigkeit in der Lieferkette entstehen.

Die faserbasierte Industrie hat erkannt, dass neue Geschäftsmodelle und Business Cluster wichtig sind, um Recycling zu stärken. Diese sollten aber sinnvollerweise über bestehende Geschäftsmodelle und Warenstromstrukturen, wie simples Sammeln und Reißen hinausgehen. Handlungsleitend ist also, unternehmerische Chancen zu entwickeln, bestehende Modelle fortzuschreiben oder zu diversifizieren und damit eine weitere Form der Zukunftssicherung für die Textilindustrie zu schaffen. Mit dem erweiterten „grünen Portfolio“ sollen die Unternehmen langfristig eine Resilienz in der Lieferkette, eine Unabhängigkeit von China erreichen und ihre Wettbewerbsfähigkeit effektiv ausbauen.

Die Landesregierung von Baden-Württemberg will laut Koalitionsvertrag in den Bereichen Klima- und Naturschutz „Baden-Württemberg als Klimaschutzland zum internationalen Maßstab“ machen. Dieses Ziel soll u.a. durch ein besseres Recycling der eingesetzten Materialien erreicht werden. Innovative Kreislaufwirtschaftslösungen werden daher als Wachstumsfelder der Zukunft gesehen. Die neue Landesregierung betont, dass man auch in diesem Bereich international zum Marktführer werden will. Um die Kreislaufführung weiter voranzubringen, soll die Entwicklung und Inbetriebnahme effizienter Verwertungsverfahren unterstützt werden.


Allianz Faserbasierte Werkstoffe Baden-Württemberg e.V. (AFBW)

Sustainable leadership for GtA with new Monforts Montex wide width lines (c) AWOL Media
GtA Managing Director Andreas Niess

Sustainable leadership for GtA with new Monforts Montex wide width lines

Following the successful commissioning of two new Monforts Montex wide-width stenter lines and additional environmental management equipment at its plant in Germany, GtA – Society for Textile Equipment GmbH – is aiming to be the first textile finishing company to become entirely CO2-neutral in the manufacture of all of its products by 2025.

GtA is a partner company to Germany’s large-format digital printing fabric leader, Georg and Otto Friedrich GmbH, which has has this year been able to considerably expand its portfolio due to the new Monforts lines.

Headquartered in Gross-Zimmern, close to Frankfurt, Georg and Otto Friedrich GmbH and its partners in Germany have an annual production of 37 million square metres of warp knits for a range of end-use applications, including garments, automotive interiors and technical textiles, but increasingly with a concentration on digital printing substrates.

Fault-free textiles

Following the successful commissioning of two new Monforts Montex wide-width stenter lines and additional environmental management equipment at its plant in Germany, GtA – Society for Textile Equipment GmbH – is aiming to be the first textile finishing company to become entirely CO2-neutral in the manufacture of all of its products by 2025.

GtA is a partner company to Germany’s large-format digital printing fabric leader, Georg and Otto Friedrich GmbH, which has has this year been able to considerably expand its portfolio due to the new Monforts lines.

Headquartered in Gross-Zimmern, close to Frankfurt, Georg and Otto Friedrich GmbH and its partners in Germany have an annual production of 37 million square metres of warp knits for a range of end-use applications, including garments, automotive interiors and technical textiles, but increasingly with a concentration on digital printing substrates.

Fault-free textiles

A new standard in pure white, 100% clean and fault-free textile substrates has been demanded by this market in recent years due to the rapid growth in digitally-printed banners and billboards – often referred to as ‘soft signage’.

The substrates of choice for digital printing are 100% polyester warp knits which are resilient and allow excellent take-up of inks, and vibrant colours and clear and precise images to be achieved with digital printing techniques. The knitted construction also has the advantage of elasticity, which is a plus in terms of flexibility for installers.

Critically, the warp knitted fabrics have extremely smooth surfaces which is becoming increasingly important due to the general move away from PVC coatings which were the standard in the past.

