From the Sector

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GoodTextiles and CmiA: Community project for drinking water (c) Aid by Trade Foundation

GoodTextiles and CmiA: Community project for drinking water

For the third time, the GoodTextiles Foundation is realising a WASH community project together with Cotton made in Africa (CmiA). In cooperation with the CmiA-verified cotton company Sofitex, hand-operated pumps were installed in two villages in Burkina Faso/Africa to improve the drinking water supply. The three partners have also trained the villagers in the use of water, particularly with regard to disease prevention, hygiene and healthcare.

For the people in the villages of Sidi and Moukouma, daily life was a challenge: they had to walk between four and ten kilometres to get access to clean drinking water. They were often forced to resort to unsafe water sources such as rivers, which resulted in significant hygiene and health problems.

Following a comprehensive assessment of water scarcity at the project sites, two boreholes were drilled and hand-operated pumps installed. These are located in communal areas that are freely accessible to all and free of any private property and rights. Now the 3,000 inhabitants of both villages have unrestricted access to clean drinking water at all times - a real lifeline for the communities.

For the third time, the GoodTextiles Foundation is realising a WASH community project together with Cotton made in Africa (CmiA). In cooperation with the CmiA-verified cotton company Sofitex, hand-operated pumps were installed in two villages in Burkina Faso/Africa to improve the drinking water supply. The three partners have also trained the villagers in the use of water, particularly with regard to disease prevention, hygiene and healthcare.

For the people in the villages of Sidi and Moukouma, daily life was a challenge: they had to walk between four and ten kilometres to get access to clean drinking water. They were often forced to resort to unsafe water sources such as rivers, which resulted in significant hygiene and health problems.

Following a comprehensive assessment of water scarcity at the project sites, two boreholes were drilled and hand-operated pumps installed. These are located in communal areas that are freely accessible to all and free of any private property and rights. Now the 3,000 inhabitants of both villages have unrestricted access to clean drinking water at all times - a real lifeline for the communities.

A water management committee was set up in each village. In the WASH training sessions, the participants were familiarised with the tasks and functions of the water committee. In addition, the villagers were given a better understanding of WASH practices and principles. They were also taught how to promote hygiene at the water points to ensure water quality. Finally, they were given the necessary maintenance tools for their work.

A total of 115 committed people, including 61 men and 54 women, took part in the training courses. They will now act as multipliers for WASH initiatives, water, sanitation and hygiene measures in their communities and pass on their knowledge. Each committee also received a toolkit for the maintenance of boreholes - so that this project is not just short-term help, but a sustainable improvement in living conditions.

The GoodTextiles Foundation is supporting the project with around €17,000.00.


GoodTextiles Stiftung

GoodTextiles Foundation: Improving drinking water supply in Uganda (c) Aid by Trade Foundation

GoodTextiles Foundation: Improving drinking water supply in Uganda

Together with Cotton made in Africa (CmiA) and the cotton company MMP Agro, the GoodTextiles Foundation is realising a project to improve the drinking water supply in Uganda, Africa. Bio-sand-waterfilters are being installed to gently purify the water from existing sources. In addition, the partners are training the community's farmers and craftsmen in how to operate the water filters. They then learn how to build new water filters.

In 2016, the textile company Dibella established the GoodTextiles Foundation with the aim of making textile value chains more sustainable. It raises donations and implements its own funding projects to benefit people at all stages of the textile industry.

As part of a joint project between the GoodTextiles Foundation, the Aid by Trade Foundation (AbTF) (owner of the CmiA standard) and MMP Agro, farmers who grow CmiA cotton in the districts of Abim, Kaplebyong, Dokolo and Kaberamaido in north-east Uganda are now receiving a total of around 1,000 bio-sand-waterfilters. Around 1,000 CmiA farmers, mainly women and the members of their households (an estimated 10,000 community members) benefit from this.

Together with Cotton made in Africa (CmiA) and the cotton company MMP Agro, the GoodTextiles Foundation is realising a project to improve the drinking water supply in Uganda, Africa. Bio-sand-waterfilters are being installed to gently purify the water from existing sources. In addition, the partners are training the community's farmers and craftsmen in how to operate the water filters. They then learn how to build new water filters.

