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56 Ergebnisse
PRO Forum Photo (c) Euratex

Harmonizing textiles EPR implementation to support Circular Economy in Europe

The undersigned PROs and business associations launched the Textile PRO Forum, a unique voluntary initiative designed to harmonise and share best practices for effective and efficient implementation of the Extended Producer Responsibility for textiles and footwear (Textiles EPR) across Europe.

As Europe prepares for the mandatory separate collection of textile waste and with the revision of the Waste Framework Directive entering its final stage, the EPR schemes have become a cornerstone of the European strategy for sustainability and circularity of textiles.

These EPR schemes and the related PROs will operate differently in each EU Member State, reflecting national legislation, market conditions, and infrastructure. While this diversity reflects local features, it also presents a challenge for efficiency and for businesses which will face the complexity of up to 27 different EPR models for textiles.

The undersigned PROs and business associations launched the Textile PRO Forum, a unique voluntary initiative designed to harmonise and share best practices for effective and efficient implementation of the Extended Producer Responsibility for textiles and footwear (Textiles EPR) across Europe.

As Europe prepares for the mandatory separate collection of textile waste and with the revision of the Waste Framework Directive entering its final stage, the EPR schemes have become a cornerstone of the European strategy for sustainability and circularity of textiles.

These EPR schemes and the related PROs will operate differently in each EU Member State, reflecting national legislation, market conditions, and infrastructure. While this diversity reflects local features, it also presents a challenge for efficiency and for businesses which will face the complexity of up to 27 different EPR models for textiles.

The Textile PRO Forum addresses this need by bringing together experienced PROs and national business associations engaged in the implementation of the Textile EPRs. Its mission is to foster collaboration, harmonization, and knowledge-sharing among the Textile EPR Producer Responsibility Organizations (PROs).

Initiated by Refashion, the first PRO for textiles, and by EURATEX, the European Textile and Apparel Confederation, the Textile PRO Forum is coordinated by EURATEX. The initial key activities include the Forum set up and the following strategic workstreams:

  • Reduce administrative burden
  • Harmonize approaches to implement the eco-modulation fees, set by legislation
  • Supporting recycling
  • Harmonise framework
  • Set up, creation and expansion of PROs

List of the participating organizations

  1. Asociación para la Gestión del Residuo Textil y Calzado
  2. ATOK
  3. Cobat Tessile
  4. Comeos
  5. Creamoda
  6. Danish Fashion & Textile
  7. Electrao
  8. Erion Textiles
  10. Fedustria
  11. Finnish Textile & Fashion
  12. Gesamtverband Textil- und Mode
  13. Inretail
  14. Modint
  15. Reconomy / Redress
  16. Recydata
  17. Refashion
  18. RETEX.Green
  19. Retur
  21. Stichting Producentenorganisatie UPV Textiel
  22. TEKO – Swedish Textile and Fashion Industries
StichTogether Nation Seminar Poland Photo Euratex

StichTogether Nation Seminar Poland

The StitchTogether National Seminar in Poland delivers the Warsaw Declaration to enhance social dialogue for the Polish textile industry

On 6 December 2024, social partners from the Polish textiles industry adopted the Warsaw Declaration, a joint commitment to work on the competitiveness of their industry. The declaration is the outcome of a 2 day meeting, organised under the EU co-funded StitchTogether project, which aims at promoting social partnerships in the European Textiles and Clothing Industry. The meeting in Warsaw brought together representatives of the Polish textile industry, including employer associations, trade unions, education institutes and the government to discuss the future of the industry.

The StitchTogether National Seminar in Poland delivers the Warsaw Declaration to enhance social dialogue for the Polish textile industry

On 6 December 2024, social partners from the Polish textiles industry adopted the Warsaw Declaration, a joint commitment to work on the competitiveness of their industry. The declaration is the outcome of a 2 day meeting, organised under the EU co-funded StitchTogether project, which aims at promoting social partnerships in the European Textiles and Clothing Industry. The meeting in Warsaw brought together representatives of the Polish textile industry, including employer associations, trade unions, education institutes and the government to discuss the future of the industry.

Poland has a long and proud tradition in textiles and clothing manufacturing, with 130,000 people employed in the sector, and 20,000 companies of which the vast majority are SMEs. But the sector is struggling due to tough global competition and price pressures. In this context, the Polish textile and clothing social partners are united in ensuring the sector can successful face the digital and green transition, while remaining competitive and resilient, with decent jobs for all.

The Warsaw Declaration includes a series of priorities, confirming social partners’ commitment in working together, but asking support of the Polish government to upgrade industrial strategies, making the textile industry more attractive with a qualified and trained workforce.

“In times of transition social dialogue is more vital than ever, employers and trade unions need to work together to anticipate the change and prepare for the future in this case to more sustainable textiles and clothing production in Poland. It is essential that the transition is a Just Transition that leaves no worker behind, and we want the transition to safeguard jobs in the sector and create new jobs, which must be decent jobs with decent pay. The transition requires support and we call on the Polish government to work with the social partners for a new sectoral industrial policy to support the sector and good industrial jobs,’’ says Judith Kirton-Darling, IndustriAll Europe's general secretary.

Dirk Vantyghem, EURATEX Director General, stressed that “the incoming Polish presidency of the EU is a unique opportunity to shape a Clean Industrial Deal that will strengthen the competitiveness of our companies. As our Polish textile companies clearly expressed during the event, they want to see changes on the energy costs and fair competition, instead of adding new regulations.”



EURATEX and AMITH sign Memorandum of Understanding Image: Euratex

MoU: EURATEX and AMITH strengthen Euro-Mediterranean partnership

EURATEX (the European Apparel and Textile Confederation) and AMITH (Association Marocaine des Industries du Textile et de l'Habillement) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) during the 21st edition of Maroc in Mode (MIM 2024) in Casablanca. This MoU aims to foster deeper collaboration and mutual growth within the European and Moroccan textile and clothing (T&C) industries.

The MoU underscores shared priorities, including aligning industry practices with European sustainability and circularity standards, addressing customs and regulatory challenges, and strengthening the investment and business climate between the two regions. The agreement highlights EURATEX and AMITH’s commitment to advancing competitiveness in the global textile market, supporting a seamless and cohesive approach to trade under the revised rules of the Pan Euro Med Convention, which enter into force on 1 January 2025.

EURATEX (the European Apparel and Textile Confederation) and AMITH (Association Marocaine des Industries du Textile et de l'Habillement) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) during the 21st edition of Maroc in Mode (MIM 2024) in Casablanca. This MoU aims to foster deeper collaboration and mutual growth within the European and Moroccan textile and clothing (T&C) industries.

The MoU underscores shared priorities, including aligning industry practices with European sustainability and circularity standards, addressing customs and regulatory challenges, and strengthening the investment and business climate between the two regions. The agreement highlights EURATEX and AMITH’s commitment to advancing competitiveness in the global textile market, supporting a seamless and cohesive approach to trade under the revised rules of the Pan Euro Med Convention, which enter into force on 1 January 2025.

