Aus der Branche

158 Ergebnisse

adidas: Successful 2024 with better-than-expected 4Q

adidas announced preliminary results for the fourth quarter of 2024. In Q4, currency-neutral revenues increased 19%. In euro terms, the company’s revenues grew 24% to € 5,965 million (2023: € 4,812 million). Excluding Yeezy sales in both years, currency-neutral revenues increased 18%. The company’s gross margin increased 5.2 percentage points to 49.8% (2023: 44.6%). Operating profit reached € 57 million in the quarter (2023: operating loss of € 377 million).

Based on preliminary unaudited numbers for the full year of 2024, the company’s currency-neutral revenues were up 12%. In euro terms, revenues increased 11% versus the prior year and reached € 23,683 million in 2024 (2023: € 21,427 million). Excluding Yeezy sales in both years, currency-neutral revenues increased 13%. The company’s gross margin improved by 3.3 percentage points to 50.8% in 2024 (2023: 47.5%), while full-year operating profit increased by more than € 1 billion to € 1,337 million (2023: € 268 million).

adidas announced preliminary results for the fourth quarter of 2024. In Q4, currency-neutral revenues increased 19%. In euro terms, the company’s revenues grew 24% to € 5,965 million (2023: € 4,812 million). Excluding Yeezy sales in both years, currency-neutral revenues increased 18%. The company’s gross margin increased 5.2 percentage points to 49.8% (2023: 44.6%). Operating profit reached € 57 million in the quarter (2023: operating loss of € 377 million).

Based on preliminary unaudited numbers for the full year of 2024, the company’s currency-neutral revenues were up 12%. In euro terms, revenues increased 11% versus the prior year and reached € 23,683 million in 2024 (2023: € 21,427 million). Excluding Yeezy sales in both years, currency-neutral revenues increased 13%. The company’s gross margin improved by 3.3 percentage points to 50.8% in 2024 (2023: 47.5%), while full-year operating profit increased by more than € 1 billion to € 1,337 million (2023: € 268 million).

adidas CEO Bjørn Gulden:
“I am very pleased the way the fourth quarter and the full year developed for us at adidas. 19% currency-neutral growth (+24% reported) in a quarter that in general was difficult for the trade underlines the strong momentum we currently see for our brand and our products. We clearly see that consumers’ and retailers’ interest in our products is growing across both Lifestyle and Performance. Strong growth across all regions and divisions proves the good job our teams are doing across regions and functions.

We grew double-digit in 2024 (+12% currency-neutral) and improved our operating profit for the year by more than € 1 billion to € 1.337 billion. So although we are not yet where we want to be long term, I am very happy with this development which was much better than we had expected. We still have a lot to improve but I am very proud of what our teams and people have achieved in 2024.

We also feel good about the future, and we see potential to increase our market share in all markets. There is a lot of macroeconomic uncertainty right now, but we clearly have the goal to again grow double-digit with the adidas brand and use that growth to continue to improve our operating profit and make further progress towards our 10% margin target.”

Weitere Informationen:
adidas AG quarter

adidas AG

adidas zeichnet CHT Gruppe aus Foto CHT Gruppe

CHT Gruppe von adidas im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit ausgezeichnet

Die CHT Gruppe wurde von adidas als Champion für ihr Engagement zur Förderung der Nachhaltigkeit ausgezeichnet. CHT hat Lösungen entwickelt, die Textilherstellern dabei helfen, Kosten und Ressourcen zu minimieren und einen positiven Beitrag zum Klimaschutz zu leisten. Mit innovativen Verfahren wie PIGMENTURA by CHT und 4SUCCESS, die sich in dem „Best Solution“-Konzept BeSo® EFFECTIVE widerspiegeln, aber vor allem auch durch den vermehrten Einsatz nachwachsender und recycelter Materialien in den Produkten, wie ARRISTAN rAIR, wird ein effektiver Beitrag zur Kreislaufwirtschaft geleistet.

Die CHT Gruppe wurde von adidas als Champion für ihr Engagement zur Förderung der Nachhaltigkeit ausgezeichnet. CHT hat Lösungen entwickelt, die Textilherstellern dabei helfen, Kosten und Ressourcen zu minimieren und einen positiven Beitrag zum Klimaschutz zu leisten. Mit innovativen Verfahren wie PIGMENTURA by CHT und 4SUCCESS, die sich in dem „Best Solution“-Konzept BeSo® EFFECTIVE widerspiegeln, aber vor allem auch durch den vermehrten Einsatz nachwachsender und recycelter Materialien in den Produkten, wie ARRISTAN rAIR, wird ein effektiver Beitrag zur Kreislaufwirtschaft geleistet.

Die Stärke der CHT Gruppe liegt im umfassenden Produkt- und Prozess-Know-how entlang der textilen Wertschöpfungskette - vom Faserhilfsmittel bis zum Färben und Veredeln. Die Zusammenarbeit mit dem ZDHC begann 2019. Seitdem wurden über 2.200 Produkte auf Level 3 zertifiziert. Zusätzlich zu dem Engagement bei Chem-MAP® - einem ZDHC Approved V3.1 Certifier (Level 1, 2 & 3) – arbeitet die Unternehmensgruppe bei der bluesign® technologies ag mit und ist Gründungsmitglieder von SCTI (Sustainable Chemistry for the Textile Industry). SCTI wurde 2020 ins Leben gerufen und hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, transformative Veränderungen innerhalb der textilen Wertschöpfungsketten durch Initiativen im Bereich der nachhaltigen Chemie anzuregen.

Dr. Annegret Vester, Chief Sustainability Officer, sagte zu der Auszeichnung: „Wir freuen uns sehr, dass adidas die CHT Gruppe als führendes Unternehmen bei der Förderung nachhaltiger Chemie im Jahr 2024 anerkannt hat. Unsere Partnerschaft mit adidas unterstreicht unser proaktives und langfristiges Engagement für kontinuierliche Verbesserungen bei Produkten und Prozessen. Dies ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der CHT Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie, die sich an den Zielen für nachhaltige Entwicklung der UN (SDGs) orientiert.“

Eric Knehr, Global Head of Brand & Retail Management, fügt hinzu: „Wir glauben, dass unsere Erfolgsgeschichte unsere Kunden, Markenartikelhersteller und andere Stakeholder in der Textilindustrie dazu inspirieren wird, Spitzenleistungen zu erzielen. Unsere B&R und die regionalen Teams der CHT sind bereit, unser Fachwissen und unsere Unterstützung weltweit zu teilen. Wir bei CHT freuen uns auf diese gemeinsame Reise.“

Weitere Informationen:
adidas AG Auszeichnung Nachhaltigkeit

CHT Gruppe

Foto Marketmedia24

Neuer Consumer-Report zum deutschen Schuh-Markt

Das Kölner Marktforschungs- und Beratungsinstitut Marketmedia24 und das Düsseldorfer Fachmagazin schuhkurier haben eine neue Studie Consumer-Report 2024 vorgelegt: So kaufen die Deutschen ihre Schuhe.

„Wir haben für diese Studie über 5.000 EndverbraucherInnen im Zeitraum vom 13.06.2024 bis 21.06.2024 befragt. Ziel der Forschung war es, repräsentative und zielgruppenspezifische Markteinblicke für alle Akteure der Schuhbranche zu gewinnen“, so Sonja Koschel, Gründerin und Inhaberin von Marketmedia24.

Deutschland ist ein bedeutender Markt für Schuhe, wo großer Wert auf Qualität und Komfort gelegt wird. Doch wie kaufen die Deutschen ihre Schuhe? Welche Marken sind besonders beliebt? Wo tätigen deutsche Verbraucherinnen und Verbraucher ihre Einkäufe am liebsten? Welche Rolle spielt Nachhaltigkeit beim Schuhkauf und welche Präsentation bevorzugen die Kunden?

Das Kölner Marktforschungs- und Beratungsinstitut Marketmedia24 und das Düsseldorfer Fachmagazin schuhkurier haben eine neue Studie Consumer-Report 2024 vorgelegt: So kaufen die Deutschen ihre Schuhe.

„Wir haben für diese Studie über 5.000 EndverbraucherInnen im Zeitraum vom 13.06.2024 bis 21.06.2024 befragt. Ziel der Forschung war es, repräsentative und zielgruppenspezifische Markteinblicke für alle Akteure der Schuhbranche zu gewinnen“, so Sonja Koschel, Gründerin und Inhaberin von Marketmedia24.

Deutschland ist ein bedeutender Markt für Schuhe, wo großer Wert auf Qualität und Komfort gelegt wird. Doch wie kaufen die Deutschen ihre Schuhe? Welche Marken sind besonders beliebt? Wo tätigen deutsche Verbraucherinnen und Verbraucher ihre Einkäufe am liebsten? Welche Rolle spielt Nachhaltigkeit beim Schuhkauf und welche Präsentation bevorzugen die Kunden?

  • Fast die Hälfte der Deutschen sieht Schuhe als Ausdruck ihres Lebensgefühls. Besonders stark ausgeprägt ist dieses Empfinden bei den Mid Agern (27–49 Jahre) sowie bei Menschen mit überdurchschnittlichem Haushaltsnettoeinkommen.
  • Über zwei Drittel der SchuhkäuferInnen legen Wert auf Marken. Besonders jüngere Käufer zeigen eine starke Markenaffinität. Sport-Brands dominieren die Top 10 der bekanntesten Schuhmarken, gefolgt von drei führenden Schuhlieferanten. Mehr als die Hälfte nannten Adidas, dicht gefolgt von Nike als die bekanntesten Marken und beide sind auch in den Schuhschränken der Befragten vertreten.
  • Der Preis spielt eine entscheidende Rolle beim Schuhkauf. Schuh-Discounter und Fachmarkt-Filialisten führen im stationären Handel, gefolgt von Online-Plattformen und hochwertigen Schuhfachgeschäften. Deichmann steht an erster Stelle, gefolgt von Footlocker. Zwei Drittel der Befragten kaufen Schuhe bei Amazon.
  • 80 Prozent der Käufe von Damen- und Herrenschuhen liegen unter 100,00 Euro pro Paar, wobei etwa die Hälfte der verkauften Schuhe weniger als 60,00 Euro kostet.
  • Über zwei Drittel der Deutschen legen Wert auf Nachhaltigkeit bei Schuhen. Dabei bevorzugt ein Viertel der Konsumentinnen und Konsumenten Produkte „Made in Europe“.

Der neue „Consumer-Report 2024 - So kaufen die Deutschen ihre Schuhe“ bietet auf rund 100 Seiten kompakte, grafisch aufbereitete Forschungsergebnisse. Die Studie ist in digitaler Version (PDF) zum Preis von 1.750,00 Euro erhältlich.

Weitere Informationen:
Schuhmarkt Schuhe Verbraucherstudie


Champion Award at the Adidas adiFormulator Award 2024 Photo: DyStar

DyStar: Champion Award at the Adidas adiFormulator Award 2024

DyStar, a specialty chemical company with a heritage of more than a century in product development and innovation, announced that they won the Champion Award for outstanding contribution and performance at the Adidas adiFormulator Award, an annual program launched in 2023.

Mrs. Fanny Vermandel, Vice President of Global Marketing Coloration at DyStar Group said, “DyStar is very pleased to receive the newly minted accolades from Adidas, as it further demonstrates our unwavering commitment to supporting the success of our customers, including brands and retailers, in their sustainability journey towards achieving their 2030 goal of 100% ZDHC MRSL Conformance.”

As a responsible leader in dyestuff and chemical manufacturer, DyStar offers over 2,100 products listed on the ZDHC Gateway that meet the ZDHC MRSL V3.1 specifications. Brands and Retailers and other stakeholders can leverage DyStar’s expertise to support their journey towards ZDHC MRSL conformance. To date, 99.7% of DyStar’s products listed on ZDHC have achieved the highest accreditation level of 3.

DyStar, a specialty chemical company with a heritage of more than a century in product development and innovation, announced that they won the Champion Award for outstanding contribution and performance at the Adidas adiFormulator Award, an annual program launched in 2023.

Mrs. Fanny Vermandel, Vice President of Global Marketing Coloration at DyStar Group said, “DyStar is very pleased to receive the newly minted accolades from Adidas, as it further demonstrates our unwavering commitment to supporting the success of our customers, including brands and retailers, in their sustainability journey towards achieving their 2030 goal of 100% ZDHC MRSL Conformance.”

As a responsible leader in dyestuff and chemical manufacturer, DyStar offers over 2,100 products listed on the ZDHC Gateway that meet the ZDHC MRSL V3.1 specifications. Brands and Retailers and other stakeholders can leverage DyStar’s expertise to support their journey towards ZDHC MRSL conformance. To date, 99.7% of DyStar’s products listed on ZDHC have achieved the highest accreditation level of 3.

Weitere Informationen:
adidas Award ZDHC



Adidas: Better-than-expected third quarter results & increased full-year guidance

adidas announced preliminary results for the third quarter of 2024. In Q3, currency-neutral revenues increased 10% versus the prior year. In euro terms, the company’s revenues grew 7% to € 6.438 billion (2023: € 5.999 billion). Excluding Yeezy sales in both years, currency-neutral revenues increased 14% during the quarter.

The company’s gross margin increased 2.0 percentage points to 51.3% in Q3 (2023: 49.3%). The year-over-year increase of the underlying adidas gross margin was even stronger. The company’s third quarter operating profit increased to € 598 million (2023: € 409 million), including a contribution of around € 50 million from the sale of parts of the remaining Yeezy inventory.

The company has increased its full-year guidance to reflect the better-than-expected performance during the quarter and the current brand momentum. adidas now expects currency-neutral revenues to increase at a rate of around 10% in 2024 (previously: increase at a high-single-digit rate). The company’s operating profit is now expected to reach a level of around € 1.2 billion (previously: to reach a level of around € 1.0 billion).

adidas announced preliminary results for the third quarter of 2024. In Q3, currency-neutral revenues increased 10% versus the prior year. In euro terms, the company’s revenues grew 7% to € 6.438 billion (2023: € 5.999 billion). Excluding Yeezy sales in both years, currency-neutral revenues increased 14% during the quarter.

The company’s gross margin increased 2.0 percentage points to 51.3% in Q3 (2023: 49.3%). The year-over-year increase of the underlying adidas gross margin was even stronger. The company’s third quarter operating profit increased to € 598 million (2023: € 409 million), including a contribution of around € 50 million from the sale of parts of the remaining Yeezy inventory.

The company has increased its full-year guidance to reflect the better-than-expected performance during the quarter and the current brand momentum. adidas now expects currency-neutral revenues to increase at a rate of around 10% in 2024 (previously: increase at a high-single-digit rate). The company’s operating profit is now expected to reach a level of around € 1.2 billion (previously: to reach a level of around € 1.0 billion).

Within its guidance, the company assumes the sale of the remaining Yeezy inventory during the remainder of the year to occur on average at cost. This would result in additional sales of around € 50 million and no further profit contribution in the fourth quarter.

Weitere Informationen:
adidas AG quarter results

adidas AG


MUNICH FABRIC START zieht positives Fazit

Auf 40.000 Quadratmetern haben internationale Stoff- und Zutatenhersteller ihre rund 1.000 Kollektionen mit den Trends für Autumn.Winter 25/26 auf der MUNICH FABRIC START gezeigt. Nach zwei Messetagen schließt die Messe mit 10% weniger Besuchern.

Zu den vor Ort anwesenden Marken zählen die Designer, Produktmanager und Einkäufer:innen von adidas, Aigner, Akris, Alberto, Anna van Toor, Armed Angels, Baldessarini, Bestseller, Betty Barclay, BMW, Bogner, Brax, Camel Active, Chloé, Cinque, Comma, Condé Nast, Dariadéh, Digel, Drykorn, eBay, Escada, Esprit, Eterna, Gardeur, Gerry Weber, Hessnatur, Holy Fashion Group, HSE, Hugo Boss, Lagerfeld, Lanius, Lodenfrey, Luisa Cerano, Mac, MalaikaRaiss, Maloja, Marc Cain, Marc O’Polo, März, Mey, More&More, Olsen, Ortovox, Oui, Peek & Cloppenburg, Riani, s.Oliver, Schumacher, Seidensticker, Sportalm, Strellson, Talbot Runhof, Tchibo, Trigema, Triumph, Vaude oder Wolford.

Auf 40.000 Quadratmetern haben internationale Stoff- und Zutatenhersteller ihre rund 1.000 Kollektionen mit den Trends für Autumn.Winter 25/26 auf der MUNICH FABRIC START gezeigt. Nach zwei Messetagen schließt die Messe mit 10% weniger Besuchern.

Zu den vor Ort anwesenden Marken zählen die Designer, Produktmanager und Einkäufer:innen von adidas, Aigner, Akris, Alberto, Anna van Toor, Armed Angels, Baldessarini, Bestseller, Betty Barclay, BMW, Bogner, Brax, Camel Active, Chloé, Cinque, Comma, Condé Nast, Dariadéh, Digel, Drykorn, eBay, Escada, Esprit, Eterna, Gardeur, Gerry Weber, Hessnatur, Holy Fashion Group, HSE, Hugo Boss, Lagerfeld, Lanius, Lodenfrey, Luisa Cerano, Mac, MalaikaRaiss, Maloja, Marc Cain, Marc O’Polo, März, Mey, More&More, Olsen, Ortovox, Oui, Peek & Cloppenburg, Riani, s.Oliver, Schumacher, Seidensticker, Sportalm, Strellson, Talbot Runhof, Tchibo, Trigema, Triumph, Vaude oder Wolford.

Komprimierung ohne Kompromisse: Mit einer Laufzeit von zwei Tagen ist die Münchener Textilmesse effizienter geworden. Zugleich hat eine neue Anordnung der Messebereiche FABRICS und STUDIOS im Obergeschoss des MOC sowie die Integration des KEYHOUSE in die BLUEZONE auf der Zenith Area die Laufwege verkürzt und neue Synergien geschaffen.

Das Motto der 54. Edition der MUNICH FABRIC START lautete „Intuition“ und zog sich wie ein roter Faden durch die gesamte Veranstaltung. In einer Zeit, in der Unsicherheit und Wandel die Modeindustrie prägen, beruft sich diese Messe zurück auf die Kraft des inneren Gespürs und die kreativen Instinkte. „Intuition“ steht dafür, sich von vorgegebenen Regeln zu lösen und stattdessen auf das eigene Bauchgefühl und die subtile Wahrnehmung von Trends zu vertrauen. So widmen sich die Trendthemen in dieser Saison den menschlichen Gefühlen: RESILIENCE, LUCID DREAM, GENTLE POWER, SOLITAIRE und RECONNECT. RESILIENCE und LUCID DREAM spiegeln das Bedürfnis nach Schutz und Sicherheit in unsicheren Zeiten und die Rückkehr der Romantik wider. GENTLE POWER bezieht sich auf den Frieden und die Energie der Natur, inspiriert durch den Kontrast von Verletzlichkeit und Stärke. SOLITAIRE und RECONNECT stehen für die Rückkehr von Glamour, Schärfe und die Verbindung von Tradition und Technologie in der Mode. Dies spiegelte sich nicht nur in den ausgestellten Kollektionen wider, sondern auch in den rund 40 Keynotes, Podiumsdiskussionen, Trendpräsentationen und Q&ASessions mit mehr als 50 Brachenexpert:innen.

Die nächsten Termine:



adidas TERREX introduces Xperior Primaloft Loose Fill Hooded Jacket (c) adidas AG

adidas TERREX introduces Xperior Primaloft Loose Fill Hooded Jacket

adidas TERREX unveils the Xperior PrimaLoft Loose Fill Hooded Jacket, built for all types of adventures.

The Xperior PrimaLoft Loose Fill Hooded Jacket features:

  • PrimaLoft® insulation – Made with 100% recycled polyester, PrimaLoft® RISE Loose Fill insulation – which is strategically placed on the jacket – keeps adventurers warm even in wet conditions.
  • Packable design – Designed with versatility in mind, making it ideal for on-the-go adventures.
  • Award-winning quilted design – Ensuring it never looks crinkled after being unpacked, the pattern supports breathability, enhancing comfort during various activities. 

adidas TERREX unveils the Xperior PrimaLoft Loose Fill Hooded Jacket, built for all types of adventures.

The Xperior PrimaLoft Loose Fill Hooded Jacket features:

  • PrimaLoft® insulation – Made with 100% recycled polyester, PrimaLoft® RISE Loose Fill insulation – which is strategically placed on the jacket – keeps adventurers warm even in wet conditions.
  • Packable design – Designed with versatility in mind, making it ideal for on-the-go adventures.
  • Award-winning quilted design – Ensuring it never looks crinkled after being unpacked, the pattern supports breathability, enhancing comfort during various activities. 

adidas AG

adidas: Collection with Next-Gen Icons (c) adidas AG

adidas: Collection with Next-Gen Icons

adidas Sportswear launches its latest sport meets style drop, the ADIDAS Z.N.E. collection, in a campaign which brings together next-gen faces, including Tate McRae, Jude Bellingham and Noah Lyles, to showcase how all can stay connected through a shared love of football, athletics, dance, music and more, across the globe. The all-new set of hoodies, sweatshirts, pants, tees and shorts take on color blocking details, whilst the black parallel stripes symbolize the lines that connect communities and fandoms to inspire all to unite through sport and culture.

Fronting the new capsule of fresh looks is a collective of adidas’ next-gen trailblazers: Canadian singer-songwriter and dancer Tate McRae, actress and martial artist Xochitl Gomez, leading KPOP group BABYMONSTER, US track star Noah Lyles, Chinese snowboarder Su Yiming and football icons Jude Bellingham, Alessia Russo and Paulo Dybala. With each representing a community from the world of sport or culture, the ADIDAS Z.N.E. collection was inspired by the lines in their field of play – from the track, to the stage and pitch.

adidas Sportswear launches its latest sport meets style drop, the ADIDAS Z.N.E. collection, in a campaign which brings together next-gen faces, including Tate McRae, Jude Bellingham and Noah Lyles, to showcase how all can stay connected through a shared love of football, athletics, dance, music and more, across the globe. The all-new set of hoodies, sweatshirts, pants, tees and shorts take on color blocking details, whilst the black parallel stripes symbolize the lines that connect communities and fandoms to inspire all to unite through sport and culture.

Fronting the new capsule of fresh looks is a collective of adidas’ next-gen trailblazers: Canadian singer-songwriter and dancer Tate McRae, actress and martial artist Xochitl Gomez, leading KPOP group BABYMONSTER, US track star Noah Lyles, Chinese snowboarder Su Yiming and football icons Jude Bellingham, Alessia Russo and Paulo Dybala. With each representing a community from the world of sport or culture, the ADIDAS Z.N.E. collection was inspired by the lines in their field of play – from the track, to the stage and pitch.

Weitere Informationen:
adidas Clothing industry

adidas AG

CLOT Gazelle in linen khaki and blue (c) adidas

adidas: CLOT August Collection

adidas Originals and Edison Chen present the next chapter of their collaboration with the debut of an updated CLOT Gazelle in linen khaki and blue. The ongoing collaboration debuts its first global apparel range with the CLOT August Collection by Edison Chen.

As Edison Chen continues to build bridges between East and West, Chen brings together renowned Spanish football players, Vicky Lopez and Mapi Leon, and Tino El Pingüino, an influential rapper in the Latin music scene, to celebrate this new collection through a campaign that opens the door to their own imaginations. Coming together as one, each collaborator invites to experience a taste of their daily reality and the adventurous paths they tread along the way, igniting creativity and inviting consumers to step into new realms through the creative lens of Edison. With this campaign, Edison Chen was inspired to bring together fashion and cultural impact through the sport of football and music, all inspired by Chen’s extensive travels throughout Europe. The campaign embarks on a journey to create something new out of a classic with an untraditional execution for sportswear.

adidas Originals and Edison Chen present the next chapter of their collaboration with the debut of an updated CLOT Gazelle in linen khaki and blue. The ongoing collaboration debuts its first global apparel range with the CLOT August Collection by Edison Chen.

As Edison Chen continues to build bridges between East and West, Chen brings together renowned Spanish football players, Vicky Lopez and Mapi Leon, and Tino El Pingüino, an influential rapper in the Latin music scene, to celebrate this new collection through a campaign that opens the door to their own imaginations. Coming together as one, each collaborator invites to experience a taste of their daily reality and the adventurous paths they tread along the way, igniting creativity and inviting consumers to step into new realms through the creative lens of Edison. With this campaign, Edison Chen was inspired to bring together fashion and cultural impact through the sport of football and music, all inspired by Chen’s extensive travels throughout Europe. The campaign embarks on a journey to create something new out of a classic with an untraditional execution for sportswear.

The CLOT Gazelle by Edison Chen arrives with premium nubuck details on a jute upper and an espadrille sole now adorned with blue stripes. The espadrille gives the shoe a luxurious touch while the khaki coloring achieves a playful, relaxing tone. Derived from the study of traditional Espadrille-making and inspired by classic Espadrille artisans, the stitching was applied to the final construction of the CLOT Gazelle, with special attention given to how the upper is assembled to the bottom. The cotton tape is all custom engineered for the shoe and beaded using an intricate process inspired by Eastern influence. Finally, the midsole is custom engineered for maximum support, highlighting the new construction process.

Weitere Informationen:
Edison Chen adidas linen

adidas AG

adidas launches Tennis Collection with Motion Capture Technology (c) adidas AG

adidas launches Tennis Collection with Motion Capture Technology

adidas launches its 19-piece FW24 New York Tennis apparel collection – a range of high-performance pieces built to optimize movement and reduce distraction.

The collection, which features blue and white colorways inspired by the hard courts of New York, has been crafted utilizing insights from motion capture technology. The technology, which uses digital image recording to test a moving target, measures the strain on an athlete’s body over time, revealing areas that generate the most heat during play.

These insights informed key design features, such as the strategic material placements of fabric and cut-outs. Following the natural curves of the body, they were purposefully placed in high-movement areas – such as the shoulders and under the arm – to help maximize players’ range of motion. Pieces featuring this technology include the women’s AEROREADY Dress Pro and the women’s HEAT.RDY Match Skirt Pro, which features pleats over the upper leg, allowing for maximum flexibility and adaptability, to help players change direction with ease.

adidas launches its 19-piece FW24 New York Tennis apparel collection – a range of high-performance pieces built to optimize movement and reduce distraction.

The collection, which features blue and white colorways inspired by the hard courts of New York, has been crafted utilizing insights from motion capture technology. The technology, which uses digital image recording to test a moving target, measures the strain on an athlete’s body over time, revealing areas that generate the most heat during play.

These insights informed key design features, such as the strategic material placements of fabric and cut-outs. Following the natural curves of the body, they were purposefully placed in high-movement areas – such as the shoulders and under the arm – to help maximize players’ range of motion. Pieces featuring this technology include the women’s AEROREADY Dress Pro and the women’s HEAT.RDY Match Skirt Pro, which features pleats over the upper leg, allowing for maximum flexibility and adaptability, to help players change direction with ease.

White color blocking is placed in the shoulder and torso areas, which is where the most heat is generated, of the men’s HEAT.RDY FreeLift Polo Shirt Pro and men’s HEAT.RDY Tank Top Pro, to help keep players feeling cool. adidas’ AIRCHILL technology is leveraged to create ventilation zones in high-sweat areas of the body in the men’s AIRCHILL FreeLift T-Shirt Pro and women’s AIRCHILL Match Tank Pro, which uses thermally zoned, raised pattern motifs and mesh layers to maximize airflow.

The head-to-toe collection premiers at the final major tournament of the season and will be worn by athletes including Jessica Pegula, Caroline Wozniacki, Elina Svitolina, Maria Sakkari, Daria Kasatkina, Stefanos Tsitsipas and Felix Auger-Aliassime.

Weitere Informationen:
adidas adidas AG Sportswear

adidas AG

adidas: Trefoil for Third Jerseys of European Football Clubs (c) adidas AG

adidas: Trefoil for Third Jerseys of European Football Clubs

adidas announces the return of the iconic trefoil to the pitch, with the launch of the third jerseys for each of five European clubs (Arsenal, Bayern Munich, Manchester United, Juventus and Real Madrid).

Over the past few decades, the adidas trefoil has come to represent the latest in contemporary street style and, since 2000, has been used exclusively for adidas Originals collections and limited-edition jerseys designed for off-pitch wear. With the 75th anniversary of the brand approaching in 2025, adidas is bringing it back to the pitch, not only with a nod to its status in the history of the sport, but also in recognition of the increasing role fashion plays in the contemporary game.

The on-field version of the jersey is constructed with HEAT.RDY technology, using advanced materials to maximize air flow to keep players feeling cool, while the fan version features AEROREADY technology, which uses sweat-wicking or absorbent materials to keep the body feeling dry.

adidas announces the return of the iconic trefoil to the pitch, with the launch of the third jerseys for each of five European clubs (Arsenal, Bayern Munich, Manchester United, Juventus and Real Madrid).

Over the past few decades, the adidas trefoil has come to represent the latest in contemporary street style and, since 2000, has been used exclusively for adidas Originals collections and limited-edition jerseys designed for off-pitch wear. With the 75th anniversary of the brand approaching in 2025, adidas is bringing it back to the pitch, not only with a nod to its status in the history of the sport, but also in recognition of the increasing role fashion plays in the contemporary game.

The on-field version of the jersey is constructed with HEAT.RDY technology, using advanced materials to maximize air flow to keep players feeling cool, while the fan version features AEROREADY technology, which uses sweat-wicking or absorbent materials to keep the body feeling dry.

Weitere Informationen:
adidas adidas AG Sportwear

adidas AG


adidas: Martin Shankland to step down from Executive Board

Martin Shankland, Executive Board member for Global Operations, has informed adidas AG’s Supervisory Board that, after 27 years with the brand, he will step down from the Executive Board and leave the company. In mutual agreement with Martin Shankland, the Supervisory Board approved the termination of his appointment as an Executive Board member as of August 10, 2024.

Martin joined adidas Russia/CIS in 1997. During his tenure as Managing Director, he established adidas Russia/CIS as the market leader through the creation of a strong direct-to-consumer business. After leading adidas Emerging Markets region from 2017, Martin joined the Executive Board in 2019, with responsibility for product operations, sourcing and supply chain as well as tech, data & analytics, non-trade-procurement and sustainability. During this period, Martin led major transformation initiatives, including creating a more responsive, transparent and sustainable supply chain and built a more tech and data capable organization aided by the insourcing of tech talent into a network of global tech hubs.

Martin Shankland, Executive Board member for Global Operations, has informed adidas AG’s Supervisory Board that, after 27 years with the brand, he will step down from the Executive Board and leave the company. In mutual agreement with Martin Shankland, the Supervisory Board approved the termination of his appointment as an Executive Board member as of August 10, 2024.

Martin joined adidas Russia/CIS in 1997. During his tenure as Managing Director, he established adidas Russia/CIS as the market leader through the creation of a strong direct-to-consumer business. After leading adidas Emerging Markets region from 2017, Martin joined the Executive Board in 2019, with responsibility for product operations, sourcing and supply chain as well as tech, data & analytics, non-trade-procurement and sustainability. During this period, Martin led major transformation initiatives, including creating a more responsive, transparent and sustainable supply chain and built a more tech and data capable organization aided by the insourcing of tech talent into a network of global tech hubs.

Hoa Ly, SVP Sourcing, will have responsibility for all sourcing operations at adidas reporting into adidas CEO Bjørn Gulden. adidas CFO Harm Ohlmeyer will assume additional responsibility for supply chain and tech. As of August 11, 2024, the company’s new Executive Board will consist of Bjørn Gulden (Chief Executive Officer, Global Brands), Arthur Hoeld (Global Sales), Harm Ohlmeyer (Chief Financial Officer) and Michelle Robertson (Global Human Resources, People and Culture).

Weitere Informationen:
adidas AG adidas executive board board member

adidas AG

Fashion for Good: Testing and validating footwear recycling process (c) Fashion for Good

Fashion for Good: Testing and validating footwear recycling process

Fashion for Good and its footwear partners adidas, Inditex, ON Running, PVH Corp., Reformation, Target, and Zalando announce a new initiative aimed at accelerating and validating the next generation of footwear innovations. This builds on the organisation’s existing work leveraging their expertise in scouting, validation, innovation and collaboration. This initiative will address the key intervention points needed to drive footwear circularity spanning four work streams across the supply chain from materials to end of use. Industry wide collaboration will be vital to overcome the various roadblocks we face in this space. Therefore, Fashion for Good is launching a call for action, asking all relevant innovators to apply and collaborators to join in the movement.

Fashion for Good and its footwear partners adidas, Inditex, ON Running, PVH Corp., Reformation, Target, and Zalando announce a new initiative aimed at accelerating and validating the next generation of footwear innovations. This builds on the organisation’s existing work leveraging their expertise in scouting, validation, innovation and collaboration. This initiative will address the key intervention points needed to drive footwear circularity spanning four work streams across the supply chain from materials to end of use. Industry wide collaboration will be vital to overcome the various roadblocks we face in this space. Therefore, Fashion for Good is launching a call for action, asking all relevant innovators to apply and collaborators to join in the movement.

Around 23.9Bn shoes are produced globally each year, they are often made using over 40 different components from a range of different materials including TPU, EVA, PU and rubber. The industry faces significant challenges due to this high complexity of shoe construction. This combined with a low collection rate, results in a vast majority of discarded footwear ending up in landfills. Fashion for Good sees the need to address this challenge and focus on laying the foundation for footwear circularity as well as accelerating innovation.

Therefore, Fashion for Good will double down their work in this space, building on their existing projects including the Fast Feet Grinded pilot, which tests and validates Fast Feet Grinded's footwear recycling process. Expanding on existing workstreams Fashion for Good will collaborate with our footwear focused partners, including adidas, Inditex, ON Running, PVH Corp., Reformation, Target, and Zalando

To effectively address the challenges in footwear sustainability, Fashion for Good has identified the key intervention points across the shoe lifecycle and structured work into four core workstreams:

  1. Materials - Scouting and validating sustainable alternatives for footwear materials including TPU, PU, EVA, leather, and rubber
  2. Design - Defining circular design in the footwear space and collectively driving guidelines to build a circular infrastructure
  3. End of Use: Sorting, Disassembly, & Recycling - Developing a comprehensive data set on post-consumer footwear waste flows, including (non-)rewearable fractions, volumes, construction and composition. As well as scouting and validating solutions for repair,  end of use, disassembly and recycling of footwear
  4. Traceability - Laying the foundation by amalgamating a footwear traceability data protocol to build traceability for evidence to substantiate sustainability claims

Fashion for Good is on the lookout for breakthrough sustainable solutions in the footwear sector that maintain performance and durability. If you have a relevant technology, whether you're an innovator, university, or established company, can apply by 20th September 2024 here.


adidas: Developments of second quarter 2024

Major developments:

Major developments:

  • Currency-neutral sales up 11%, driven by adidas brand accelerating to 16% growth
  • adidas brand up double digits across all channels with increases in all markets
  • Underlying gross margin improves around 1.5 percentage points to 50.5% despite significant currency headwinds
  • Operating profit of € 346 million compared to € 176 million in prior-year period
  • Healthy inventories at a level of € 4.5 billion to support future top-line growth
  • Full-year guidance upgraded on July 16 to reflect current brand momentum

Full-year outlook
High-single-digit revenue increase expected in 2024

On July 16, adidas raised its top- and bottom-line guidance as a result of the better-than-expected performance during the second quarter and taking into account the current brand momentum. adidas now expects currency-neutral revenues to increase at a high-single-digit rate in 2024 (previously: to increase at a mid- to high-single-digit rate). The company’s operating profit is now expected to reach a level of around € 1.0 billion (previously: to reach a level of around € 700 million). Within this guidance, adidas assumes the sale of the remaining Yeezy inventory during the remainder of the year to occur on average at cost. This would result in additional revenues of around € 150 million and no further profit contribution during the second half of 2024.

Outlook impacted by significant currency headwinds
The company continues to expect unfavorable currency effects to weigh significantly on its profitability this year. These effects are negatively impacting both reported revenues and the gross margin development in 2024. This was particularly the case during the first half of the year.


Weitere Informationen:
adidas adidas AG financial year 2024

adidas AG



Am 3. und 4. September 2024 findet die 54. Edition der MUNICH FABRIC START mit BLUEZONE, THE SOURCE und dem KEYHOUSE statt. Unter dem Leitthema „INTUITION“ lädt die führende deutsche Plattform für die internationale Mode- und Textilindustrie die Fashionbranche dazu ein, sich vermehrt auf ihre innere Stimme zu besinnen. Die Internationale Fabric Trade Show bietet einen Überblick über die neuesten Trends für die Saison Autumn.Winter 25/26 und lädt ein, die innovativsten Materialien und relevantesten Zukunftstechnologien für die neue Saison zu erkunden.

Am 3. und 4. September 2024 findet die 54. Edition der MUNICH FABRIC START mit BLUEZONE, THE SOURCE und dem KEYHOUSE statt. Unter dem Leitthema „INTUITION“ lädt die führende deutsche Plattform für die internationale Mode- und Textilindustrie die Fashionbranche dazu ein, sich vermehrt auf ihre innere Stimme zu besinnen. Die Internationale Fabric Trade Show bietet einen Überblick über die neuesten Trends für die Saison Autumn.Winter 25/26 und lädt ein, die innovativsten Materialien und relevantesten Zukunftstechnologien für die neue Saison zu erkunden.

Das Programm der MUNICH FABRIC START und BLUEZONE umfasst zahlreiche Vorträge, Diskussionsrunden und Workshops. Am Dienstag, den 3. September 2024 eröffnet Monsieur-T. von 10:00 bis 10:30 Uhr mit seiner Trendpräsentation der BLUEZONE DENIMINED Trends das Programm des ersten Messetages und gleichzeitig die neue Trend Lectures Stage des KEYHOUSE in Halle 7, das aufgrund von Umbaumaßnahmen einmalig in die Zenith Halle integriert wird. Um 10:30 Uhr folgt eine Key Conversation und ein Deep Dive über zukunftsorientierte, nachhaltige Materialentwicklungen. Simon Angel, Kurator der SUSTAINABLE INNOVATIONS und weitere Materialexperten sprechen über innovative Materiallösungen, die zu einer nachhaltigen und zirkulären Industrie beitragen können (Trend Lectures | Keyhouse – Hall 7). Um 11:00 Uhr schließt auf der gleichen Bühne eine „In Conversation With...“-Session mit Drishti Masand, Senior Manager Sustainability Direction bei adidas an. Drishti wird im Gespräch mit Muchaneta ten Napel, Founder und CEO von Shape Innovate, erläutern, wie adidas durch Innovations- und Forschungsprojekte wie das T-REX zur Förderung der Kreislaufwirtschaft beiträgt.

Von 12:00 bis 13:00 Uhr folgt mit der Peclers Paris Trendpräsentation „Women’s Fashion Trends FW 25-26: Reduktion, Strenge versus Emotion, Kreativität“ mit Karin Schmitz ein absolutes Highlight des ersten Messetags (K1 | MOC). Gleichzeitig wird die Podiumsdiskussion „Denim Deal Germany – Unveiling First Signatories“ stattfinden, bei der Angela Velasquez, Executive Editor Rivet, und Max Gilgenmann, Geschäftsführer und Co-Gründer studio MM04, mit ihren Gästen die zukünftigen Pläne und Herausforderungen des Denim Deals in Deutschland diskutierten werden (Trend Lectures | Keyhouse – Hall 7). Von 13:00 bis 13:30 Uhr spricht Anna Franziska Michel von über den Einsatz von KI in der Modebranche (Trend Lectures | Keyhouse – Hall 7). Um 14:00 Uhr folgt ein weiteres Highlight des Rahmenprogramms: amfori, Holy Fashion Group und Novateks diskutieren die Bewältigung der Herausforderungen der Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) anhand von Best Case Szenarien, moderiert von Muchaneta ten Napel.

Catherine Hansmann, Sustainability & Responsibility Manager des Fashion Council Germany beleuchtet mit ihren Panelists von u.a. eBay und Peek & Cloppenburg von 15:00 bis 16:00 Uhr nachhaltige Innovationen und Lösungen für die Modebranche (Trend Lectures | Keyhouse – Hall 7), gefolgt von einer Panel Diskussion mit Bornemann Etiketten und dm-drogerie markt über einheitliches Branding für internationale Marken um 16:00 Uhr auf der gleichen Stage. Von 17:00 – 18:00 Uhr präsentiert das interdisziplinäre Projekt DEVALIA Methoden zur Förderung von Nachhaltigkeit und Kreislaufwirtschaft in der Industrie. Moderiert von Maria Cristina Pavarini, The Spin Off, bietet die Diskussion Einblicke von Laura Pianazza, International Sales and Marketing, Re-Point, Andrea Venier, Managing Director, Officina +39 und Natasha Calandrino Van Kleef, Architekt sowie Expertin der Umweltkommission und der Kulturkommission von Municipio 1 in Mailand und weiteren Speakern (Trend Lectures | Keyhouse – Hall 7). Ebenfalls ab 17:00 bis 18:30 Uhr bietet die Hessnatur Stiftung einen kostenfreien Workshop dazu an, wie eine erfolgreiche Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit erhöht (K1 | MOC). Der Tag endet mit einer DQS Bildungs-Session von Constanze Illner, Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation DQS, zum Thema „Navigating the Complexities of the Sustainability Jungle“ (Trend Lectures | Keyhouse – Hall 7). Diese Session bietet einen Überblick über wichtige rechtliche Entwicklungen im Bereich der Unternehmensnachhaltigkeit und zeigt auf, wie man sich nicht nur an die Anforderungen anpassen, sondern sich auch von der Konkurrenz abheben kann.

Das Vortragsprogramm des zweiten Messetags, Mittwoch, 4. September 2024, beginnt um 10:00 Uhr auf der Trend Lectures Bühne | Keyhouse in Hall 7 mit einem Trend Pitch der AMD – Akademie für Mode und Design Düsseldorf. Um 10:30 Uhr folgt an gleicher Stelle eine Session der Hessnatur Stiftung zur Automatisierung und Digitalisierung von Nachhaltigkeitsstrategien. Li Edelkoorts Fashion & Textile Forecast für Herbst/Winter 2025-26 um 11:00 Uhr wird im Raum K1 | MOC stattfinden – die limitierten Tickets für dieses absolute MUNICH FABRIC START Highlight können über die Homepage der Veranstaltung erworben werden.

Ab 11:30 Uhr präsentiert Nienke Steen, Global Lead Apparel, Textiles and Footwear des Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute, wie die Kreislaufwirtschaft in der Modebranche umgesetzt werden kann (Trend Lectures | Keyhouse – Hall 7). Anschließend findet auf der Trend Lectures | Keyhouse Bühne in Hall 7 von 12:00 bis 13:00 Uhr werden auf dem von Maria Christina Pavarini und Panos Sofianos moderierten Panel „Great Green Techknowledge“ Expert:innen von Archroma & Kipas, Tonello & Officina +39, LYCRA FitSense® Denim Technology & Calik Denim sowie HILO innovative Technologien und Prozesse diskutieren (Trend Lectures | Keyhouse – Hall 7). Um 14:00 Uhr findet ein hochkarätig besetztes Panel zur transparenten Rückverfolgbarkeit von Textilien statt – mit Vertretern von Haelixa, Tex.Tracer, Trace Momentum, ISKO und Gant, gefolgt von einer Educational Session mit Dr. Marco Schmitt, Projektleiter des TransitionLab in BIOTEXFUTURE bei RWTH Aachen University, Lehrstuhl für Technik- und Organisationssoziologie, um 16:00 Uhr.

Den Abschluss des umfangreichen Rahmenprogramms bildet von 17:00 bis 18:00 Uhr eine Diskussion über die Bedeutung der Rückverfolgbarkeit und Datenpräzision im Zusammenhang mit digitalen Produktpässen und Transparenz in der Lieferkette mit Experten von Made2Flow und TrusTrace, moderiert von Muchaneta ten Napel von Shape Innovate (Trend Lectures | Keyhouse – Hall 7). Damit bieten die Vorträge, Panels und Diskussionssessions von MUNICH FABRIC START und BLUEZONE eine dichte Bandbreite an zahlreichen, inspirierenden Gelegenheiten, sich über die neuesten Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen in der Mode- und Textilindustrie zu informieren und auszutauschen.

Weitere Informationen:


adidas and Juventus: Lunar Inspired 2024/25 Home Kit (c) adidas AG

adidas and Juventus: Lunar inspired 2024/25 Home Kit

adidas reveals the new Juventus home kit for the 2024/25 season, with a bold, cosmic interpretation of the colours deeply associated with the club. A dynamic interplay of the traditional black and white vertical stripes is given a modern lunar twist, with a subtle all-over crater graphic reflecting the landscape of the moon’s surface.

The kit boasts a unique structured fabric created using a 3D engineering method to construct the jersey in three levels. This layered fabric creates both visual and haptic intrigue when experienced up close, by incorporating textured details that replicate the undulating surface of the moon.

The on-field version of the jersey is constructed with HEAT.RDY technology, using advanced materials to maximize air flow to keep players feeling cool, while the fan version features AEROREADY technology, which uses sweat-wicking or absorbent materials to keep the body feeling dry.

adidas reveals the new Juventus home kit for the 2024/25 season, with a bold, cosmic interpretation of the colours deeply associated with the club. A dynamic interplay of the traditional black and white vertical stripes is given a modern lunar twist, with a subtle all-over crater graphic reflecting the landscape of the moon’s surface.

The kit boasts a unique structured fabric created using a 3D engineering method to construct the jersey in three levels. This layered fabric creates both visual and haptic intrigue when experienced up close, by incorporating textured details that replicate the undulating surface of the moon.

The on-field version of the jersey is constructed with HEAT.RDY technology, using advanced materials to maximize air flow to keep players feeling cool, while the fan version features AEROREADY technology, which uses sweat-wicking or absorbent materials to keep the body feeling dry.

Weitere Informationen:
adidas AG adidas Sportswear

adidas AG


adidas: Preliminary results for Q2 of 2024

adidas announced preliminary results for the second quarter of 2024. In Q2, currency-neutral revenues increased 11% versus the prior year. In euro terms, the company’s revenues grew 9% to € 5.822 billion (2023: € 5.343 billion). Excluding Yeezy sales in both years, currency-neutral revenues increased 16% during the quarter.

The company’s gross margin reached 50.8% in Q2 (2023: 50.9%). The underlying adidas gross margin improved strongly, reflecting better sell-throughs, reduced discounting, lower sourcing costs and a more favorable category mix. The significantly smaller Yeezy business had a negative impact on the year-over-year comparison. The company’s second quarter operating profit increased to € 346 million (2023: € 176 million), including a contribution of around € 50 million from the sale of parts of the remaining Yeezy inventory.

adidas announced preliminary results for the second quarter of 2024. In Q2, currency-neutral revenues increased 11% versus the prior year. In euro terms, the company’s revenues grew 9% to € 5.822 billion (2023: € 5.343 billion). Excluding Yeezy sales in both years, currency-neutral revenues increased 16% during the quarter.

The company’s gross margin reached 50.8% in Q2 (2023: 50.9%). The underlying adidas gross margin improved strongly, reflecting better sell-throughs, reduced discounting, lower sourcing costs and a more favorable category mix. The significantly smaller Yeezy business had a negative impact on the year-over-year comparison. The company’s second quarter operating profit increased to € 346 million (2023: € 176 million), including a contribution of around € 50 million from the sale of parts of the remaining Yeezy inventory.

Following the better-than-expected performance during the quarter and considering the current momentum, the company has increased its full-year guidance. adidas now expects currency-neutral revenues to increase at a high-single-digit rate in 2024 (previously: increase at a mid- to high-single-digit rate). The company’s operating profit is now expected to reach a level of around € 1.0 billion (previously: to reach a level of around € 700 million).

Within its guidance, the company assumes the sale of the remaining Yeezy inventory during the remainder of the year to occur on average at cost. This would result in additional sales of around € 150 million and no further profit contribution during the remainder of the year.

The company continues to expect unfavorable currency effects to weigh significantly on the company’s profitability this year. These effects are negatively impacting both reported revenues and the gross margin development in 2024. This was particularly the case during the first half of the year.

Weitere Informationen:
adidas adidas AG financial year 2024

adidas AG


VIEW: Gelungener Auftakt für die Autumn.Winter 25/26 Saison

Der VIEW Premium Selection gelingt ein erfolgreicher Saisonauftakt: Am 26. und 27. Juni präsentierten rund 260 internationale Lieferanten ihre neuesten Trends und Materialinnovationen für die Autumn.Winter 25/26 Saison aus den Segmenten FABRICS, ADDITIONALS, DENIM und SPORTSWEAR in München. Die hohe Besucherfrequenz übertraf die Erwartungen der Veranstalter und bestätigt die Bedeutung des Termins. In diesem Jahr fand das exklusive Preview-Konzept der MUNICH FABRIC START einmalig im b-tween, dem ehemaligen Department Store des Kaufhof am Karlsplatz Stachus in der Münchner City statt.

Der VIEW Premium Selection gelingt ein erfolgreicher Saisonauftakt: Am 26. und 27. Juni präsentierten rund 260 internationale Lieferanten ihre neuesten Trends und Materialinnovationen für die Autumn.Winter 25/26 Saison aus den Segmenten FABRICS, ADDITIONALS, DENIM und SPORTSWEAR in München. Die hohe Besucherfrequenz übertraf die Erwartungen der Veranstalter und bestätigt die Bedeutung des Termins. In diesem Jahr fand das exklusive Preview-Konzept der MUNICH FABRIC START einmalig im b-tween, dem ehemaligen Department Store des Kaufhof am Karlsplatz Stachus in der Münchner City statt.

Beide Messetage waren vor allem geprägt von der Suche nach neuen Trends, Materialien sowie technologischen und nachhaltigen Innovationen. Der aufgrund der Terminkollision mit der UEFA-Fußballeuropameisterschaft notwendig gewordene Umzug in die Interim-location im b-tween im ehemaligen Kaufhof am Stachus erwies sich als Glücksgriff. Die Location der einmalig als Pop-Up-Tradeshow konzipierten VIEW direkt in der Münchner Innenstadt entpuppte sich als optimaler Platz für Austausch und Kreativität. Der ehemalige Department Store am Karlsplatz Stachus vereint Mode, Kunst und Kultur an einem Ort und liegt in direkter Nähe zahlreicher Hotels, Restaurants und Parkplätze.

International relevante Hersteller wie Achille Pinto, Balli Rafanelli, Barth & Könenkamp Seiden, Davaris Textiles, Dutel Creation, Eton Textile, Fitecom, Lisa, Malhia Kent, Mario Bellucci, Nova Fides, Texapel oder We Nordic Label Studios präsentierten auf der VIEW ihre Neuheiten. Besucher kamen von so namhaften Firmen wie Adidas, Aigner, Alberto, Baldessarini, Betty Barclay, Bogner, Brax und Bugatti über Cambio, Comma, Drykorn, Engelhorn, Hannes Roether, Hanro, Herrlicher, HSE, Hugo Boss, Iris von Arnim und Joop! bis hin zu Lagerfeld, Leineweber, MAC, Marc Cain, Marc O’Polo, More & More, OUI, Riani, Schumacher, SET, s.Oliver, Sportalm oder Strellson.

Weitere Informationen:
VIEW Premium Selection VIEW


adidas and New Zealand Rugby celebrate 25 Years of Partnership with new Kit (c) adidas AG

adidas and New Zealand Rugby celebrate 25 Years of Partnership with new Kit

adidas and New Zealand Rugby reveal their latest jersey designs due to be worn for the 2024 international season. Going back through the archive to the roots of the partnership, adidas designers revisited design elements synonymous with New Zealand Rugby, to craft a shirt 25 years in the making for both the All Blacks and Black Ferns.

Bold in its simplicity, the jersey offers a traditional block-black base adorned with unique silver detailing - selected for its traditional use to mark a 25th anniversary - on an enlarged fern emblem, the adidas logo, and the iconic three stripes which run down both shoulders for the first time. The jersey is punctuated by the return of an all-white collar design; a popular feature seen on some of the most loved New Zealand Rugby jerseys, including the design that saw All Blacks win the 2011 Rugby World CupTM.

Developed based on specific player feedback, the All Blacks version features a double-knit fold over design, while the Black Ferns jersey incorporates a round neck design. For the first time, the Black Ferns and All Blacks are united under a single design, creating a special link between two of the sport’s best teams.

adidas and New Zealand Rugby reveal their latest jersey designs due to be worn for the 2024 international season. Going back through the archive to the roots of the partnership, adidas designers revisited design elements synonymous with New Zealand Rugby, to craft a shirt 25 years in the making for both the All Blacks and Black Ferns.

Bold in its simplicity, the jersey offers a traditional block-black base adorned with unique silver detailing - selected for its traditional use to mark a 25th anniversary - on an enlarged fern emblem, the adidas logo, and the iconic three stripes which run down both shoulders for the first time. The jersey is punctuated by the return of an all-white collar design; a popular feature seen on some of the most loved New Zealand Rugby jerseys, including the design that saw All Blacks win the 2011 Rugby World CupTM.

Developed based on specific player feedback, the All Blacks version features a double-knit fold over design, while the Black Ferns jersey incorporates a round neck design. For the first time, the Black Ferns and All Blacks are united under a single design, creating a special link between two of the sport’s best teams.

The on-pitch jersey is made with a high-performance yarn which contains at least 89% recycled polyester, while the replica jersey is made using 100% recycled polyester. 

Weitere Informationen:
adidas AG Sportswear

adidas AG

adidas and JJJJound: José Mourinho presents latest Collection (c) adidas AG

adidas and JJJJound: José Mourinho presents latest Collection

adidas Originals and Montreal-based design studio, JJJJound, return to present their latest collection.

Inspired by the Three Stripes’ sporting heritage and driven by a commitment to authentic storytelling, the second adidas Originals by JJJJound collection draws on quintessential footballing aesthetics with a 7 piece apparel, accessories, and footwear offering.

The apparel and accessories selection includes an all black track top and matching pair of track pants, a tonal white jersey, and a black airliner bag, as well as a co-branded football and bag set. The collection is then rounded out by a new take on the classic Samba sneaker.

Accompanying the launch of the collection is a campaign featuring football legend José Mourinho. Captured by photographer Liam MacRae amidst a backdrop of quotidian Portuguese life, the José campaign is an ode to Samba’s time honored legacy in sport and culture.

adidas Originals and Montreal-based design studio, JJJJound, return to present their latest collection.

Inspired by the Three Stripes’ sporting heritage and driven by a commitment to authentic storytelling, the second adidas Originals by JJJJound collection draws on quintessential footballing aesthetics with a 7 piece apparel, accessories, and footwear offering.

The apparel and accessories selection includes an all black track top and matching pair of track pants, a tonal white jersey, and a black airliner bag, as well as a co-branded football and bag set. The collection is then rounded out by a new take on the classic Samba sneaker.

Accompanying the launch of the collection is a campaign featuring football legend José Mourinho. Captured by photographer Liam MacRae amidst a backdrop of quotidian Portuguese life, the José campaign is an ode to Samba’s time honored legacy in sport and culture.


adidas AG