In 2016, the textile company Dibella established the GoodTextiles Foundation with the aim of making textile value chains more sustainable. It raises donations and implements its own funding projects to benefit people at all stages of the textile industry.

As part of a joint project between the GoodTextiles Foundation, the Aid by Trade Foundation (AbTF) (owner of the CmiA standard) and MMP Agro, farmers who grow CmiA cotton in the districts of Abim, Kaplebyong, Dokolo and Kaberamaido in north-east Uganda are now receiving a total of around 1,000 bio-sand-waterfilters. Around 1,000 CmiA farmers, mainly women and the members of their households (an estimated 10,000 community members) benefit from this.


GoodTextiles Foundation

Photo: The GoodTextiles Foundation

GoodTextiles Foundation donates library for Indian primary school

The GoodTextiles Foundation has implemented a school library in the local primary school in Tamil Nadu, India. As a result, the children now have unrestricted access to additional literature.

At the PUPS Naranikuppam primary school in Tamil Nadu, the GoodTextiles Foundation has already provided access to separate sanitary facilities and clean drinking water. Now, with the help of the foundation, a school library has also been set up. The GoodTextiles Foundation is supporting the project with a total of €3,900.00, of which €1,425.00 comes from a donation from Dibella, which was realised with the greenhouse gas premium. The remainder was financed with donations already received.

A large selection of books tailored to the age and interests of the pupils was purchased for the library, as well as a shelf and a seating area. With a new Smart TV, the children can now also be introduced to digital media and how to use it. An air conditioning system provides pleasant temperatures to improve learning conditions. The newly tiled floor, new glass windows and a new glass door also improve the building-specific conditions.

The GoodTextiles Foundation has implemented a school library in the local primary school in Tamil Nadu, India. As a result, the children now have unrestricted access to additional literature.

At the PUPS Naranikuppam primary school in Tamil Nadu, the GoodTextiles Foundation has already provided access to separate sanitary facilities and clean drinking water. Now, with the help of the foundation, a school library has also been set up. The GoodTextiles Foundation is supporting the project with a total of €3,900.00, of which €1,425.00 comes from a donation from Dibella, which was realised with the greenhouse gas premium. The remainder was financed with donations already received.

A large selection of books tailored to the age and interests of the pupils was purchased for the library, as well as a shelf and a seating area. With a new Smart TV, the children can now also be introduced to digital media and how to use it. An air conditioning system provides pleasant temperatures to improve learning conditions. The newly tiled floor, new glass windows and a new glass door also improve the building-specific conditions.

The school is located directly next to a sewing company where the single mothers of the pupils work.

In 2016, the textile company Dibella established the GoodTextiles Foundation with the aim of making textile value chains more sustainable. It raises donations and implements its own funding projects to benefit people at all stages of the textile industry.


The GoodTextiles Foundation

© Aid by Trade Foundation

The GoodTextiles Foundation and Cotton made in Africa join forces again

  • Precious water for villages that are running on dry land

The GoodTextiles Foundation has worked to improve drinking water supplies in sub-Saharan Africa in another joint project with Cotton made in Africa (CmiA). In three villages in Togo particularly affected by climate change, the partners built wells and trained people in the use of water. The curriculum included the topics of disease prevention, hygiene and health care.

In 2016, the textile company Dibella (Bocholt) established the GoodTextiles Foundation with the aim of making textile value chains more sustainable. It raises funds and implements its own support projects to benefit people at all stages of the textile industry. Now the foundation has once again supported a project in sub-Saharan Africa initiated by Cotton made in Africa (Hamburg). Funding is being provided for three villages in Togo that, according to a needs assessment by CmiA's local partner, the cotton company Nouvelle Société Cotonnière du Togo (NSCT), have no direct access to drinking water.

  • Precious water for villages that are running on dry land

The GoodTextiles Foundation has worked to improve drinking water supplies in sub-Saharan Africa in another joint project with Cotton made in Africa (CmiA). In three villages in Togo particularly affected by climate change, the partners built wells and trained people in the use of water. The curriculum included the topics of disease prevention, hygiene and health care.