This partnership also opens new avenues for information exchange on industrial technology, cross-border business initiatives, and collaborative skill development projects. By enhancing cooperation in these areas, EURATEX and AMITH are working to create a sustainable, resilient, and globally competitive Euro-Mediterranean textile industry.

"The EU-Morocco textile connection has vast untapped potential," said Mario Jorge Machado, EURATEX President. "Through our collaboration with AMITH, we aim to fortify both regions' textile sectors, embracing sustainability and competitiveness as core values. This MoU is a meaningful step toward our shared vision of a thriving Euro-Mediterranean textile ecosystem."

„This Memorandum of Understanding is important for AMITH as it will help achieving our mission: drive the continuous development of the Moroccan industry and help companies rise to new levels of excellence and sustainability” commented El Ansari Anass, AMITH President.

Future Continuous  Foto: Alcova für Heimtextil

Heimtextil Trends 25/26

Die Heimtextil präsentiert in Zusammenarbeit mit den Gründer*innen von Alcova die Heimtextil Trends 25/26 unter dem Titel „Future Continuous“ – und will damit eine visionäre Perspektive auf die tiefgreifende Bedeutung von Textilien in technologischen, kulturellen und ökologischen Entwicklungen bieten. „Future Continuous“ eröffnet spannende neue Perspektiven auf die Zukunft der Textilindustrie.

Alcova hat dafür sechs Interviews mit internationalen Designer*innen, Textilforschenden sowie Vertreter*innen von Verbänden und Institutionen aus ihrem Netzwerk geführt, um verschiedene Aspekte der Textilbranche zu beleuchten. So werden Tradition und Innovation, Kunsthandwerk und moderne Technologie verwoben – und laden ein, neue Wege für die textile Zukunft zu erkunden.

Die Heimtextil präsentiert in Zusammenarbeit mit den Gründer*innen von Alcova die Heimtextil Trends 25/26 unter dem Titel „Future Continuous“ – und will damit eine visionäre Perspektive auf die tiefgreifende Bedeutung von Textilien in technologischen, kulturellen und ökologischen Entwicklungen bieten. „Future Continuous“ eröffnet spannende neue Perspektiven auf die Zukunft der Textilindustrie.

Alcova hat dafür sechs Interviews mit internationalen Designer*innen, Textilforschenden sowie Vertreter*innen von Verbänden und Institutionen aus ihrem Netzwerk geführt, um verschiedene Aspekte der Textilbranche zu beleuchten. So werden Tradition und Innovation, Kunsthandwerk und moderne Technologie verwoben – und laden ein, neue Wege für die textile Zukunft zu erkunden.

Textilien als verbindendes Element von Vergangenheit und Zukunft
Textilien sind viel mehr als nur Stoffe – sie sind tief in Geschichte und Kultur verankert. Schon das Wort „Text“ stammt vom lateinischen „texere“, was „weben“ bedeutet und zeigt, dass Textilien lange vor der Schrift als Ausdrucks- und Kommunikationsmittel dienten. Sie verknüpfen Erzählungen, verweben Handlungsstränge und sind seit Jahrtausenden ein zentraler Bestandteil unserer Technologie. Janis Jefferies, eine Pionierin der Textilforschung, macht deutlich: Das Spinnen und Verweben von Fasern war die erste Technologie des Menschen und damit die Grundlage für Baukunst und Mathematik. Heute stehen Textilien im Fokus einer neuen, nachhaltigen Denkweise: weg vom „Recyceln, Reduzieren und Wiederverwenden“ hin zu einer regenerativen Landwirtschaft und einem Vokabular, das von „Wiederherstellen, Erneuern und Auffüllen“ spricht. Diese Entwicklung markiert einen tiefgreifenden Wandel im Nachhaltigkeitsdiskurs – hin zu einem ganzheitlichen Ansatz, der Textilien als Schlüssel für eine nachhaltige Zukunft sieht.

Renaissance der Naturfasern und handwerklicher Traditionen
Inmitten der schnelllebigen, digitalen Welt wächst eine Bewegung, die zurück zu den greifbaren, materiellen Aspekten des Lebens führt. Textilien spielen dabei eine zentrale Rolle: Sie verbinden Menschen mit ihrem kulturellen Erbe und schaffen durch ihre Haptik einen Kontrast zur virtuellen Existenz. In der derzeitigen Wegwerfkultur, die auf kurzlebige, oft unreparierbare Produkte setzt, stehen Textilien und Handwerkskunst für Authentizität, Nachhaltigkeit und echte Werte. Sie schaffen einen Moment der Achtsamkeit in einer von Bildschirmen geprägten Welt – und geben das Gefühl, wieder etwas wirklich berühren zu können. Auch Ilse Crawford, Interior Designerin und Gründerin von StudioIlse, betont: In einer zunehmend digitalen und körperlosen Welt entsteht ein tiefes Bedürfnis nach physischer Verbundenheit. Naturfasern wie Hanf, Jute, Flachs und Nessel erleben ein bemerkenswertes Comeback. Wegen ihrer Langlebigkeit und Behaglichkeit werden sie seit Jahrhunderten geschätzt. Christine Ladstätter, Managerin für Innovation bei Salewa, weist auf einen weiteren wichtigen Aspekt hin: In den letzten Jahrzehnten hat sich ein Trend zu einer stärkeren Wertschätzung lokaler Materialien und Techniken entwickelt. Ihre Projekte betonen die wachsende Bedeutung des Handwerks. Der Fokus liegt auf der Förderung der lokalen Landwirtschaft und dem Erhalt traditioneller Weidelandschaften.

Zirkularität und Transparenz als Grundlage der Zukunft
Schneller Konsum und Wegwerfkultur dominieren die heutige Welt. Doch die Bedeutung von Sorgfalt und Weitsicht wird immer offensichtlicher – auch in der Textilindustrie. Der Sektor steht vor einem Wandel: hin zu einer nachhaltigen, vernetzten und transparenten Zukunft. Dirk Vantyghem, Generaldirektor von Euratex, hebt hervor, dass der Textilsektor in der EU derzeit mehr denn je im Mittelpunkt stehe – nicht zuletzt dank des Europäischen Green Deals. In einer Zeit globaler Unsicherheit wächst das Bedürfnis nach langlebigen, funktionalen und nachhaltigen Produkten. Viele Hersteller verwenden Begriffe wie ‚nachhaltig‘ oder ‚zirkulär‘ oft willkürlich. Daher setzt sich das Europäische Parlament für mehr Rückverfolgbarkeit in der Lieferkette – und bekämpft dadurch Greenwashing und ermöglicht Verbraucher*innen fundiertere Kaufentscheidungen. Simone van der Burg und Lucas Evers, beide Gruppenleiter im WAAG Future-Lab, betonen die Bedeutung einer offenen und mitgestaltenden Produktion. Ihr Ansatz zielt darauf ab, lokale Ressourcen wie Farben und Fasern aus natürlichen Quellen zu nutzen. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die Demokratisierung von Herstellungsprozessen: Designer und Kreative erhalten Zugang zu Open-Source-Werkzeugen und Ressourcen, um frei zu experimentieren – ohne hohe Kosten. Die italienische Designerin und Dozentin Eugenia Morpurgo fordert dazu auf, die landwirtschaftlichen Praktiken der Textilproduktion grundlegend zu überdenken und von erdölbasierten Materialien abzurücken. Sie warnt vor ökonomischen Modellen, die Wegwerfprodukte gegenüber langlebigen Alternativen bevorzugen. Ihr Projekt „Syntropic Materials“ untersucht regenerative Landwirtschaft als nachhaltige Lösung für Textilien und Lebensmittel. Das Ziel ist es, die Bodengesundheit und die Biodiversität zu verbessern. Morpurgo betont, dass bei der Bewertung von Nachhaltigkeit die wahren Kosten – von Ressourcenverbrauch bis hin zu langfristiger Bodenfruchtbarkeit – berücksichtigt werden müssen.

Farben, die Geschichten erzählen
Von Naturally Uneven Green bis End of Petrol und Imperfect Pink – die Heimtextil Trends 25/26 präsentieren eine visionäre Farbpalette, die Alcova sowohl visuell als auch sprachlich interpretiert hat. Inspiriert von den sechs Interviews, verweben die Farben die Ideen und Begriffe, die in den Gesprächen aufkamen. So erzählen sie eine lebendige Geschichte. Natürliche, ungebleichte Töne treffen auf dynamische, leuchtende Farben und spiegeln das Spannungsfeld zwischen Tradition und Innovation wider. Dieser Kontrast steht für ein aktives Gleichgewicht, das sich ständig weiterentwickelt – geprägt von Erneuerung, Wachstum und einer zukunftsweisenden Vision, die über bloße Nachhaltigkeit hinausgeht.

Weitere Informationen:
Heimtextil Trend Messe Frankfurt

Messe Frankfurt Exhibition


EURATEX welcomes the EU Customs Reform package

The European Textile and Clothing industry (EURATEX) welcomes the proposed reforms to the EU's customs system, emphasizing the need for a modernized framework that addresses the challenges of the digital age and fosters a level playing field.

“Customs play a critical role in safeguarding fair competition within the EU Single Market and ensuring that products meet our environmental and safety standards,” states Dirk Vantyghem, EURATEX Director General. “We recognize the need for a reformed system adapted to the 21st century, particularly considering the growth of e-commerce and the increasing complexity of regulations.”

EURATEX highlights key priorities for a successful reform:

The European Textile and Clothing industry (EURATEX) welcomes the proposed reforms to the EU's customs system, emphasizing the need for a modernized framework that addresses the challenges of the digital age and fosters a level playing field.

“Customs play a critical role in safeguarding fair competition within the EU Single Market and ensuring that products meet our environmental and safety standards,” states Dirk Vantyghem, EURATEX Director General. “We recognize the need for a reformed system adapted to the 21st century, particularly considering the growth of e-commerce and the increasing complexity of regulations.”

EURATEX highlights key priorities for a successful reform:

  • Phasing Out De Minimis Exemption: EURATEX strongly supports abolishing the €150 import duty exemption for small consignments. This exemption has been exploited by e-commerce companies, creating unfair competition for European manufacturers. EURATEX urges immediate action to eliminate this loophole, rather than waiting until 2028.
  • Harmonization and Streamlining: The organization calls for a unified customs regime across the EU, with simplified procedures and reduced administrative burdens for businesses, especially SMEs. This includes avoiding duplication of efforts and ensuring seamless interoperability between different customs information systems.
  • Data Security and Transparency: EURATEX emphasizes the importance of robust data security measures within the proposed EU Data Hub. Clear regulations on data access, ownership, and cybersecurity safeguards are essential. Open collaboration between industry and policymakers is crucial in designing the Data Hub for optimal functionality.
  • Effective Implementation of Trust & Check Trader (T&CT): The T&CT status offers potential benefits for companies through features like self-assessment. However, EURATEX raises concerns about practical implementation, particularly for SMEs struggling to obtain existing Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) statuses. Providing support for SMEs in obtaining this status is crucial.
  • Interoperability and Data Sharing: EURATEX emphasizes the importance of the EU Data Hub's interoperability with various IT systems. Also, a uniform central IT network facilitating national and other legal requirements would be a significant step forward.
  • Structured Dialogue with Stakeholders: The establishment of the EU Customs Authority (EUCA) is seen as a positive development for coordinating customs enforcement across the EU. EURATEX recommends a dedicated dialogue between the EUCA and stakeholders, including industry representatives, to improve overall coordination and effectiveness.
Weitere Informationen:
customs European Union Euratex


EURATEX: Launch of TCLF SkillBridge Project (c) EURATEX

EURATEX: Launch of TCLF SkillBridge Project

EURATEX together with COTANCE and CEC hosted the TCLF SkillBridge Stakeholder Event, an important step towards forming regional skills partnerships by bringing together various stakeholders from industry, education, and public sectors.

Co-financed by the European Commission, TCLF SkillBridge aims to establish and nurture regional partnerships between TCLF industries, regional authorities, and local universities and VET providers. The project will target up to 25 European regions with a strong concentration of textile, clothing, leather or footwear industries.  This regional focus will allow the development of specific action plans related to reskilling and upskilling, which meet the needs of each target region. The project will support the creation of such partnerships, facilitate community exchanges for knowledge sharing, and provide support to SMEs, enabling them to upskill and reskill their workforce in tune with the evolving demands of the industry.

EURATEX together with COTANCE and CEC hosted the TCLF SkillBridge Stakeholder Event, an important step towards forming regional skills partnerships by bringing together various stakeholders from industry, education, and public sectors.

Co-financed by the European Commission, TCLF SkillBridge aims to establish and nurture regional partnerships between TCLF industries, regional authorities, and local universities and VET providers. The project will target up to 25 European regions with a strong concentration of textile, clothing, leather or footwear industries.  This regional focus will allow the development of specific action plans related to reskilling and upskilling, which meet the needs of each target region. The project will support the creation of such partnerships, facilitate community exchanges for knowledge sharing, and provide support to SMEs, enabling them to upskill and reskill their workforce in tune with the evolving demands of the industry.

The TCLF SkillBridge project complements 2 other initiatives – AEQUALIS4TCLF and METASKILLS4TCLF – which have already been launched under the Erasmus+ Programme. As a result, the industry has now a coherent set of instruments across the EU to address the skills challenges.

During the event, stakeholders from the Emilia Romagna Region, ATEVAL, and Verband der Deutschen Lederindustrie e.V. gave insights in their experiences in skills collaborations in their regions. An interactive session then followed, where stakeholders discussed how to successfully establish such regional partnerships under the Pact for Skills.

Weitere Informationen:


EURATEX elects new President (c) EURATEX
From the left: Ismail Kolunsag, Barbara Cimmino, Mario Jorge Machado and Grégory Marchant.

EURATEX elects new President

Portuguese textile entrepreneur, Mario Jorge Machado, has been elected President of EURATEX during its General Assembly on 14 June. The Assembly also nominated Alberto Paccanelli as Honorary President.

Mario Jorge Machado has an extensive career in textiles. Mario is currently a shareholder and director of "Adalberto Textile Solutions, S.A.", where he applies advanced management practices to boost competitiveness and innovation. He has been president of the Textile and Clothing Association of Portugal (ATP) since 2019, and he stands out for his strategic leadership in the textile and clothing sector, promoting innovation and sustainability. He represents ATP on the Board of CIP - Confederação Empresarial de Portugal and chairs CIP's strategic council for the environment and sustainability.

With a degree in Production Polymer Engineering from the University of Minho, his expertise ranges from continuous process improvement to the development of B2B commercial teams and B2C business models. His vision encompasses operational excellence and the implementation of sustainable practices, contributing to the evolution of the textile industry.

Portuguese textile entrepreneur, Mario Jorge Machado, has been elected President of EURATEX during its General Assembly on 14 June. The Assembly also nominated Alberto Paccanelli as Honorary President.

Mario Jorge Machado has an extensive career in textiles. Mario is currently a shareholder and director of "Adalberto Textile Solutions, S.A.", where he applies advanced management practices to boost competitiveness and innovation. He has been president of the Textile and Clothing Association of Portugal (ATP) since 2019, and he stands out for his strategic leadership in the textile and clothing sector, promoting innovation and sustainability. He represents ATP on the Board of CIP - Confederação Empresarial de Portugal and chairs CIP's strategic council for the environment and sustainability.

With a degree in Production Polymer Engineering from the University of Minho, his expertise ranges from continuous process improvement to the development of B2B commercial teams and B2C business models. His vision encompasses operational excellence and the implementation of sustainable practices, contributing to the evolution of the textile industry.

The Assembly also nominated Alberto Paccanelli as Honorary President, recognising over a decade of commitment to EURATEX and the European textile industry.

EURATEX General Assembly also elected 4 other members of the Presidency Team: Michael Kamm (ZWILLING Gruppe, Germany), Barbara Cimmino (Yamamay, Italy), Grégory Marchant (UTT, France) and Ismail Kolunsag (Cross Tekstil, Turkey). During the Assembly, EURATEX also welcomed new memberships from CEMATEX and Forschungskuratorium Textil e. V., and a partnership with Reju. (France).

Weitere Informationen:
Euratex President general assembly


EU TCLF Social Partners: Joint statement for quality TCLF jobs in Europe Photo: Euratex

EU TCLF Social Partners: Joint statement for quality TCLF jobs in Europe

The EU TCLF Social Partners, CEC, Cotance, Euratex and industriAll Europe call for future EU policy makers to increase their ambition to safeguard the European TCLF sectors and keep good industrial jobs in Europe. The TCLF Social Partners are all signatories to the Antwerp Declaration for a European Industrial Deal and express their full support for a European Industrial Deal to complement the Green Deal and keep quality jobs in Europe.

The EU TCLF Social Partners, CEC, Cotance, Euratex and industriAll Europe call for future EU policy makers to increase their ambition to safeguard the European TCLF sectors and keep good industrial jobs in Europe. The TCLF Social Partners are all signatories to the Antwerp Declaration for a European Industrial Deal and express their full support for a European Industrial Deal to complement the Green Deal and keep quality jobs in Europe.

The European TCLF sectors provide over 1.5 million jobs in the EU (Textiles and Clothing: 1,300,000, Tanning and leather: 34,531 and Footwear: 222,000) and have a combined turnover of over €200 bn (T&C: €170 bn, T&L: €7.3 bn and Footwear: €23.2 bn). However, the industries continue to face a range of challenges, including fierce global competition, high energy prices, an ageing workforce, and a huge increase in new legislation. These challenges are especially tough due to over 99% of companies in the TCLF sectors being SMEs. As such, the European Social Partners call for increased focus and commitment in the next EU mandate to ensure that the TCLF sectors can become green and digital while remaining competitive on the global market and that no region, company or worker is left behind.

In relation to the Antwerp Dialogue, CEC, Cotance, Euratex and industriAll Europe have also signed up to a specific joint statement focused on the social dimension of an EU Industrial Deal which is vital to ensure its success and social acceptance. The following demands from the TCLF Social Partners are essential to guaranteeing quality TCLF jobs in Europe:

  1. Ensure a Just Transition for our industries and workforce
  2. Develop a re-skilling and up-skilling agenda
  3. Promote social dialogue and social partners' involvement
  4. Ensure a sensible, stable and coherent regulatory environment for our industries
  5. Access to energy and raw materials
  6. Free and fair trade to ensure a level playing field
  7. Sustainability and increased demand for products made in Europe 
Weitere Informationen:
TCLF Euratex Europe CEC COTANCE industriAll Europe


Project kick-off Photo Euratex

New Project to promote Social Partnerships in the European Textiles and Clothing Industry

Supported by the European Commission, EURATEX and industriAll Europe have launched Stitch Together: a new Europe-wide two-year project to promote social partnerships in the European textiles and clothing Industry.

Stitch Together recognises the industry's need to adapt to global competition, eco-friendly practices, and technological advancements, while ensuring decent working conditions and quality social dialogue. The project will foster constructive dialogue between employer and trade unions in seven countries: Belgium, France, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain and Türkiye. Through seminars and capacity-building workshops, the project aims to enhance the capacity of social partners and empower them to engage in national and European-level social dialogues. Furthermore, the project seeks to increase social partner involvement in EU policy-making contributing to the development of sustainable and circular practices in the industry.

Supported by the European Commission, EURATEX and industriAll Europe have launched Stitch Together: a new Europe-wide two-year project to promote social partnerships in the European textiles and clothing Industry.

Stitch Together recognises the industry's need to adapt to global competition, eco-friendly practices, and technological advancements, while ensuring decent working conditions and quality social dialogue. The project will foster constructive dialogue between employer and trade unions in seven countries: Belgium, France, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain and Türkiye. Through seminars and capacity-building workshops, the project aims to enhance the capacity of social partners and empower them to engage in national and European-level social dialogues. Furthermore, the project seeks to increase social partner involvement in EU policy-making contributing to the development of sustainable and circular practices in the industry.




EURATEX: 3rd project addressing shortage of qualified labour

The association has launched another initiative to promote upskilling and reskilling in the textiles, clothing, leather and footwear industry: the “TCLF SkillBridge” project will focus on establishing regional skills partnerships.

In the context of the EU TCLF Pact for Skills, EURATEX will work together with CEC  and COTANCE  to support the creation of regional partnerships in the area skills; this new SkillBridge project, supported by the European Commission DG GROW, will specifically help to develop action plans with regional authorities, local TCLF industry and education providers. These action plans should respond to the changing needs of the TCLF industry in the area of education and skills. The project will also offer a mobility scheme for regional stakeholders from the industry and offer support to SMEs, to help them develop reskilling or upskilling initiatives in their company.

The association has launched another initiative to promote upskilling and reskilling in the textiles, clothing, leather and footwear industry: the “TCLF SkillBridge” project will focus on establishing regional skills partnerships.

In the context of the EU TCLF Pact for Skills, EURATEX will work together with CEC  and COTANCE  to support the creation of regional partnerships in the area skills; this new SkillBridge project, supported by the European Commission DG GROW, will specifically help to develop action plans with regional authorities, local TCLF industry and education providers. These action plans should respond to the changing needs of the TCLF industry in the area of education and skills. The project will also offer a mobility scheme for regional stakeholders from the industry and offer support to SMEs, to help them develop reskilling or upskilling initiatives in their company.

The TCLF SkillBridge project complements the MetaSkills and Aequalis projects, which have been launched earlier this year. They all share the same objectives which have been established in the TCLF Pact for Skills, and thus contribute to addressing one of the most critical bottlenecks which is faced by the TCLF industry: the shortage of qualified labour. These 3 projects will, collectively, allow EURATEX and its partners to work with all relevant stakeholders from our sector across the EU and beyond.

Dirk Vantyghem, EURATEX Director General, welcomes these initiatives to support the TCLF industries: “Addressing the skills gap, and attracting young people with the right set of skills, is essential to strengthen the European textiles industry. We are grateful to the European Commission to offer the necessary support, and want to reach out especially to the regional authorities, to work together and design a skills strategy that works for its local TCLF industry.”




EURATEX: European Commission announces “Textiles of the Future” Partnership

In the fringes of the EU Research and Innovation Days, the European Commission has announced 9 new European co-funded and co-programmed partnerships, including “Textiles of the Future”. These partnerships will be at the core of the Horizon Europe Strategic Plan 2025-2027, addressing the green and digital transition, and a more resilient, competitive, inclusive and democratic Europe.

EURATEX has been working towards such a partnership over the last few years. Investing in innovation is a critical component to successfully implement the EU Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles. EURATEX therefore welcomes the Commission’s decision, as a measure to help their 200.000 EU textile companies to remain competitive.

The Textiles of the Future Partnership will be co-managed by the European Technology Platform for Future of Textiles and Clothing (ETP). With a deep knowledge in textiles research and a vast innovation network, ETP stands ready to bring that partnership into reality.

In the fringes of the EU Research and Innovation Days, the European Commission has announced 9 new European co-funded and co-programmed partnerships, including “Textiles of the Future”. These partnerships will be at the core of the Horizon Europe Strategic Plan 2025-2027, addressing the green and digital transition, and a more resilient, competitive, inclusive and democratic Europe.

EURATEX has been working towards such a partnership over the last few years. Investing in innovation is a critical component to successfully implement the EU Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles. EURATEX therefore welcomes the Commission’s decision, as a measure to help their 200.000 EU textile companies to remain competitive.

The Textiles of the Future Partnership will be co-managed by the European Technology Platform for Future of Textiles and Clothing (ETP). With a deep knowledge in textiles research and a vast innovation network, ETP stands ready to bring that partnership into reality.

Weitere Informationen:
Euratex European Commission Sustainability


RegioGreenTex Annual Consortium Meeting Photo Euratex

RegioGreenTex Annual Consortium Meeting in Portugal

Representatives from all 43 European partners of RegioGreenTex met for the Annual Consortium Meeting, hosted by CITEVE – the Portuguese Centre for textile innovation.

Co-funded by the European Union I3 Instrument Programme, RegioGreenTex is a €13 million project to promote investments in textile circularity. Research centres, regional clusters, regional development agencies and 26 SMEs collaborate to realise unique pilot projects to transform the textile industry business model from linear to circular.
The annual consortium meeting is a pivotal point to assess the project’s progress and impact. Presentations and workshops have been an essential part of the meeting, along with  networking opportunities where partners created synergies and discussed common challenges. Furthermore, all SME partners showcased their results through an exhibition with samples of garments, yarns, fabrics and products: the outcome of the project’s innovation so far. New collaborations and partners are expected to flourish as another outcome and the meeting.

Representatives from all 43 European partners of RegioGreenTex met for the Annual Consortium Meeting, hosted by CITEVE – the Portuguese Centre for textile innovation.

Co-funded by the European Union I3 Instrument Programme, RegioGreenTex is a €13 million project to promote investments in textile circularity. Research centres, regional clusters, regional development agencies and 26 SMEs collaborate to realise unique pilot projects to transform the textile industry business model from linear to circular.
The annual consortium meeting is a pivotal point to assess the project’s progress and impact. Presentations and workshops have been an essential part of the meeting, along with  networking opportunities where partners created synergies and discussed common challenges. Furthermore, all SME partners showcased their results through an exhibition with samples of garments, yarns, fabrics and products: the outcome of the project’s innovation so far. New collaborations and partners are expected to flourish as another outcome and the meeting.

EURATEX, as project coordinator, ensures the successful implementation of this ambitious initiative. Dirk Vantyghem, EURATEX Director General, commented: “RegioGreenTex is an essential piece of our wider plan to implement the EU Sustainable Textile Strategy. Offering investment support to our SMEs is critical to make this green transition a success.”

Weitere Informationen:
RegioGreenTex Euratex circularity


EURATEX: Launch of educational project AEQUALIS-4-TCLF (c) EURATEX
Kick off meeting of the AEQUALIS4TCLF project

EURATEX: Launch of educational project AEQUALIS-4-TCLF

In the context of the EU Pact for Skills, EURATEX launches an EU co-funded project under ERASMUS+ Programme to support the up-skilling and reskilling in the textile, clothing, leather and footwear (TCLF) sectors.  The new project, AEQUALIS-4-TCLF, brings together 19 partners mainly from Eastern and Northern Europe1 who will work together in the coming 4 years to give a boost to upskilling and reskilling of workers in the TCLF industry.

Following the blueprint project SMART4TCLF and complementary to the METASKILLS4TCLF project, AEQUALIS4TCLF prioritizes creating strong links with regional and local entities to boost skills initiatives and establishing an EU-wide Network of TCLF vocational education and training (VET) and higher education (HE) providers. Based on the results from the skills gap analysis, AEQUALIS4TCLF will develop new national skills strategies in seven countries to address specific regional needs, setting a clear path for workforce development with special attention to addressing discrimination and promote diversity in the TCLF industries.

In the context of the EU Pact for Skills, EURATEX launches an EU co-funded project under ERASMUS+ Programme to support the up-skilling and reskilling in the textile, clothing, leather and footwear (TCLF) sectors.  The new project, AEQUALIS-4-TCLF, brings together 19 partners mainly from Eastern and Northern Europe1 who will work together in the coming 4 years to give a boost to upskilling and reskilling of workers in the TCLF industry.

Following the blueprint project SMART4TCLF and complementary to the METASKILLS4TCLF project, AEQUALIS4TCLF prioritizes creating strong links with regional and local entities to boost skills initiatives and establishing an EU-wide Network of TCLF vocational education and training (VET) and higher education (HE) providers. Based on the results from the skills gap analysis, AEQUALIS4TCLF will develop new national skills strategies in seven countries to address specific regional needs, setting a clear path for workforce development with special attention to addressing discrimination and promote diversity in the TCLF industries.

1 List of Netherlands, Czechia, Lithuania, Finland, Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia

Weitere Informationen:
Euratex Erasmus+ Education textile workers TCLF



Euratex Manifesto: 15 requests for competitiveness and resilience

2024 is a turning point for the European textiles and clothing industry: From 6 to 9 June 2024, European citizens will vote for a new European Parliament and, based on the results, a new European Commission will be formed. In view of this important election, EURATEX publishes a Manifesto, presenting 15 requests which will help to ensure a competitive European textiles and clothing industry.

The textile and apparel industry is making a substantial contribution to European wealth, jobs and growth. Europe counts 192,000 companies employing 1.3 million workers with a turnover of €167 billion and over €67 billion of exports. Entrepreneurship should be recognised as the foundation for a competitive textile industry, offering high quality and sustainable products, based on innovation, creativity and design. European policy makers should recognise such role to textiles and apparel companies and have an open dialogue to create better framework conditions to operate in the internal and global markets.

2024 is a turning point for the European textiles and clothing industry: From 6 to 9 June 2024, European citizens will vote for a new European Parliament and, based on the results, a new European Commission will be formed. In view of this important election, EURATEX publishes a Manifesto, presenting 15 requests which will help to ensure a competitive European textiles and clothing industry.

The textile and apparel industry is making a substantial contribution to European wealth, jobs and growth. Europe counts 192,000 companies employing 1.3 million workers with a turnover of €167 billion and over €67 billion of exports. Entrepreneurship should be recognised as the foundation for a competitive textile industry, offering high quality and sustainable products, based on innovation, creativity and design. European policy makers should recognise such role to textiles and apparel companies and have an open dialogue to create better framework conditions to operate in the internal and global markets.

To realise that vision, the industry and policy makers need to work together on a mix of policy measures and initiatives, which are coherent and offer a transparent and predictable framework for our companies, and make them more resilient and competitive.

These policies should focus around four points:

Develop and implement a “smart” EU industrial policy
Europe should create policies which enhance competitiveness, instead of creating administrative burdens. To EURATEX, each new piece of legislation should undergo a “competitiveness test” to critically look at the impact of the new rules. Europe should also create a favourable environment to promote education and jobs in the industry. The EU textile industry currently employees 1,3 million people, 30% of which is above 50 years old. A critical bottleneck for the textile industry is to attract (young) people and make sure these people have the right set of skills, to operate in a changing textile ecosystem. EURATEX also asks the EU to invest in innovation and digitalisation as they are key to the European competitive advantage. Not only, as the last years have proved, Europe should provide companies with access to sustainable energy at lower prices.

No sustainability without competitiveness
The EU Strategy for Sustainable Textiles is pushing our sector towards new business models with a lower environmental footprint. To realise that ambition, no less than 16 regulatory proposals are on the table, each of them with a different timetable, managed by different departments of the European Commission. EURATEX is committed to sustainability, but asks for economic realism. This set of new regulations needs to be coherent, enforceable, feasible and applicable for SMEs, and not push textile companies out of the market. Moreover, some member states are moving forward faster and some legislations will be decided at national level, creating fragmentation of the market. Such scenarios will hamper Europe and its possibilities to grow.

Ensure free and fair trade
With $224 billion in sold merchandise, Europe is the second major world exporters of textiles and clothes after China ($321 billion). It is therefore important that the global market should be open, free and fair for our industry to continue to thrive. Besides the support to FTAs in general, EURATEX wants to emphasise that all trade agreements should offer effective market access for EU companies and a level playing field in these markets. A free and open market should go hand in hand also with protection against free riders. The EU must always consider enforcement and enforceability when making new laws; it should also take action together with the member states for a better coordination with harmonised criteria for action among Customs Authorities.

Incentivise the Demand for sustainable textiles
Sustainable textile products typically come at a premium price, making it difficult for many consumers and buyers to purchase such products. Many surveys across Europe confirm that around 50% of interviewees do not purchase sustainable fashion products and the main reason is price. EURATEX believes that, to create a demand and help consumers to buy a (genuine) sustainable textile product, there should be standard requirements and fiscal incentives. Public authorities should also implement green public procurements, by increasing the importance of sustainability criteria in their evaluation grids.


EURATEX welcomes approval of PanEuroMed rules of origin

EURATEX welcomes the unanimous vote in support of the new rules of origin under the PEM Convention, as a historic achievement. Facilitating trade and investments in the “PanEuroMed” region (covering 27 EU member states and 24 partner countries in the neighbourhood region)1 is top priority region for the EU, as trade with these countries accounted for €677 billion in 2023. For the EU textile and clothing sector, the region represents 35% of its exports and 21% of its imports.
In 2013 the European Commission adopted a package of proposals aimed at increasing trade between the European Union and neighbouring countries in the Pan-Euro-Mediterranean (PEM) region. The proposal introduced modernised rules of origin of the PEM convention, lifting the prohibition of duty-drawback and introducing the principle of “full cumulation”.

EURATEX welcomes the unanimous vote in support of the new rules of origin under the PEM Convention, as a historic achievement. Facilitating trade and investments in the “PanEuroMed” region (covering 27 EU member states and 24 partner countries in the neighbourhood region)1 is top priority region for the EU, as trade with these countries accounted for €677 billion in 2023. For the EU textile and clothing sector, the region represents 35% of its exports and 21% of its imports.
In 2013 the European Commission adopted a package of proposals aimed at increasing trade between the European Union and neighbouring countries in the Pan-Euro-Mediterranean (PEM) region. The proposal introduced modernised rules of origin of the PEM convention, lifting the prohibition of duty-drawback and introducing the principle of “full cumulation”.

Today, after ten years of intense negotiations which EURATEX supported, the European Commission reached a full and final agreement with all PEM partners. This is a landmark achievement that will unlock the full potential of the Euro-Mediterranean area as the biggest and most integrated region of advanced manufacturing and trading of sustainable textiles and clothing. The rules adopted today will accelerate the integration of T&C supply chains and boost T&C production and trade within the region, both in the East and Southern borders of the EU. In a moment when companies are looking at moving their production from Asia to nearby, like-minded and more reliable countries , it is very timely to have the PEM Convention implemented.

EURATEX’s President, Mr Alberto Paccanelli, commented: “This is a strategic trade deal that can help European companies recover from the multiple crisis which we face since 2020”. He continued “We call on the European Union to not stop here, but keep up the efforts to secure trade deals that are good for European companies and their competitive position in the world. The next objective should be the adoption of the EU-Mercosur Agreement and a conclusive settlement of all trade disputes with the United States”.    
According to Director General Dirk Vantyghem, “today’s unanimous vote in favour of the modernised PEM rules is good news for our industry.. We should now engage with these partner countries to fully exploit the potential of these new rules. EURATEX is ready to engage in an industrial dialogue with the companies from the PEM Countries to facilitate their transition to the new framework”.

1 The PanEuroMed contracting parties are: the EU, the EFTA States (Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein), the Faroe Islands, the participants in the Barcelona Process (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, the territories of West Bank and Gaza, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey), the participants in the EU's Stabilisation and Association Process (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo), the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine.

Weitere Informationen:
Euratex PanEuroMed PEM Convention



Textile & Fashion Forum Helsinki 2023

The Textile & Fashion Forum Helsinki 2023, organized by Finnish Textile & Fashion and EURATEX, highlights the discourse on sustainable practices within the textile and fashion industry. This two-day event, scheduled for 26-27 October at the Little Finlandia event center in Helsinki, will include a day of curated company visits.

Finland’s leading textile and fashion forum will showcase the industry's pioneering companies and their pursuit of a sustainable and resilient future. With insightful discussions, inspiring speakers, and thrilling business cases, the event drives transformation and sets new benchmarks for the textile and fashion sector.

The Textile & Fashion Forum Helsinki 2023, organized by Finnish Textile & Fashion and EURATEX, highlights the discourse on sustainable practices within the textile and fashion industry. This two-day event, scheduled for 26-27 October at the Little Finlandia event center in Helsinki, will include a day of curated company visits.

Finland’s leading textile and fashion forum will showcase the industry's pioneering companies and their pursuit of a sustainable and resilient future. With insightful discussions, inspiring speakers, and thrilling business cases, the event drives transformation and sets new benchmarks for the textile and fashion sector.

The Textile & Fashion Forum Helsinki 2023 will focus on critical industry themes. The transformation of the textile and fashion industry relies on three key pillars: the creation of different circular business models matching growth with sustainability, a green and digital transition where information technology is necessary to deliver sustainability, and scaling the business, as how start-ups can make a leap and big companies can evolve their growth strategies. These three themes will be discussed in depth during the event.

The speaker lineup, drawn from Finland, Europe and beyond, demonstrates the expertise connecting on this platform. Noteworthy figures include Tiina Alahuhta-Kasko, President & CEO of Marimekko; Kai Mykkänen, Minister of Climate and the Environment of Finland; Marcus Hartmann, Head of Public Affairs & Sustainability at H&M; Liljana K. Forssten, Range Strategist at IKEA; and Virginijus Sinkevičius, European Commissioner (on video).


Euratex & Finnish Textile & Fashion


EURATEX and CIE warn EU Presidency about de-industrialised Europe

Ahead of the extra-ordinary Council on 6 October in Granada, EURATEX President, Alberto Paccanelli, and CIE President, Jose Vte Serna, call on the EU Presidency to develop a new competitiveness strategy, which can relaunch the European industry and ensure it will remain competitive in the decades to come. This means bringing together trade, energy, state aid and sustainability policies into a single, integrated, comprehensive approach, which can support a robust and modern European manufacturing industry.  
To consolidate a strong industrial structure in Europe, the Union should

Ahead of the extra-ordinary Council on 6 October in Granada, EURATEX President, Alberto Paccanelli, and CIE President, Jose Vte Serna, call on the EU Presidency to develop a new competitiveness strategy, which can relaunch the European industry and ensure it will remain competitive in the decades to come. This means bringing together trade, energy, state aid and sustainability policies into a single, integrated, comprehensive approach, which can support a robust and modern European manufacturing industry.  
To consolidate a strong industrial structure in Europe, the Union should

  1. secure the supply of clean energy at a competitive cost;
  2. support innovation and foster the necessary talent pool and
  3. be more assertive in achieving an international level-playing field on sustainability, based on the European model.  

During the past few years the implementation of incoherent and conflicting objectives under the trade, energy, industrial and sustainability policy has been observed. As a matter of fact, while the circular economy promised to be a recipe for a competitive industry of the future, the likelihood of pushing the EU industry out of the market and driving investment elsewhere than in Europe is very high. If this approach were to continue in the next years, it will result in a de-industrialised Europe, depending on imports from abroad. Such a Europe would be more exposed to geopolitical turmoil, with no agency to deliver its vision of peace, well-being and a healthy environment to its citizens.

It is fundamental for Europe to pursue a more coherent set of policies that put the competitiveness of its domestic industry at the core. In this context, all the industrial manufacturing sectors should be in the scope, including the textile industry, given its importance in providing essential products and applications to our society. A first impactful action that can be taken in this direction, would be to expand the scope of the Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA) to include the textiles and clothing industry.
The history of European industry is fully woven in the birth and expansion of the European textiles industry since the XVIII century. Still today, the European textiles and clothing industry holds a pivotal position in the market, encompassing a diverse range of sectors and applications. In terms of employment, our industry creates 1,3 million direct jobs in Europe, encompassing a wide range of roles, from design and production to distribution and retail. European textiles have a wide range of applications, the most common one is of course clothing and fashion. The industry has a long history of producing high-quality apparel, with various regions specializing in specific niches.
Beyond clothing, there is a wide range of industrial sectors were textiles play an essential role, including  Automotive (used for upholstery, interior components, and even lightweight composite materials), Aircraft and Shipbuilding (where textiles are employed for their lightweight and high-strength properties, to enhance fuel efficiency, reduce emissions, and improve overall performance), Building and Construction (insulation, roofing, geotextiles, and architectural textiles), or Personal Protective Equipment, for medical personnel, firefighters, police and army officers. This includes masks, gowns, uniforms, helmets, and fire-resistant clothing, ensuring safety in hazardous environments.
Textiles are essential components of our society and our well-being. It is key for Europe to maintain its capacity to manufacture high-quality, sustainable and high-technology textiles.  With this in mind, the competitiveness policy of the future and the related funds to support it, should include the textile ecosystem in its scope.  


Weitere Informationen:
Euratex EU council Policy Hub



Official launch of ReHubs Europe

At a kick off meeting hosted by Mango, EURATEX and 20 incoming members presented ReHubs Europe, a new international non-profit organisation poised to give a boost to the textile recycling. The launch follows three years of intense preparation, and the publication of a Techno-Economic Study, which analysed the business case, cost and environmental benefits for upscaling textile waste recycling in Europe.

ReHubs Europe will gather key players from the textile value chain - textile manufacturers, fashion brands, collectors and recyclers, chemical industry, technology providers - who welcome the ReHubs joint ambition to recycle 2.5 million tons of textile waste by 2030. This requires up to 250 industrial projects across Europe, covering different types of fibre-to-fibre recycling.

ReHubs Europe is the industry’s response to the upcoming EU legislation, which sets compulsory collection and sorting of textile waste, by 2025. To manage this, an upscale of recycling capacity is needed as well as a collaboration of different players from the value chain.

At a kick off meeting hosted by Mango, EURATEX and 20 incoming members presented ReHubs Europe, a new international non-profit organisation poised to give a boost to the textile recycling. The launch follows three years of intense preparation, and the publication of a Techno-Economic Study, which analysed the business case, cost and environmental benefits for upscaling textile waste recycling in Europe.

ReHubs Europe will gather key players from the textile value chain - textile manufacturers, fashion brands, collectors and recyclers, chemical industry, technology providers - who welcome the ReHubs joint ambition to recycle 2.5 million tons of textile waste by 2030. This requires up to 250 industrial projects across Europe, covering different types of fibre-to-fibre recycling.

ReHubs Europe is the industry’s response to the upcoming EU legislation, which sets compulsory collection and sorting of textile waste, by 2025. To manage this, an upscale of recycling capacity is needed as well as a collaboration of different players from the value chain.

Chris Deloof will lead ReHubs Europe as Executive Director. Chris has a long-standing experience in the textile sector and is a passionate advocate for cross-industry collaboration. Moreover, Chris is deeply committed to driving the transition towards a circular economy, which aligns seamlessly with ReHubs Europe's mission.

ReHubs Europe will operate from Brussels, in close partnership with EURATEX. Membership is open to any companies who wish to invest in textile waste recycling in Europe.




EURATEX comments ecodesign legislation

July 12, the European Parliament adopted its position on the Ecodesign Regulation, which aims to improve the environmental sustainability and circularity of products placed on the EU market, including textiles.

While EURATEX recognises the importance of accelerating the green transition and welcomes the progress on the legislation, it regrets the EP’s approach to target the textile industry in a Regulation designed to be a framework legislation for all sectors.  

Representing 160 000 European textile companies, EURATEX has been highlighting that a successful legal framework is based on an inclusive and feasible approach, ensures sufficient capacity and sets a timeline for businesses to adjust. Therefore, EURATEX welcomes MEPs’ call for tailored support and smooth transition for SMEs. Strongly advocated by EURATEX, the European Parliament also strengthens the provisions on market surveillance, which is a key element for ensuring level playing field for EU companies in the Single Market.

July 12, the European Parliament adopted its position on the Ecodesign Regulation, which aims to improve the environmental sustainability and circularity of products placed on the EU market, including textiles.

While EURATEX recognises the importance of accelerating the green transition and welcomes the progress on the legislation, it regrets the EP’s approach to target the textile industry in a Regulation designed to be a framework legislation for all sectors.  

Representing 160 000 European textile companies, EURATEX has been highlighting that a successful legal framework is based on an inclusive and feasible approach, ensures sufficient capacity and sets a timeline for businesses to adjust. Therefore, EURATEX welcomes MEPs’ call for tailored support and smooth transition for SMEs. Strongly advocated by EURATEX, the European Parliament also strengthens the provisions on market surveillance, which is a key element for ensuring level playing field for EU companies in the Single Market.

As businesses already face difficulties to navigate through all ongoing policy and legislative initiatives, EURATEX appreciates the efforts of the EP to ensure legislative consistency, the lack of which may only create additional costs and administrative burdens for companies. The inclusivity and transparency of the future Ecodesign Forum have indeed received a positive boost.

EURATEX regrets that the European Parliament has overlooked the plea for legislative coherence on substances of concern and for keeping the ESPR aligned with existing chemical legislation to avoid overlapping or conflicting regulation. EURATEX advises that social sustainability aspects should be addressed within the due diligence legislative framework.

Regarding the future Ecodesign requirements for textiles, these will have to be based on reliable data, and supported by thorough analysis and impact assessments. The requirements should be set out in the textile-specific Delegated Act and should be developed with relevant stakeholders.

As the ESPR trialogue negotiations between the European Parliament, the Council of the EU and the European Commission unfold in autumn, EURATEX continues to stress the guiding principle of “fit-for-purpose” rules and the balance between high environmental objectives and competitiveness of companies.

Moreover, on Tuesday 11 July, the European Parliament's position on Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) was adopted by MEPs with 396 votes in favour, 102 against and 131 abstentions. EURATEX expresses concerns on this text because of the inclusion of standalone finishing plants in the scope of the new IED. This creates inconsistencies with the recently finalised Textile BREF document (adopted in Sevilla by all parties), which regulates industrial emissions for both pretreatments and finishing plants. Standalone finishing companies, typically SMEs, now face challenges to comply with specifications which were originally designed for different and bigger companies.

Weitere Informationen:
Ecodesign Regulation Euratex



EURATEX: Meeting about Industry 5.0 concept

On the occasion of EURATEX’ General Assembly held in Milan on 7 June, the European textile industry  discussed the relationship between innovation, sustainability and people in the industry of tomorrow. EURATEX members welcomed the Textiles Transition Pathway, released on 6 June by the Commission, as a valuable roadmap to ensure a successful green and digital transition. The meeting in Milan was also the occasion to strengthen links with textile machine manufacturers, gathering at ITMA 2023.

Hosted by Sistema Moda Italia (SMI), EURATEX meetings addressed the crucial issue of how to develop new competitive business models for the future, following the Industry 5.0 concept. In 2021, the European Commission launched “Industry 5.0”, which puts the wellbeing of the worker at the centre of the production process and the use of new technologies to provide prosperity beyond jobs and growth, while respecting the production limits of the planet.

On the occasion of EURATEX’ General Assembly held in Milan on 7 June, the European textile industry  discussed the relationship between innovation, sustainability and people in the industry of tomorrow. EURATEX members welcomed the Textiles Transition Pathway, released on 6 June by the Commission, as a valuable roadmap to ensure a successful green and digital transition. The meeting in Milan was also the occasion to strengthen links with textile machine manufacturers, gathering at ITMA 2023.

Hosted by Sistema Moda Italia (SMI), EURATEX meetings addressed the crucial issue of how to develop new competitive business models for the future, following the Industry 5.0 concept. In 2021, the European Commission launched “Industry 5.0”, which puts the wellbeing of the worker at the centre of the production process and the use of new technologies to provide prosperity beyond jobs and growth, while respecting the production limits of the planet.

The keynote speakers, Francesco Pinto (Chairman, Yamamay) and Claudio Cavacini (Director of Retail Industry Solutions & Strategy, Salesforce), presented how the digital transformation is affecting companies in the retail industry and how they should adapt to maintain their competitive edge. A panel session of textile machinery manufacturers debated how their companies can help delivering this transformation through state of the art machineries. They all agreed that it requires common efforts by all actors and stakeholders along the textile value chain and public support to make the necessary investments. According to Enzo Maurer, ITMA President, ITMA 2023 in Milan will exactly showcase excellence in innovation and new available technologies to make a leap forward in sustainability.

According to Sergio Tamborini, "we are particularly honored to host this event organized by Euratex, the association which is the voice of the European textile industry and its demands, especially those concerning the circular economy. Sistema Moda Italia wants to play its part and there are priorities, from legislation on extended producer responsibility (EPR) in Italy to eco-design, where textiles and clothing will act as a testing ground. SMI's goal will be to continue to encourage the debate on circularity  promoting it in all institutional settings aiming to a growing sustainable  supply chain.”

Alberto Paccanelli, EURATEX President added: “Today’s discussions showed that we are ready to take up new challenges. Nevertheless, this  transition towards a textiles 5.0 can only happen with the support of all actors, from policy makers to retailers. Today’s meeting was also the occasion to review the EU transition pathway for the textiles ecosystem, published yesterday by the European Commission. The pathway is the perfect example of a co-creation process between the European institutions and the stakeholders. We hope that other EU initiatives or legislative proposals will follow the same co-creative process.”

Weitere Informationen:
Euratex ITMA Sustainability industry 5.0