It was to finish these fabrics for Georg and Otto Friedrich GmbH as well as providing such services for many other customers, that the GtA plant in Neresheim, Baden-Württemberg, was established in 2015.

The purpose-built plant on a greenfield site was initially equipped with a fully-automated, 72 metre long Monforts installation comprising a washing machine integrated with a 3.6 metre wide, seven-chamber Montex stenter. The line quickly went from single to double shift production and then to 24/7 operation  to meet demand.

Expanded widths

Building on the success of this installation, GtA has now installed two more Montex stenter lines – both in expanded working widths of 5.6 metres and purpose-built at Montex GmbH in Austria.

A six-chamber Montex unit is combined with a washing machine to guarantee the purity of the substrates, while a five-chamber line is integrated with a wide-width coating machine. This new coating capability at GtA has led to a number of new additions to the Georg and Otto Friedrich DecoTex range for digital printing, including wide width fabrics with flame retardant, antimicrobial and non-slip finishes.

The new Montex stenter lines benefit from all of the latest innovations from Monforts, including the Smart Sensor system for the optimised maintenance planning of key mechanical wear components on the stenters. A comprehensive overview of the condition of all parts at any time is now available for operators within the highly intuitive Qualitex visualization software.

With Qualitex, all article-specific settings can be stored and the formulations for thousands of treatment processes called up again at any time. Individual operators can also personalise their dashboards with the most important machine functions and process parameters.

Environmental commitment

GtA is run by a seasoned team of textile professionals led by Managing Director Andreas Niess.

“We have received excellent service from Monforts from the outset and we were happy to place the order for these two new lines as part of our ongoing cooperation,” he says. “With all of the latest Monforts advances in technology we are fully in control of all production and quality parameters with these lines, as part of our significant commitment to innovative environmental technology.”

The GtA plant, which operates in near-cleanroom conditions, has also been equipped with proprietary technology to fully exploit the Monforts air-to-air heat recovery systems that are now standard with Montex stenters.

“Around 30 per cent of our investment volume at the site goes to energy-saving measures and we are sure that this commitment is worthwhile,” Mr Niess says. “As an example, our integrated heat recovery system fully exploits the waste heat from the process exhaust air and the burner exhaust gases of the Monforts stenters, allowing us to achieve an exhaust air temperature of  between 30 to 34°C, compared to what would conventionally be between 140 to 160°C. Another focus has been on exhaust air purification technology and here too, the latest technology has been installed with integrated heat recovery elements.”

This, he adds, saves 52% of the energy that would normally be used – equating to 5,800,000 KwH per year. The necessary audits for energy-efficient companies are also carried out annually.

In addition, GtA has purpose-designed the automatic chemical mixing and dosing systems that feed the padders for the key treatments that are carried out on the fabrics through the stenters.

The company is going further, however, in its pursuit of clean production and raw materials.

"We want to be an asset and not a burden on our immediate environment and therefore do not use any additives containing solvents," Mr Niess says. “We were the first to use fully halogen-free flame retardant chemistry, and we use bio-based, finely ground alumina products for the washing process instead of surfactants. PES polyester yarns made from recycled material are also increasingly used and the latest additions to our raw materials portfolio, the RC-Ocean products, are made from recycled sea plastic.

“We are now planning a combined heat and power plant for the production of electrical energy and heat and we will also build a photovoltaic system that converts solar radiation into electrical energy. GtA wants to be the first textile finishing company to be CO2-neutral in the manufacture of all of its products by 2025. The complete heat supply and heating for the 13,000 square metre production hall, as well as the office building and the hot water supply for the domestic water, is already energy-neutral. We are convinced that this commitment will pay off in the long term and our positive business development proves that sustainability and business profitability are perfectly compatible.”

In addition to the products for Georg and Otto Friedrich GmbH, GtA  offers its manufacturing capacities for other customers as a contract service.

All products are manufactured in accordance with Öko-Tex Standard 100, product class 1 and the company is also involved in the research and development of new sustainable manufacturing processes, in cooperation with many regional universities and funding project partners.


AWOL Media for A. Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG