From the Sector

18 results
Professor Dr Chun-Shik Kim and Professor Dr Thomas Gries sign the cooperation agreement (from left to right). (c) ITA
Professor Dr Chun-Shik Kim and Professor Dr Thomas Gries sign the cooperation agreement (from left to right).

ITA and South Korean University cooperate

Dongshin University from Naju in South Korea and Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University will cooperate in the field of industrial digitalisation and renewable energies in the future. A cooperation agreement was signed on 9 July by Professor Dr Chun-Shik kim and Professor Dr Thomas Gries. Professor Dr Chun-Shik Kim is an expert on German-Korean economic cooperation, ADEKO board member and former advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister, Professor Dr Thomas Gries is ITA Director and Rectorate Representative of RWTH Aachen University for Korea. The co-operation marks the culmination of 15 years of ITA activities in Korea. The fruits of this cooperation are the SmartTextronics Centre and the city partnership between the cities of Aachen and Ansan.

Dongshin University in Naju, South Korea, is a renowned university specialising in innovative research and practice-oriented education. It specialises in engineering, information and communication technology and renewable energies. The university is known for its international co-operation and its contribution to regional and global development.

Dongshin University from Naju in South Korea and Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University will cooperate in the field of industrial digitalisation and renewable energies in the future. A cooperation agreement was signed on 9 July by Professor Dr Chun-Shik kim and Professor Dr Thomas Gries. Professor Dr Chun-Shik Kim is an expert on German-Korean economic cooperation, ADEKO board member and former advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister, Professor Dr Thomas Gries is ITA Director and Rectorate Representative of RWTH Aachen University for Korea. The co-operation marks the culmination of 15 years of ITA activities in Korea. The fruits of this cooperation are the SmartTextronics Centre and the city partnership between the cities of Aachen and Ansan.

Dongshin University in Naju, South Korea, is a renowned university specialising in innovative research and practice-oriented education. It specialises in engineering, information and communication technology and renewable energies. The university is known for its international co-operation and its contribution to regional and global development.

RWTH Aachen University is one of the leading technical universities in Europe and offers excellent research and teaching opportunities. Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University is one of the largest institutes at RWTH Aachen University and is internationally recognised for its outstanding research achievements in the field of textile technology and for its industrial cooperation. RWTH Aachen University maintains close co-operation with international partners and promotes global networking in science and research.


Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA)

BioTurf Bild TFI - Institut für Bodensysteme an der RWTH Aachen e.V.

Aachen researchers develop sustainable artificial turf

The current European Football Championships 2024 in Germany will be played on natural turf, which is very costly to maintain, does not tolerate high frequency of use and has a limited service life of only 6 months in some cases. Artificial turf is easier to maintain and correspondingly popular. In Germany, there are estimated to be more than 5,000 artificial turf pitches and as many as 25,500 across the EU. The drawback: the enormous annual emission of microplastics in the form of infill material, the high CO2 impact and the not environmentally friendly disposal. Researchers in Aachen presented a sustainable alternative: BioTurf is a new artificial turf system made from bio-based polymers that no longer requires polymer infill material!

The current European Football Championships 2024 in Germany will be played on natural turf, which is very costly to maintain, does not tolerate high frequency of use and has a limited service life of only 6 months in some cases. Artificial turf is easier to maintain and correspondingly popular. In Germany, there are estimated to be more than 5,000 artificial turf pitches and as many as 25,500 across the EU. The drawback: the enormous annual emission of microplastics in the form of infill material, the high CO2 impact and the not environmentally friendly disposal. Researchers in Aachen presented a sustainable alternative: BioTurf is a new artificial turf system made from bio-based polymers that no longer requires polymer infill material!

"Every year, around 500 kilograms of plastic granules are produced per artificial turf pitch, which have to be refilled as infill. This also corresponds to the amount that potentially enters the environment as microplastics per sports pitch," explains Dr Claudia Post from TFI. With an estimated 25,000 artificial turf pitches in the EU, artificial turf in Europe alone produces 12,750 tonnes of microplastics that end up in the environment every year! The TFI - Institut für Bodensysteme an der RWTH Aachen e.V., Institute for Research, Testing and Certification in Europe for Indoor Building Products, has developed the innovative artificial turf system together with the ITA (Institute for Textile Technology at RWTH Aachen University) and in collaboration with the company Morton Extrusionstechnik (MET), a specialist in artificial turf fibres.

"New artificial turf pitches will be phased out by 2031 at the latest due to the ban on plastic granules. Even now, artificial turf pitches with infill material are no longer being subsidised," says Dr Claudia Post. For grassroots sports, clubs, cities and local authorities, converting their existing artificial turf pitches will be a mammoth task in the coming years, as artificial turf pitches have to be replaced every 10-15 years. With BioTurf, an environmentally friendly alternative is now available! The surface can be played on like any other, whether running, passing or kicking. Short, heavily crimped blades support longer blades and this simple approach increases playing comfort. BioTurf fulfils all quality requirements and standards for the highest footballing demands.

"BioTurf is an innovative, holistic solution," emphasises Dirk Hanuschik from TFI. "We use rapeseed oil and agricultural waste that does not compete with food production. BioTurf is also almost completely recyclable".
This is in stark contrast to conventional artificial turf, which can currently only be thermally utilised, i.e. burned to generate heat.

As BioTurf does not require the traditional latex process at all, the energy-intensive drying process can be dispensed with, which has a positive effect on the price. Latex is also difficult to recycle. In contrast, BioTurf uses the new thermobonding technology. Here, the thermoplastic pile yarns are thermally fused to the backing. Further development steps still need to be taken in the endeavour to develop a 100% mono-material artificial turf, as a few percent polypropylene still needs to be processed in the backing in addition to the polyethylene fibre material in order to protect it during thermobonding. However, this does not hinder its recyclability.


TFI - Institut für Bodensysteme an der RWTH Aachen e.V.

Preisverleihung Foto ITA – Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University

Walter Reiners-Stiftungspreis für zwei ITA-Preisträger

Wie kann man durch Transferlernen Fertigungsschritte optimieren? Wie kann man die Umweltauswirkungen von Geotextilien aus petrochemischen Kunststoffen mit denen aus biologisch abbaubaren Kunststoffen vergleichen, um eine Entscheidungshilfe für nachhaltigere Produkte zu finden? Für die Entwicklung dieser Methoden wurden Lennart Hellwig und Fabio Bußmann vom Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) der RWTH Aachen am 25. April mit Preisen des Deutschen Textilmaschinenbaues 2024 der Walter Reiners-Stiftung ausgezeichnet.

Einsatz von Transferlernen ermöglicht Datenreduzierung beim Vernadelungsprozess
Lennart Hellwig erhielt den „Förderpreis Masterarbeit“ für seine Masterarbeit „Transfer Learning Modell für Vernadelungsprozesse in der Vliesstoffproduktion unter Berücksichtigung von Unsicherheiten“.

Wie kann man durch Transferlernen Fertigungsschritte optimieren? Wie kann man die Umweltauswirkungen von Geotextilien aus petrochemischen Kunststoffen mit denen aus biologisch abbaubaren Kunststoffen vergleichen, um eine Entscheidungshilfe für nachhaltigere Produkte zu finden? Für die Entwicklung dieser Methoden wurden Lennart Hellwig und Fabio Bußmann vom Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) der RWTH Aachen am 25. April mit Preisen des Deutschen Textilmaschinenbaues 2024 der Walter Reiners-Stiftung ausgezeichnet.

Einsatz von Transferlernen ermöglicht Datenreduzierung beim Vernadelungsprozess
Lennart Hellwig erhielt den „Förderpreis Masterarbeit“ für seine Masterarbeit „Transfer Learning Modell für Vernadelungsprozesse in der Vliesstoffproduktion unter Berücksichtigung von Unsicherheiten“.

Die Auszeichnung wurde für die Entwicklung einer Methodik verliehen, die es ermöglicht, durch Transferlernen einen Fertigungsprozess in der Vliesstoffproduktion zu modellieren. Dieses Modell kann genutzt werden, um die Fertigungsschritte zu optimieren. Durch den Einsatz von Transferlernen wurde die Menge der benötigten Daten für die Modelle reduziert und die Vorhersagegenauigkeit verbessert. Konkret wurde in der Arbeit der Vernadelungsprozess als Fertigungsschritt ausgewählt. Das Verfahren lässt sich grundsätzlich auch auf andere Fertigungsschritte übertragen.

Ökologische Entscheidungshilfe für die Auswahl nachhaltigerer Produkte
Fabio Bußmann wurde mit dem „Nachhaltigkeitspreis Masterarbeit“ für seine Masterarbeit „Methodenentwicklung und Durchführung von Life Cycle Assessments zur Bewertung der Nachhaltigkeit von Produktion und End-of-Life-Szenarien biologisch abbaubarer Geotextilien“ ausgezeichnet. Kunststoffe bieten aufgrund ihrer vielfältigen Eigenschaften und Formgebungsmöglichkeiten ein breites Anwendungsspektrum. Ein Beispiel sind Geotextilien. Zu ihrer Herstellung werden fast ausschließlich petrochemische Kunststoffe verwendet, die in erster Linie nach ihrer Funktionalität ausgewählt werden, ohne dass an eine nachhaltige Entsorgung nach der Nutzungsdauer gedacht wird. Oft verbleiben diese Textilien im Boden, da sie nur sehr schwer und mit hohen Kosten oder gar nicht zu entfernen sind. Eine nachhaltigere Alternative könnte der Einsatz von Geotextilien aus biologisch abbaubaren Kunststoffen sein.

Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die Umweltauswirkungen von Geotextilien aus petrochemischen Kunststoffen mit denen aus biologisch abbaubaren Kunststoffen zu vergleichen. Diese Untersuchung wird in drei verschiedenen Anwendungsbereichen durchgeführt, um als ökologische Entscheidungshilfe zu dienen und das nachhaltigere Produkt zu identifizieren.

Der Vorsitzende der Walter Reiners-Stiftung des VDMA Fachverbands Textilmaschinen, Peter D. Dornier, überreichte die Preise während der Fachmesse Techtextil in Frankfurt am Main.


ITA – Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University

(c) ITA - RWTH Institut für Textiltechnik

ITA: Forschungsprojekte zu biobasierten Textilien

Wissenschaftsteams des Instituts für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen University (ITA) forschen gemeinsam mit Partnern aus der Industrie und außeruniversitären Forschungseinrichtungen gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) an Wegen, die Textilindustrie von fossilen auf biobasierte Rohstoffe, Ausrüstungen sowie neue umweltfreundliche Verfahren umzustellen, um auf diese Weise, die gesamte textile Wertschöpfungskette zu transformieren.

Die Fäden dafür laufen im Innovationsraum BIOTEXFUTURE mit einer Vielzahl an einzelnen Textilforschungsprojekten zusammen. Die enge Verknüpfung von universitärer mit anwendungsnaher Forschung und marktrelevanter Umsetzung mit Wirtschaftsunternehmen soll dazu führen, dass der Textilindustrie die Wende zu einem zukunftsfähigen biobasierten Wirtschaften zielgerichtet gelingen kann.

Wissenschaftsteams des Instituts für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen University (ITA) forschen gemeinsam mit Partnern aus der Industrie und außeruniversitären Forschungseinrichtungen gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) an Wegen, die Textilindustrie von fossilen auf biobasierte Rohstoffe, Ausrüstungen sowie neue umweltfreundliche Verfahren umzustellen, um auf diese Weise, die gesamte textile Wertschöpfungskette zu transformieren.

Die Fäden dafür laufen im Innovationsraum BIOTEXFUTURE mit einer Vielzahl an einzelnen Textilforschungsprojekten zusammen. Die enge Verknüpfung von universitärer mit anwendungsnaher Forschung und marktrelevanter Umsetzung mit Wirtschaftsunternehmen soll dazu führen, dass der Textilindustrie die Wende zu einem zukunftsfähigen biobasierten Wirtschaften zielgerichtet gelingen kann.

Erste konkrete Ergebnisse ausgewählter Projekte präsentiert BIOTEXFUTURE auf den Gemeinschaftsstand Bioökonomie des BMBF auf der Hannover Messe (22. bis 26.4.2024) sowie auf der fast zeitgleich stattfindenden Internationalen Leitmesse für technische Textilien und Vliesstoffe, Techtextil, in Frankfurt / Main (23. bis 26.4.2024). Folgende Projekte werden vorgestellt:

  • BioTurf: der Kunstrasen der Zukunft ist grün (Hannover Messe / Techtextil)
  • CO2Tex: innovative elastische Garne binden CO2 (Hannover Messe / Techtextil)
  • DegraTex: biologisch abbaubare Geotextilien (Techtextil)
  • BioBase: Textilien für Innenräume, Sport, Auto und Technik werden bio (Hannover Messe / Techtextil)

BioTurf: der Kunstrasen der Zukunft ist grün
Die Forscher*innen des Projekts BioTurf arbeiten an der Lösung eines Problems, mit dem hunderte von Städten und Gemeinden konfrontiert sind. Ziel ist es, eine Kunstrasenstruktur aus Bio-Polyethylen (PE) zu entwickeln, das sich qualitativ nicht von erdölbasiertem PE unterscheidet. Diese Monomaterial-Struktur soll ein hochwertiges Materialrecycling ermöglichen. Eine wichtige Basis für die spätere Kreislaufführung des Produktes. Darüber hinaus wird die neuartige Kunstrasenstruktur ohne die Zugabe von Einstreu-Granulat auskommen und damit das aktuelle Mikroplastik-Problem von Kunstrasenplätzen lösen. Es existiert bereits ein BioTurf-Fußballplatz in Aachen als Demonstrationsspielfeld, auf denen Sportler*innen spielen und trainieren, und dadurch die Forscher*innen regelmäßig Rückmeldung bekommen. Man befindet sich in der Phase der Feinjustierung, um das Ziel zu erreichen den Kunstrasen der Zukunft aus 100% biobasiertem Polyethylen herstellen zu können.

CO2Tex: innovative elastische Garne binden CO2
Die Textilwissenschaftler*innen des BIOTEXFUTURE Projekts CO2Tex entwickeln elastische Filament-Garne, in deren Ausgangsmaterial das für die Erderwärmung mitverantwortliche Treibhausgas CO2 gebunden ist. Gleichzeitig verwenden sie für die Garnherstellung Schmelzspinnprozesse, für die keine giftigen und umweltschädlichen Lösungsmittel notwendig sind. Den Forscher*innen ist es zudem gelungen, die Elastizität der auf thermoplastischen Polyurethanen (TPU) beruhenden Entwicklung für bestimmte Garntypen an das Leistungsvermögen der konventionellen Elastane heranzuschrauben. Das Projekt-Konsortium erwartet, dass für die entwickelten CO2-haltigen elastischen TPU-Filament-Garne eine Hochskalierung der Produktionsprozesse auf eine massentaugliche Fertigung im Industriemaßstab in absehbarer Zeit möglich sein wird. Dabei hält das CO2Tex-Team vergleichbare Herstellungskosten wie bei konventionellen Garnen sowie leichte Vorteile bei der Energiebilanz gegenüber bestehenden Prozessen für möglich.

DegraTex: biologisch abbaubare Geotextilien
Das Ziel von DegraTex ist die Entwicklung biobasierter, abbaubarer Geotextilien für kurzfristige Anwendungen wie die zeitlich begrenzte Sicherung von Erdstrukturen oder für den Vegetationsschutz. Die Materialien erfüllen ihre Funktion, bis sie von natürlichen Komponenten, wie z.B. bodenstabilisierenden oder bodendeckenden Pflanzen, übernommen werden oder simpel einfach nicht mehr benötigt werden. Es geht darum, konventionelle, erdölbasierte Geotextilien in technisch und ökologisch sinnvollem Rahmen durch biobasierte und abbaubare Produktlösungen zu ersetzen. Das Forschungsteam des ITA hat bereits erste Demonstratoren auf Basis von Biopolymeren im Außeneinsatz.

BioBase: Textilien für Innenräume, Sport, Auto und Technik werden bio
Im BioBase-Projekt wird die gesamte textile Wertschöpfungskette der jeweiligen Produkte abgebildet und in jedem Prozessschritt der technologische Reifegrad für die industrielle Produktion von biobasierten und nachhaltigen Chemiefasern schrittweise erhöht. Zunächst entstehen hierbei in Kooperation zwischen den Forschungseinrichtungen und Industriepartner*innen industriell gefertigte Anschauungsmodelle (Demonstratoren), die das Potenzial der am Markt verfügbaren biobasierten Polymere demonstrieren sollen. Die Herstellung der Polymere, Garne und textilen Flächen, orientiert sich sehr anwendungsbezogen an den existierenden technischen Anforderungen in den unterschiedlichen Industrie-Sektoren.
Das Team in Aachen beschäftigt sich mit der Herstellung von Chemiefasergarnen und betrachtet dabei die Arbeitsschritte Schmelzspinnen und Texturieren der Wertschöpfungskette und teilweise auch die Flächenherstellung. Die Forschungen zeigen, dass biobasierte Polymere existieren, die auf bestehenden Anlagen entlang der textilen Prozesskette bis zum Demonstrator verarbeitbar sind, wobei die Garn- und Textileigenschaften je nach Anforderungsprofil angepasst werden können.


ITA – Institut für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen University

Presentation of the certificate for 1st place in the business plan competition KEUR.NRW 2023 to the RWTH start-up SA-Dynamics; from left to right: Oliver Krischer (Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Transport of the State of NRW), Sascha Schriever (SA-Dynamics); Maximilian Mohr (SA-Dynamics); Jens Hofer (SA-Dynamics); Christian Schwotzer (SA-Dynamics) © Business Angels Deutschland e. V. (BAND)
Presentation of the certificate for 1st place in the business plan competition KEUR.NRW 2023 to the RWTH start-up SA-Dynamics; from left to right: Oliver Krischer (Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Transport of the State of NRW), Sascha Schriever (SA-Dynamics); Maximilian Mohr (SA-Dynamics); Jens Hofer (SA-Dynamics); Christian Schwotzer (SA-Dynamics)

Start-up: Bio-based aerogel fibres replace synthetic insulation materials

The Aachen-based start-up SA-Dynamics is developing sustainable, bio-based and biodegradable insulation materials made from aerogel fibres, thereby setting new standards in resource-saving construction. Dr Sascha Schriever (Institut für Textiltechnik ITA), Maximilian Mohr (ITA), Dr Jens Hofer (ITA Postdoc) and Dr Christian Schwotzer (Department for Industrial Furnaces and Heat Engineering IOB), who trained at RWTH Aachen University, were awarded first place in the KUER.NRW Business Plan Competition 2023 and prize money of €6,000.

SA-Dynamics relies on the impressive properties of aerogel fibres: they have excellent insulating properties, are lightweight, durable, robust, versatile and can be processed very well on conventional textile machines thanks to their flexibility. This makes them comparable to polystyrene, but still sustainable, as SA Dynamics uses bio-based and biodegradable raw materials.

The Aachen-based start-up SA-Dynamics is developing sustainable, bio-based and biodegradable insulation materials made from aerogel fibres, thereby setting new standards in resource-saving construction. Dr Sascha Schriever (Institut für Textiltechnik ITA), Maximilian Mohr (ITA), Dr Jens Hofer (ITA Postdoc) and Dr Christian Schwotzer (Department for Industrial Furnaces and Heat Engineering IOB), who trained at RWTH Aachen University, were awarded first place in the KUER.NRW Business Plan Competition 2023 and prize money of €6,000.

SA-Dynamics relies on the impressive properties of aerogel fibres: they have excellent insulating properties, are lightweight, durable, robust, versatile and can be processed very well on conventional textile machines thanks to their flexibility. This makes them comparable to polystyrene, but still sustainable, as SA Dynamics uses bio-based and biodegradable raw materials.

"We can revolutionise the construction world with bio-based aerogel fibres," explains ITA founder Dr Sascha Schriever proudly. "If all insulation materials in construction are converted to bio-based aerogel fibres, all builders can realise their dream of a sustainable house."

SA Dynamics has come a good deal closer to its founding goal by winning the KUER.NRW 2023 business plan competition. The spin-off from Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) and Department for Industrial Furnaces and Heat Engineering (IOB) at RWTH Aachen University is scheduled for spring 2025.


ITA – Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University

Figure 1: Adsorption of a drop of waste oil within seconds by a leaf of the floating fern Salvinia molesta. Abbildung 1 © W. Barthlott, M. Mail/Universität Bonn
Figure 1: Adsorption of a drop of waste oil within seconds by a leaf of the floating fern Salvinia molesta.

Self-driven and sustainable removal of oil spills in water using textiles

Researchers at the ITA, the University of Bonn and Heimbach GmbH have developed a new method for removing oil spills from water surfaces in an energy-saving, cost-effective way and without the use of toxic substances. The method is made possible by a technical textile that is integrated into a floating container. A single small device can remove up to 4 liters of diesel within an hour. This corresponds to about 100 m2 of oil film on a water surface.
Despite the steady expansion of renewable energies, global oil production, oil consumption and the risk of oil pollution have increased steadily over the last two decades. In 2022, global oil production amounted to 4.4 billion tons! Accidents often occur during the extraction, transportation and use of oil, resulting in serious and sometimes irreversible environmental pollution and harm to humans.

There are various methods for removing this oil pollution from water surfaces. However, all methods have various shortcomings that make them difficult to use and, in particular, limit the removal of oil from inland waters.

Researchers at the ITA, the University of Bonn and Heimbach GmbH have developed a new method for removing oil spills from water surfaces in an energy-saving, cost-effective way and without the use of toxic substances. The method is made possible by a technical textile that is integrated into a floating container. A single small device can remove up to 4 liters of diesel within an hour. This corresponds to about 100 m2 of oil film on a water surface.
Despite the steady expansion of renewable energies, global oil production, oil consumption and the risk of oil pollution have increased steadily over the last two decades. In 2022, global oil production amounted to 4.4 billion tons! Accidents often occur during the extraction, transportation and use of oil, resulting in serious and sometimes irreversible environmental pollution and harm to humans.

There are various methods for removing this oil pollution from water surfaces. However, all methods have various shortcomings that make them difficult to use and, in particular, limit the removal of oil from inland waters.

For many technical applications, unexpected solutions come from the field of biology. Millions of years of evolution led to optimized surfaces of living organisms for their interaction with the environment. Solutions - often rather unfamiliar to materials scientists and difficult to accept. The long-time routine examination of around 20,000 different species showed that there is an almost infinite variety of structures and functionalities. Some species in particular stand out for their excellent oil adsorption properties. It was shown that, e.g., leaves of the floating fern Salvinia molesta, adsorb oil, separate it from water surfaces and transport it on their surfaces (Figure 1, see also the video of the phenomon.).

The observations inspired them to transfer the effect to technical textiles for separating oil and water. The result is a superhydrophobic spacer fabric that can be produced industrially and is therefore easily scalable.

The bio-inspired textile can be integrated into a device for oil-water separation. This entire device is called a Bionic Oil Adsorber (BOA). Figure 2: Cross-section of computer-aided (CAD) model of the Bionic Oil Adsorber. The scheme shows an oil film (red) on a water surface (light blue). In the floating cotainer(gray), the textile (orange) is fixed so that it is in contact with the oil film and the end protrudes into the container. The oil is adsorbed and transported by the BOA textile. As shown in the cross-section, it enters the contain-er, where it is released again and accumulates at the bottom of the container. See also the video regarding the oil absorption on the textile, source ITA).
Starting from the contamination in the form of an oil film on the water surface, the separation and collection process works according to the following steps:

  • The BOA is introduced into the oil film.
  • The oil is adsorbed by the textile and separated from the water at the same time.
  • The oil is transported through the textile into the collection container.
  • The oil drips from the textile into the collection container.
  • The oil is collected until the container is emptied.

The advantage of this novel oil separation device is that no additional energy has to be applied to operate the BOA. The oil is separated from the surrounding water by the surface properties of the textile and transported through the textile driven solely by capillary forces, even against gravity. When it reaches the end of the textile in the collection container, the oil desorbs without any further external influence due to gravitational forces. With the current scale approximately 4 L of diesel can be separated from water by one device of the Bionic Oil Adsorber per hour.

  • It seems unlikely that a functionalized knitted spacer textile is cheaper than a conventional nonwoven, like it is commonly used for oil sorbents. However, since it is a functional material, the costs must be related to the amount of oil removed. In this respect, if we compare the sales price of the BOA textile with the sales prices of various oil-binding nonwovens, the former is 5 to 13 times cheaper with 10 ct/L oil removed.
    Overall, the BOA device offers a cost-effective and sustainable method of oil-water separation in contrast to conventional cleaning methods due to the following advantages:
  • No additional energy requirements, such as with oil skimmers, are necessary
  • No toxic substances are introduced into the water body, such as with oil dispersants
  • The textiles and equipment can be reused multiple times
  • No waste remains inside the water body
  • Inexpensive in terms of the amount of oil removed.
  • The team of researchers from the ITA, the University of Bonn and Heimbach GmbH was able to prove that the novel biomimetic BOA technology is surprisingly efficient and sustainable for a self-controlled separation and automatic collection of oil films including their complete removal from the water. BOA can be asapted for open water application but also for the use in inland waters. Furthermore, it is promising, that the textile can be used in various related separation processes. The product is currently being further developed so that it can be launched on the market in 2-3 years.



ITA – Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University

Award winners with foundation chairman, foundation MD and professors (c) VDMA e.V. Textile Machinery
Award winners with foundation chairman, foundation MD and professors

Walter Reiners Foundation honours young engineers

As part of the Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference in Dresden, the Chairman of the Walter Reiners Foundation of the VDMA, Peter D. Dornier, presented awards to four successful young engineers. Two promotion prizes and two sustainability prizes were awarded in the Bachelor and Diploma/Master categories. Academic works in which solutions for resource-saving products and technologies are developed are eligible for the sustainability prizes.

A sustainability prize worth 3,000 euros in the Bachelor's category was awarded to Franziska Jauch, Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences, for her Bachelor's thesis on pigment digital printing in denim production.

The promotion prize in the Bachelor's category, also worth 3,000 euros, went to Annika Datko, RWTH Aachen, for her work on determining the polyester content in used textiles.

Dave Kersevan, TU Dresden, was honoured with a sustainability prize in the Diploma/Master's category, endowed with 3,500 euros. The subject of his thesis was the development of a laboratory system for the production of needled carbon preforms.

As part of the Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference in Dresden, the Chairman of the Walter Reiners Foundation of the VDMA, Peter D. Dornier, presented awards to four successful young engineers. Two promotion prizes and two sustainability prizes were awarded in the Bachelor and Diploma/Master categories. Academic works in which solutions for resource-saving products and technologies are developed are eligible for the sustainability prizes.

A sustainability prize worth 3,000 euros in the Bachelor's category was awarded to Franziska Jauch, Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences, for her Bachelor's thesis on pigment digital printing in denim production.

The promotion prize in the Bachelor's category, also worth 3,000 euros, went to Annika Datko, RWTH Aachen, for her work on determining the polyester content in used textiles.

Dave Kersevan, TU Dresden, was honoured with a sustainability prize in the Diploma/Master's category, endowed with 3,500 euros. The subject of his thesis was the development of a laboratory system for the production of needled carbon preforms.

This year's promotion award in the Diploma/Master's category, endowed with prize money of 3,500 euros, went to Flávio Diniz from RWTH Aachen. The subject of his Master's thesis was the feasibility of manufacturing ultra-thin carbon fibres.

The award ceremony 2024 will take place in April at the VDMA stand at the Techtextil fair in Frankfurt.

Recycled yarn (c) ITA Aachen

ITA at the ITMA: Smart Circular Economy

"ITA Aachen and ITA Augsburg are part of the ITA Group International Centre for Sustainable Textiles. Experience our textile innovations at two exhibition booths," explains ITA Institute Director Professor Dr. Thomas Gries. "See our ring spinning tester at booth H3-B304, which spins recycled fibres sustainably and individually in a previously impossible fineness. In addition, there is digital yarn monitoring, which enables new market potentials. Get an idea of the Recycling Atelier of ITA Augsburg at booth H3-A207 and see the textile cycle from used textile to solution steps for industrial implementation together with industry partners. Join us on the Walk4Recycling and follow the path from used textile to a new knitted pullover on a tour of the trade fair. This is how we live up to our claim as the ITA Group: sustainable - digital - individual."

"ITA Aachen and ITA Augsburg are part of the ITA Group International Centre for Sustainable Textiles. Experience our textile innovations at two exhibition booths," explains ITA Institute Director Professor Dr. Thomas Gries. "See our ring spinning tester at booth H3-B304, which spins recycled fibres sustainably and individually in a previously impossible fineness. In addition, there is digital yarn monitoring, which enables new market potentials. Get an idea of the Recycling Atelier of ITA Augsburg at booth H3-A207 and see the textile cycle from used textile to solution steps for industrial implementation together with industry partners. Join us on the Walk4Recycling and follow the path from used textile to a new knitted pullover on a tour of the trade fair. This is how we live up to our claim as the ITA Group: sustainable - digital - individual."

ITA Aachen - Digital ring spinning tester for recycled fibres enables spinning of fine yarns with high recycled fibres content
The Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University (ITA) will be exhibiting a digital ring spinning tester, which spins recycled fibres directly and conventionally with a particularly high content of 60-70 percent. Up to now, recycled yarns have mainly been rotor-spun in this blend ratio. This results in rather coarse yarns and is not suitable for finer textiles such as outerwear. Ring spinning of recycled yarns now enables the spinning of finer yarns and thus a higher application level for recycled materials.

A unique selling point of the ITA ring spinning tester is the simultaneous spinning in the direct spinning process from the sliver and in the classic ring spinning process. For this purpose, the strength and elongation of the spun yarn are determined online and digitally for the first time. The real-time measurement allows process parameters and yarn properties to be adjusted iteratively and quickly. The ring spinning tester was upgraded from an existing tester to Industry 4.0 standard and is operated via a tablet. Operation via tablet enables the adjustment of process parameters including online quality monitoring remotely from anywhere in the world.
For this purpose, the ring spinning tester is also able to produce fine ring spun yarns. These yarns made from recycled material opens up a multitude of further fields of application for woven and knitted goods. Now, for example, clothing and technical textiles can be made from recycled material, the production of which was not possible before - such as outerwear made from recycled material. The development of new industries and fields of application opens up new market potential for recycled yarns - also and especially for processing in Europe. This creates the opportunity to preserve key technologies and jobs in cost-intensive locations.

ITA Augsburg - Recycling Atelier: Walk4Recycling
The Recycling Atelier of the Institut für Textiltechnik Augsburg gGmbH on stand H3-A207 presents the textile recycling from used textiles into new products via the various process steps and, together with the industrial partners, opens up solution paths for industrial implementation.

Under the headline "Walk4Recycling", a tour of the fair shows the cycle of used textiles from used knitwear into a new knitted pullover via a ring yarn made from a blend of 65 percent recycled cotton and 35 percent virgin polyester. The key innovation here is the high proportion of recycled fibres from post-consumer textiles for a ring yarn of this fineness. Today, mainly coarse rotor yarns for low-quality textiles are spun from these materials. The industrial partners participating in the Walk4Recycling are partners of the Recycling Atelier and contribute with their technologies to the fact that fibre material from old clothes can be processed in various process stages into a yarn of new value and high-quality ready-made garments.

The Walk4Recycling offers visitors the opportunity to experience a complete recycling cycle with the numerous process stages from tearing the old textiles, preparing and spinning the fibres and knitting a new jumper live during the fair. Get detailed information on the mechanical recycling of clothing via QR code, website and flyer about the participating exhibitors and their machines and technologies. A short movie will give you additional insights into the various processes involved in the production of the jumper.

Winding unit for the continuous production of fibre-reinforced thermoplastic pipe profiles (c) ITA. Winding unit for the continuous production of fibre-reinforced thermoplastic pipe profiles

Composites made by ITA at JEC World 2023

  • Less C02 emissions + sustainable + recyclable

Sustainability first - this is the principle of the Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University at JEC World 2023. ITA combines various lightweight construction technologies to reduce C02 and to use renewable and/or recyclable raw materials.

ITA presents innovations in the production of reinforcing fibres and in the textile processing of high-modulus fibres. It also shows the impregnation of high-modulus fibres with thermosetting and thermoplastic matrix systems.  

ITA will be exhibiting in hall 6 together with Textechno, Mönchengladbach, Germany, textile testing equipment and Maruhachi Fukui, Japan, Thermoplastic Composite Material Systems. The Interreg AACOMA project will also be presented at the stand. 

  • Less C02 emissions + sustainable + recyclable

Sustainability first - this is the principle of the Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University at JEC World 2023. ITA combines various lightweight construction technologies to reduce C02 and to use renewable and/or recyclable raw materials.

ITA presents innovations in the production of reinforcing fibres and in the textile processing of high-modulus fibres. It also shows the impregnation of high-modulus fibres with thermosetting and thermoplastic matrix systems.  

ITA will be exhibiting in hall 6 together with Textechno, Mönchengladbach, Germany, textile testing equipment and Maruhachi Fukui, Japan, Thermoplastic Composite Material Systems. The Interreg AACOMA project will also be presented at the stand. 


ITA Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen

(c) Digital Capability Center

ITA Supports SMEs in Digitisation and Sustainability

The Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University, as part of the Mittelstandzentrum 4.0 Kompetenzzentrum Textil vernetzt, has supported numerous small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on their way to digitalisation over the last five years. At the Digital Capability Center (DCC) in Aachen, for example, SMEs were able to experience digitised production from yarn to smart bracelets and thus test the feasibility of Industry 4.0 solutions in their working environment.

New supply chain laws and social sustainability now pose current challenges for SMEs. In the follow-up project Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Smarte Kreisläufe (SME Digital Centre Smart Cycles), ITA will be supporting SMEs from 1 March in implementing ideas for digitalisation and sustainability in concrete terms.

The Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University, as part of the Mittelstandzentrum 4.0 Kompetenzzentrum Textil vernetzt, has supported numerous small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on their way to digitalisation over the last five years. At the Digital Capability Center (DCC) in Aachen, for example, SMEs were able to experience digitised production from yarn to smart bracelets and thus test the feasibility of Industry 4.0 solutions in their working environment.

New supply chain laws and social sustainability now pose current challenges for SMEs. In the follow-up project Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Smarte Kreisläufe (SME Digital Centre Smart Cycles), ITA will be supporting SMEs from 1 March in implementing ideas for digitalisation and sustainability in concrete terms.

This means finding sustainable solutions and processes for the circular economy together with companies and developing new digital business models. The ITA's solutions cover the areas of awareness-raising, qualification, implementation and networking. These offers are free of charge for SMEs - follow-up projects often lead to the funding programme "Central Innovation Programme for SMEs - ZIM" of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) or to research and development projects.

Questions concerning the funding conditions can be sent to the following e-mail address:


Institut für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen University


ITMF-Webinar series on “Digital Workflow" and the “Circular Textile Economy"

ITMF has invited some of the start-ups that have presented at the ITMF Annual Conference 2023 to share in more depth during a series of interactive webinars their digital platforms/tools and how companies can benefit from digital workflows. The first webinar with the start-up “ColorDigital” took place in the first half of February. The second webinar will take place in March with the start-up “Frontier.Cool”.

In cooperation with the “Institut für Textiltechnik” (Institute for Textile Technology) of RWTH Aachen University, ITMF has developed a series of webinars that will have a closer look at the concept, political and legal environment as well as technology regarding circularity and recycling in the textile industry. In six webinars of 60-75 minutes each, international experts will discuss the backgrounds and potential of circularity in the textile industry. The webinar series start in March and will be completed by the end of May 2023.

The webinars are free of charge for ITMF members and all their affiliated members.  

Please check the Textination schedule for all details.

ITMF has invited some of the start-ups that have presented at the ITMF Annual Conference 2023 to share in more depth during a series of interactive webinars their digital platforms/tools and how companies can benefit from digital workflows. The first webinar with the start-up “ColorDigital” took place in the first half of February. The second webinar will take place in March with the start-up “Frontier.Cool”.

In cooperation with the “Institut für Textiltechnik” (Institute for Textile Technology) of RWTH Aachen University, ITMF has developed a series of webinars that will have a closer look at the concept, political and legal environment as well as technology regarding circularity and recycling in the textile industry. In six webinars of 60-75 minutes each, international experts will discuss the backgrounds and potential of circularity in the textile industry. The webinar series start in March and will be completed by the end of May 2023.

The webinars are free of charge for ITMF members and all their affiliated members.  

Please check the Textination schedule for all details.


Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University



New project “Transform Textile Waste into Feedstock”

Textile waste is a problem in Europe. Out of 7-7.5 million tonnes of textiles discarded every year, 30-35 % are collected separately – and of that quantity, 15-20 % are sorted by medium and larger sorting facilities within the EU. After sorting, 60 % still qualify as wearable clothes, however after a second or third collection-loop, all of the textiles become non-wearable sooner or later. Therefore, fibre-to-fibre recycling is becoming increasingly important to preserve the valuable resources.
The textile recycling value chain is not yet mature, but we are on the verge of a turning point, as different fibre-recycling technologies are deployed on a large scale. If successful, the textile recycling industry could reach a recycling rate of 18 to 26 percent of gross textile waste in 2030. This would create economic, social and environmental value that could total 3.5 to 4.5 billion euros in 2030.

Textile waste is a problem in Europe. Out of 7-7.5 million tonnes of textiles discarded every year, 30-35 % are collected separately – and of that quantity, 15-20 % are sorted by medium and larger sorting facilities within the EU. After sorting, 60 % still qualify as wearable clothes, however after a second or third collection-loop, all of the textiles become non-wearable sooner or later. Therefore, fibre-to-fibre recycling is becoming increasingly important to preserve the valuable resources.
The textile recycling value chain is not yet mature, but we are on the verge of a turning point, as different fibre-recycling technologies are deployed on a large scale. If successful, the textile recycling industry could reach a recycling rate of 18 to 26 percent of gross textile waste in 2030. This would create economic, social and environmental value that could total 3.5 to 4.5 billion euros in 2030.

Today, there is a sorting gap to achieve a circular economy for textiles in Europe. To feed this new circular value chain, a significant sorting-capacity increase is needed with 150 to 250 sorting and recycling facilities nearby, as the McKinsey-study “turning waste into value” assessed.

There is also a technology and capacity gap in sorting for reuse and recycling to ensure that high quality raw materials from non-wearable textile waste can be made available on a large scale. This is why the “Transform Textile Waste into Feedstock” project was initiated by TEXAID, within the ReHubs initiative together with well-known stakeholders of the textile value chain.

The major outcome of this project will be a sorting-factory blueprint fulfilling the requirements to the future needs of fibre-to-fibre recycling, enabling the future of more sustainable textiles by using recycled fibres. TEXAID, who is leading the project, is committed to build and operate scalable sorting facilities across Europe, the first with a capacity of 50,000 tonnes by the end of 2024.

Companies like Concordia, CuRe Technology, Decathlon, Inditex, Indorama Ventures, L’Atelier des Matières, Lenzing, Marchi & Fildi, PurFi, Södra, Worn Again and others are taking part in the project to jointly evaluate technologies and the business case for scaled sorting for reuse and recycling. ITA Academy GmbH (in cooperation with RWTH Aachen) together with CETIA has been commissioned for the assessment of technologies. The outcome will be an innovative sorting system 4.0, building on cross-functional technologies with digitalization and automation are at the heart.

(c) VDMA
Award winners with foundation chairman and professors

VDMA: Junior engineers with focus on sustainability

On the occasion of the Techtextil fair in Frankfurt, the Chairman of VDMA’s Walter Reiners-Stiftung Foundation, Peter D. Dornier, has awarded prizes to seven successful young engineers. For the first time, the Foundation awarded two Sustainability Awards. They are awarded to academic works in which, for example, solutions for resource-saving products and technologies are developed.

A Sustainability Prize in the category Project Work, endowed with 3.000 euros was awarded to Simon Hoebel, TU Dresden, for his thesis on recycled thermoplastic fibres for composite components.
Marina Michel, TU Dresden, received a Sustainability Award in the category Master, worth 3.500 euros. The topic of her master thesis was the functionalisation of yarns for the filtration of micro- and nanoplastics from water.

A Promotion Prize in the category Project Work, endowed with 4.000 euros, was awarded to a student group from RWTH Aachen. The teamwork of Luis Gleissner, Leopold Habersbrunner, Frederic Olbrich and Frederik Schicks was the construction of a test rig for tests on oil-adsorbing textiles.

On the occasion of the Techtextil fair in Frankfurt, the Chairman of VDMA’s Walter Reiners-Stiftung Foundation, Peter D. Dornier, has awarded prizes to seven successful young engineers. For the first time, the Foundation awarded two Sustainability Awards. They are awarded to academic works in which, for example, solutions for resource-saving products and technologies are developed.

A Sustainability Prize in the category Project Work, endowed with 3.000 euros was awarded to Simon Hoebel, TU Dresden, for his thesis on recycled thermoplastic fibres for composite components.
Marina Michel, TU Dresden, received a Sustainability Award in the category Master, worth 3.500 euros. The topic of her master thesis was the functionalisation of yarns for the filtration of micro- and nanoplastics from water.

A Promotion Prize in the category Project Work, endowed with 4.000 euros, was awarded to a student group from RWTH Aachen. The teamwork of Luis Gleissner, Leopold Habersbrunner, Frederic Olbrich and Frederik Schicks was the construction of a test rig for tests on oil-adsorbing textiles.

Felix Zerbes, RWTH Aachen, was awarded a Promotion Prize of 3.500 euros in the category Master. He developed a technical solution for air jet weaving to improve the quality of woven fabric.


VDMA e. V.

(c) ITA

International Sustainable Aviation and Energy Society Award for Professor Thomas Gries

On 27 November 2021, the Scientific Award for International Sustainable Aviation and Energy Society (SARES Award) was awarded to Professor Dr Thomas Gries from the Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University. The award ceremony took place during the closing ceremony of the International Symposium on Sustainable Aviation (ISSA) in a hybrid format online and simultaneously at Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand.
With the award, the committee recognised the ongoing contribution of Pro-fessor Gries and the Institut für Textiltechnik to the digitisation and bio-transformation of the textile sector, as well as the Institute as a place of innovation for sustainable aviation.

On 27 November 2021, the Scientific Award for International Sustainable Aviation and Energy Society (SARES Award) was awarded to Professor Dr Thomas Gries from the Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University. The award ceremony took place during the closing ceremony of the International Symposium on Sustainable Aviation (ISSA) in a hybrid format online and simultaneously at Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand.
With the award, the committee recognised the ongoing contribution of Pro-fessor Gries and the Institut für Textiltechnik to the digitisation and bio-transformation of the textile sector, as well as the Institute as a place of innovation for sustainable aviation.

Examples of this include the development of 3D braided ceramic matrix composite components for aircraft engines, which were researched together with partners in a Horizon 2020 project (EU project AllOxITD). The ongoing Chrysomallos research project as another example, funded under the national aeronautics research programme in Germany, aims to develop a completely new and sustainable high-performance insulator for aircraft cabins based on aerogels. These have a significantly lower weight than the glass fibre mats used up to now, while providing the same insulation performance, and solve the problem of the previously high manufacturing costs of aerogels. The aim of the project is to develop an insulation material with reduced density (reduction of more than 20 percent). To this end, a new type of insulation material based on aerogel is to be developed. The basis is an aerogel fleece (0.06 W/mK at 28 kg/m³), which has already been developed as part of a dissertation at the Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University (Mroszczok, J.: 2019).

The aviation industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Due to this fact and its importance for society and the global economy, it needs to make special efforts towards sustainability. The ISSA, an international multi-disciplinary symposium, aims to address current issues in aviation such as improving aircraft fuel efficiency, promoting the use of biofuels, minimising environmental impact, mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and reducing engine and aircraft noise. ^

Through the award, SARES honours scientists and researchers whose work on sustainable aviation issues has made an important contribution at the international level. The selection is based on the scientific publications of the applicant or nominee, the h-index, i.e. the key figure for the worldwide perception of a scientist in professional circles, the project topics and the project results.

New Opportunities for Cellulose Fibres in Replacing Plastics (c) nova-Institut
Nicolas Hark - nova-Institut (DE)

New Opportunities for Cellulose Fibres in Replacing Plastics

  • Second Session of the International Conference on Cellulose Fibres 2022

Cellulose fibers are a true material miracle as they offer a steadily expanding, broad range of applications. Meanwhile markets are driven by technological developments and policy frameworks, especially bans and restrictions on plastics, as well as an increasing number of sustainability requirements. The  presentations will provide valuable information on the various use-opportunities for cellulosic fibers through a policy overview, a special session on sustainability, recycling and alternative feedstocks, as well as the latest developments in pulp, cellulosic fibers and yarns. In addition, examples of non-wovens, packaging and composites will offer a look beyond the horizon of conventional application fields.

  • Second Session of the International Conference on Cellulose Fibres 2022

Cellulose fibers are a true material miracle as they offer a steadily expanding, broad range of applications. Meanwhile markets are driven by technological developments and policy frameworks, especially bans and restrictions on plastics, as well as an increasing number of sustainability requirements. The  presentations will provide valuable information on the various use-opportunities for cellulosic fibers through a policy overview, a special session on sustainability, recycling and alternative feedstocks, as well as the latest developments in pulp, cellulosic fibers and yarns. In addition, examples of non-wovens, packaging and composites will offer a look beyond the horizon of conventional application fields.

The second session of the conference: "New Opportunities for Cellulose Fibres in Replacing Plastics", will focus on questions such as: "What is the impact of the ban on plastics on single-use products?" and "What are the latest regulatory issues and policy opportunities for cellulose fibres?".  This section presents new opportunities for replacing fossil-based insulating materials with cellulose-based technologies that can be used for a variety of applications, from aerospace to mobility, as well as in construction. For the program just click here.

Speakers of the Session "New Opportunities for Cellulose Fibres in Replacing Plastics":

  • Nicolas Hark - nova-Institut (DE): Opportunities in Policy for Cellulose Fibres
  • Paula Martirez - Stora Enso (SE): Last years Winner Papira® – an Eco-revolution in Foam Packaging
  • Stefanie Schlager - Lenzing (AT): LENZING™ Fibres for Sustainable Single use Products
  • Sascha Schriever - Institut für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen University (DE): Cellulose Aerogel Non-wovens – Sustainable Insulators of Tomorrow
VDMA: Top young talent with cutting-edge topics  (c) VDMA
The 2021 winners (from top left to right): Dr Martin Hengstermann, Irina Kuznik, Kai-Chieh Kuo.

VDMA: Top young talent with cutting-edge topics

The Chairman of the Walter Reiners-Stiftung foundation of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association, Peter D. Dornier has awarded prizes to three successful young engineers. The award-winning works provide practical solutions on the topic of circular economy. For example, the recycling of carbon fibres, which are used to produce lightweight components for the automotive industry. Or the environmentally friendly production of yarns from crab shells. Another topic was medical applications: The processing of ultra-fine yarns into stents for aortic repair. The award ceremony took place online on 9 November as part of the Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference.  

With a creativity prize, endowed with 3,000 euros, the foundation honoured the diploma thesis of Irina Kuznik, TU Dresden. She used a creative approach to realise solutions for processing chitosan into fibre yarn.

The Chairman of the Walter Reiners-Stiftung foundation of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association, Peter D. Dornier has awarded prizes to three successful young engineers. The award-winning works provide practical solutions on the topic of circular economy. For example, the recycling of carbon fibres, which are used to produce lightweight components for the automotive industry. Or the environmentally friendly production of yarns from crab shells. Another topic was medical applications: The processing of ultra-fine yarns into stents for aortic repair. The award ceremony took place online on 9 November as part of the Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference.  

With a creativity prize, endowed with 3,000 euros, the foundation honoured the diploma thesis of Irina Kuznik, TU Dresden. She used a creative approach to realise solutions for processing chitosan into fibre yarn.

Mr Kai-Chieh Kuo was awarded the diploma/master's thesis promotion prize of 3,500 euros. With his master's thesis, which was written at RWTH Aachen University, Mr Kuo contributes to the production of vital components used in medicine. The stents made of ultra-fine yarns are made possible by an innovative modification of the classic tube weaving process.

The Walter Reiners Foundation rewarded the doctoral thesis of Dr. Martin Hengstermann with the promotional prize in the dissertation category, endowed with 5,000 euros. The thesis deals with the production of recycled carbon fibres. These can be used to produce lightweight components for motor vehicle and aircraft construction or the wind energy sector.

New Prize Sustainability / Circular Economy
The environmental conditions of the textile industry and machine construction are changing. Topics such as climate protection and the circular economy are becoming central. From this perspective, the board of the Walter Reiners Foundation has decided to further develop the foundation's prize system.

In 2022, the foundation will for the first time offer a prize with a focus on design / sustainability. Peter D. Dornier, Chairman of the Foundation, explained: "Already in the design phase, one can set the parameters so that a textile product can be reintroduced after use into the economic cycle for a high-quality application. For example, through the appropriate use of materials and finishing. We are looking for solutions for resource-saving design, technology and manufacturing processes."   


2021 Aachen Reinforced! Symposium free of charge for all attendees

Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University has changed the format of the 2021 Aachen Reinforced! Symposium to an online only format. The programme was shortened to suit the new format, with presentations taking place on Monday 10th May and Tuesday 11th May.

Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University has changed the format of the 2021 Aachen Reinforced! Symposium to an online only format. The programme was shortened to suit the new format, with presentations taking place on Monday 10th May and Tuesday 11th May.

The conference program for Monday, 10th May:
The programme will begin with exciting presentations on glass chemistry and fibres. A talk by Dr Anne Berthereau (Owens Corning Composites) on the race for always higher modulus glass fibres will be followed by a talk from Dr Hong Li (Nippon Electric Glass) on the potential of new high-strength and high-modulus glass fibres.
After two further presentations on high modulus and bioactive glass fibres from Muawia Dafir and Julia Eichhorn (TU Bergakademie Freiberg), we will learn about furnace efficiency as well as process monitoring and digitalisation in glass fibre production from René Meulemann (CelSian), Hans Gedon (Gedonsoft) and Julius Golovatchev (Incotelogy) respectively.
A presentation by Felix Quintero Martínez (Universidade de Vigo) will explore a novel method to produce ultra-flexible glass nanofibers.
The afternoon will continue with two presentations by Dr Christina Scheffler (Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e.V. (IPF)) and Professor James Thomason (University of Strathclyde) in the field of glass fibre sizings and fibre-matrix interfaces. Finally, a closing presentation by Steve Bassetti (Michelman) will conclude the first day of the Symposium.

The entire conference programme is available on the website
To register for the Symposium, use the following link:

Aachen Central Bus Station before the introduction of green.fACade (c) Institut für Textiltechnik
Aachen Central Bus Station before the introduction of green.fACade

Aachen textile facade reduces nitrogen oxide pollution and urban heat

Aachen researchers have developed the adaptive textile facade green.fACade, which was presented on 2nd August 2018 in the Aachen Faculty of Architecture of RWTH Aachen University, Germany. green.fACade is installed in front of a building like a second skin and can permanently reduce nitrogen oxide pollution in cities.

The researchers achieve the reduction of harmful nitrogen oxides (NO and NO2) by coating the facade with titanium dioxide. Titanium dioxide acts as a photo catalyst and enables the oxidation of nitrogen oxides to form washable nitrate (NO3-). Since the facade is also greened, it contributes to the conversion of carbon dioxide into oxygen by photosynthesis. In addition, a green facade creates an optical resting point in the cityscape and reduces urban heat through evaporation cooling. The enclosed pictures demonstrate how the introduction of green.fACade can have an effect. Picture 1 shows the Aachen Central Bus Station after, picture 2 before the possible introduction of green.fACade.

Aachen researchers have developed the adaptive textile facade green.fACade, which was presented on 2nd August 2018 in the Aachen Faculty of Architecture of RWTH Aachen University, Germany. green.fACade is installed in front of a building like a second skin and can permanently reduce nitrogen oxide pollution in cities.

The researchers achieve the reduction of harmful nitrogen oxides (NO and NO2) by coating the facade with titanium dioxide. Titanium dioxide acts as a photo catalyst and enables the oxidation of nitrogen oxides to form washable nitrate (NO3-). Since the facade is also greened, it contributes to the conversion of carbon dioxide into oxygen by photosynthesis. In addition, a green facade creates an optical resting point in the cityscape and reduces urban heat through evaporation cooling. The enclosed pictures demonstrate how the introduction of green.fACade can have an effect. Picture 1 shows the Aachen Central Bus Station after, picture 2 before the possible introduction of green.fACade.

green.fACade is part of the innovative research project "adaptive textile facades", which uses the special properties of textiles. Thanks to its design, textiles can let sunlight and air through, thus contributing to a modern, aesthetic building design. A new feature of the research project is that further elements such as the titanium oxide coating or sun protection elements are integrated into the textile facade and placed in front of the existing building facade. The adaptive textile facade acts independently and thus reduces energy consumption through the positive climatic effects on the building facade.

"Adaptive Textile Facade" is part of a current research series with the aim of developing innovative facade constructions that are climate-neutral and increase the comfort of local residents. The research team consists of the three RWTH fields of architecture (Faculty of Architecture, PhD student architect M.Sc. Jan Serode), medicine (University Hospital RWTH Aachen, Clinic for Ophthalmology, Prof. Dr Walter) and textile technology (Institut für Textiltechnik, Prof. Dr Gries) and was able to contribute its expertise in the best possible way.

This summer the research team was supported for the first time by the Munich architectural office Auer Weber, represented by managing director Philipp Auer: "For us architects, developments in the field of textile outer shells are a special challenge. Here, highly developed textile materials and processing methods are combined with the lightness and grace of fabrics. Adaptive textile facade elements will increasingly turn the "building shell" into a "building skin", a system that not only offers weather, heat and sun protection, but is in constant intelligent exchange with its environment".

The great importance of these topics for the public was documented by the presence of Kirsten Roßels, representative of the Department of Economics, Science and Europe of the city of Aachen.  Ms Roßels explains: "As the city of Aachen, we are delighted with the innovative and future-oriented project ideas that are being developed at Aachen University, such as the adaptive textile facade. These developments underline the importance of Aachen as a city of science and I would appreciate it if these and other technologies could also become visible in Aachen in the future".

Prof. Dr Gries from the Institut für Textiltechnik sums up: "As textile researchers, we see a great opportunity to develop concrete solutions for our urban living spaces together with renowned experts from other disciplines. I'm sure we can make the urban climate more pleasant and reduce pollution."


Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) at RWTH Aachen University