In 2016, the textile company Dibella (Bocholt) established the GoodTextiles Foundation with the aim of making textile value chains more sustainable. It raises funds and implements its own support projects to benefit people at all stages of the textile industry. Now the foundation has once again supported a project in sub-Saharan Africa initiated by Cotton made in Africa (Hamburg). Funding is being provided for three villages in Togo that, according to a needs assessment by CmiA's local partner, the cotton company Nouvelle Société Cotonnière du Togo (NSCT), have no direct access to drinking water.

Difficult water procurement
The areas where CmiA's drought-resistant cotton is grown include the north and interior of Togo, where cotton farmers are particularly affected by the effects of climate change due to prolonged periods of drought. Many village communities lack access to clean drinking water, and people draw contaminated water from more distant rivers or waterholes and carry the heavy load back with difficulty.

Guide to clean water
As part of a joint project between the GoodTextiles Foundation, Aid by Trade Foundation (holder of the CmiA standard) and NSCT, three drought-affected villages - Namare/Puob-n-kpaad, Tchokoroko and Aloba - will now receive their own water supply.

The funds - 11,756 euros will be provided by the GoodTextiles Foundation, and 4,419 euros will come from the Cotton Society - will be used to construct a well operated by hand pumps in each village. The construction work is to be completed by March 2023 and the 2,300 inhabitants will be taught the basics of water handling, disease prevention and hygiene measures in so-called WASH training courses.

Driving force: UN SDGs
For years, we have aligned our company with the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (Global Goals for Sustainable Development). Through the sponsorship project, we are not only contributing to SDG 6 "Clean water and sanitation", but also to gender equality (SDG 5). In the African countries from which we source CmiA cotton, the physically strenuous task of procuring water is still the responsibility of women. The construction of the wells now leads to a significant improvement of their living situation," reports Ralf Hellmann, managing director of Dibella and chairman of the foundation.

Continued under their own responsibility
Once the wells have been handed over to the village communities, "water committees" will take over their management and maintenance, as well as responsibility for further hygiene training for the residents. The operation of the wells will be financed on the basis of a fund made up of small contributions from the beneficiary communities.


The GoodTextiles Foundation

(c) Chetna Organic / GoodTextiles Foundation

GoodTextiles Foundation supports Indian village with cows

The GoodTextiles Foundation, initiated by Dibella, has implemented a new support project in India: Each family of a small village community of organic farmers received a cow from the donations received. The herd of fifty animals helps with farming, gives milk, produces sufficient natural fertilizer and should soon provide higher crop yields and a better income.

In 2016, Dibella established the GoodTextiles Foundation with the aim of making textile value chains more sustainable. It raises funds and implements its own support projects to benefit people at all stages of the textile economy. The most recent project, "One cow for every family," has now taken the first, important intermediate step: Fifty cows arrived in the small village of Aliguda Village (Utnoor Division, Adilabad, Telangana, India) at the beginning of June 2022.

The GoodTextiles Foundation, initiated by Dibella, has implemented a new support project in India: Each family of a small village community of organic farmers received a cow from the donations received. The herd of fifty animals helps with farming, gives milk, produces sufficient natural fertilizer and should soon provide higher crop yields and a better income.

In 2016, Dibella established the GoodTextiles Foundation with the aim of making textile value chains more sustainable. It raises funds and implements its own support projects to benefit people at all stages of the textile economy. The most recent project, "One cow for every family," has now taken the first, important intermediate step: Fifty cows arrived in the small village of Aliguda Village (Utnoor Division, Adilabad, Telangana, India) at the beginning of June 2022.

"Some of our organic cotton is grown on the farms of the village community managed by the smallholder organization Chetna Organic. During the filming of the German documentary "plan b", the farmers told us that they need more natural fertilizer to cultivate their fields ecologically and economically. The biggest wish of each family is therefore a cow. However, they cannot afford this because of the high price of the equivalent of 300 euros. That's how the idea for our next sponsorship project was born," reports Ralf Hellmann, managing director of Dibella and member of the foundation's board of directors.

In addition to the most important reason for purchase - the production of fertilizer - the cows also serve as livestock. They are harnessed in front of the plow and make the strenuous work of tilling the soil easier for the farmers. As draft animals they serve to transport heavier loads, and as milk suppliers they contribute to a family's food supply. Surplus milk that is not needed in the household also provides families with an important additional income through sale.

More information:
GoodTextiles Dibella donations cotton

GoodTextiles Foundation